
astound! Rugao January sister-in-law suffers from HPV high-risk virus!

Netizens broke the news to "Palm Rugao", the specific content is as follows:

I am a mother who has just started confinement, and the baby is only ten days old. On December 16, 2021, I signed a contract at the "I Love My Wife" Yuejie Home Economics Agency store on Qingyu Road in Rugao and spent 9800 yuan to make an appointment for a sister-in-law. On January 3, 2022, the agency arranged for the sister-in-law to go to the house, and that night I found the bloody drug supplies used by the sister-in-law in the toilet, as well as the related drugs she took. After face-to-face confirmation with her, after the examination report and the hospital confirmed, the sister-in-law was high-risk positive for HPV56 infection.

astound! Rugao January sister-in-law suffers from HPV high-risk virus!
astound! Rugao January sister-in-law suffers from HPV high-risk virus!

Monthly sister-in-law examination report

On the same day, the sister-in-law bathed and went to the toilet at my house, shared the same bathroom with her family, changed my baby's diapers, scrubbed his body, and these close contact behaviors made us very worried.

Then I contacted the person in charge of the "I love my wife" monthly sister-in-law institution and asked "I love my wife" to provide a screening and review after the incubation period for my family members, but the person in charge was arrogant, thinking that HPV was not an infectious disease, and said that it was useless to find where to complain, no one would take care of us, and there was no way to deal with him, and I must provide a recent HPV examination report with my mother.

The sister-in-law institution belongs to the special service industry, serving many newborn baby families in Rugao, such an irregular management of the profession, how many families and small babies will bring serious health risks, and after the incident so prevaricate responsibility, arrogant attitude, I hope we are the last family to encounter such a thing, really worried about the health problems of the family and the baby, we will continue to defend our rights through reasonable and legal channels.

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