
How can men even get the HPV vaccine? Take you out of the 7 major misunderstandings of HPV

Author:Liu Ye[1]Li Xu[2]

Reviewed by Tan Liming[2]

Units: [1] School of Public Health, Nanchang University [2] The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University

When it comes to cervical cancer, many women will smell discoloration, as the second highest incidence of cancer in mainland women, the famous Hong Kong singer Mui Yanfang is the result of this incense.

How scary can cervical cancer be?

It ranks fourth in both morbidity and mortality among women worldwide, after lung, breast and colorectal cancers. About 570,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, and about every 2 minutes, 1 woman dies.

Data show that 99% of people with cervical cancer have HPV infection. Conversely, without HPV infection, women will hardly develop cervical cancer.

HPV (Human Papiloma Virus), whose full name is human papillomavirus, is a family of DNA viruses that infect skin or mucous membranes. This family has found more than 200 family members, according to its degree of risk, can be divided into low-risk and high-risk types: low-risk types mainly cause some skin and mucous membrane papillomas or warts, mostly benign; high-risk hpV persistent infection in the cervical position may cause cervical cancer.

Common routes of HPV infection include: sexual transmission, mother-to-child transmission, etc. It can be said that almost all women will be recruited. Data show that more than 70% of women will be infected with HPV at least once in their lifetime.

However, we are not afraid at all! The HPV vaccine can hold up a solid and reliable "protective umbrella" for us!

Although the current discussion about HPV and HPV vaccines is in full swing, many people still have a misunderstanding about HPV and HPV vaccines. Don't panic, let xiaobian lead you to break through each one and get out of the misunderstanding!

Infected with HPV is sex chaos?

A: Not necessarily!

Although poor sexual life, such as premature sexual age and excessive sexual partners, will increase the probability of HPV infection, it does not equate the HPV virus with sexual life chaos. For example, not paying attention to menstrual hygiene, abortion, etc., will increase the chance of HPV infection. Therefore, infection with HPV does not mean that it is often wet with flowers and grass, and there is no need to avoid medical treatment.

HPV infection = cervical cancer?

A: Big mistake!

Only persistent infection with high-risk HPV and slow erosion of the normal cervix can eventually evolve into precancerous lesions or even cancer. This evolution takes about 8-12 years. During this period, as long as it is found and treated in time, it is completely possible to prevent the deterioration of the disease. Vaccination is effective even if you have been infected with HPV; it can prevent not only uninfected HPV models, but also the re-infection of the same HPV.

The higher the "price" of hpv vaccine, the better?

The answer, of course, is No.

Many people blindly grab or wait for the 9-valent vaccine, which is actually not necessary! At present, domestic HPV vaccines are divided into bivalent, quadrivalent and nine-valent three. "Valence" represents the number of virus species that the vaccine can prevent:

Only for the prevention and control of cervical cancer, in theory, the 2-valent and 4-valent vaccines are equivalent, the protection rate is 70%, and the protection rate of the 9-valent vaccine is as high as 90%, if there is no 9-valent vaccine, the 2-valent and 4-valent vaccines also have a good preventive effect, and it is not recommended to wait for a higher-priced vaccine for a little more protection.

Moreover, experts believe that what is important is not the potency of the vaccine, but the timeliness of the ability to obtain protection! That is to say, according to the age of the individual, economic status and the availability of local vaccine types, choose to vaccinate different types of HPV vaccines. (To emphasize: if the vaccination age exceeds the prescribed age range, the vaccination agency will not give the vaccination!) )

Can the HPV vaccine be done once and for all?

A: Of course not!

The HPV vaccine is not a "deathless gold medal"! Can't provide 100% protection!

Moreover, the perfect prevention and control system of cervical cancer is divided into three levels:

Get vaccinated against HPV

Screening for cervical cancer and management of precancerous lesions

Diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

We can't withdraw the second line just because the first line of defense seems good. Therefore, even if you are vaccinated, you must follow the formal screening strategy, receive regular screening, and never let any fish that slip through the net take advantage!

Can women be vaccinated during special periods?

Can women not get the HPV vaccine during special periods (e.g., menstruation, trying to conceive, pregnancy, lactation) ?

A: This needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis!

Menstruation: it is best not to vaccinate (to avoid suspecting discomfort caused by menstruation as an adverse reaction to vaccination)

Pregnancy preparation: It is best to avoid, and contraception is prepared for pregnancy for half a year after vaccination

Pregnancy: Avoid vaccinations and do not vaccinate after the end of pregnancy

Lactation: caution should be exercised when vaccinating

Can't guarantee the safety of HPV vaccines?

A: Pure nonsense!

HPV vaccines are specially inactivated, so they are safe and effective, but like all vaccinations, there are some side effects. Vaccine side effects have always been different from person to person, but in any case, if you are unwell, you must report it to the doctor in time.

Men can not get the HPV vaccine?

A: This statement is not accurate!

In foreign countries and mainland Hong Kong and Macao, in addition to the 9-valent vaccine only for women, men of appropriate age can receive 2-valent and 4-valent HPV vaccines, but due to the lack of relevant clinical trial data, men are temporarily not recommended for vaccination in mainland China.

A few days ago, the National Health Commission has made it clear that the mainland will promote the pilot first, encourage qualified areas to actively adopt a variety of financing models, and gradually carry out free HPV vaccination. Since the second half of 2021, many provinces and cities across the country have promoted universal HPV vaccination strategies, free or subsidized vaccination programs for women of appropriate age.

Xiaobian here wishes all women of the right age to complete the HPV vaccine vaccination as soon as possible and add a guarantee to their lives!

Editor: Ren Mileage Reviewer: Xiao Ran

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