
Hideyoshi Miyazaki High-Tech Game Leak: A new work for the large-scale sci-fi shooter Armored Core

FromSoftware (FS) is known for developing soul games, and they have also done the sci-fi mech shooter series Armor core, which is very different from "Dark Souls" and other styles. Set in the distant future, the series features a mercenary who controls a large mech. The series has a total of 5 canonical titles since 1997, and recently it was reported that FS is developing a new Armored Core game.

Hideyoshi Miyazaki High-Tech Game Leak: A new work for the large-scale sci-fi shooter Armored Core

Pictured is "Armored Core: Verdict Day"

It is reported that some foreign netizens received a questionnaire from the FS Society today, which shows that FS is developing a new third-person shooting work of "Armored Core", designed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, including three-direction dynamic movement gameplay, highly free customization options; the game map is very large, with a unique sci-fi mecha setting; some enemies are very powerful, and even have soul-like difficulty boss battles; and mechs in addition to shooting, there are also melee weapons.

Hideyoshi Miyazaki High-Tech Game Leak: A new work for the large-scale sci-fi shooter Armored Core

Moreover, it is reported that the questionnaire also contains screenshots of the game and video clips, the video can see the mech and the giant boss battle screen, as well as mecha flight, laser sword and other elements, may also be multiplayer online; it is revealed that the style of the video looks very "soul". However, the pictures and videos did not flow out.

Hideyoshi Miyazaki High-Tech Game Leak: A new work for the large-scale sci-fi shooter Armored Core

At present, the above information has not been officially confirmed. The last work in the "Armored Core" series was "Armored Core: Ruling Day" in 2013, I don't know if you are looking forward to the new series?

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