
The home-cooked "Youxibu Duck" duck of the Fujian traditional dish "Youxi Bu Duck" is made into a dish with yellow teeth, shiny oil and fragrant aroma. When eaten, dipped in garlic vinegar (mixing garlic puree, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and MSG in proportion) is even more flavorful. #I want to make headlines ##Food #Food Inspector ##Food Inspector # #美食测评团 #

author:Leap forward in gastronomic life

The production of "Bu Duck" in Youxi, Fujian Province, has a history of more than 100 years, and the local Festival, wedding and birthday celebrations generally smoke "Bu Duck" to entertain VIPs.

The so-called "bu duck" is a duck made of rice and tea leaves, which has a smoky aroma after being completed.

The home-cooked "Youxibu Duck" duck of the Fujian traditional dish "Youxi Bu Duck" is made into a dish with yellow teeth, shiny oil and fragrant aroma. When eaten, dipped in garlic vinegar (mixing garlic puree, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and MSG in proportion) is even more flavorful. #I want to make headlines ##Food #Food Inspector ##Food Inspector # #美食测评团 #

[Step 1] Preparation of raw materials: 1 bare duck (1500 grams), 70 grams of rice, 25 grams of tea leaves.

The home-cooked "Youxibu Duck" duck of the Fujian traditional dish "Youxi Bu Duck" is made into a dish with yellow teeth, shiny oil and fragrant aroma. When eaten, dipped in garlic vinegar (mixing garlic puree, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and MSG in proportion) is even more flavorful. #I want to make headlines ##Food #Food Inspector ##Food Inspector # #美食测评团 #

[Step 2] Seasoning preparation: salt, chicken powder, cooking wine each appropriate amount.

[Step 3] Ingredient handling

The duck is washed, cut in half, the toes are cut off, and then a cut under each of the duck's wings.

Add salt, chicken powder and cooking wine and mix well and marinate for about 2 hours.

[Step 4] Practice steps

Heat the pot, pour in the rice, then pour the tea leaves into the pot and sauté dryly.

Put in the steaming net and put on the marinated duck.

Pour a little cooking oil along the edge of the pan.

Turn on a low heat, cover and smoke the duck until cooked thoroughly and serve on a plate.

<h1>After the dish, the "Yuxibu Duck" duck has a yellow body with shiny oil and a fragrant aroma. </h1>

<h1>When eaten, dipped in garlic vinegar (mixing garlic puree, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and MSG in proportion) is even more flavorful. #I want to make headlines##Food##Food Inspector##Food Inspector##Food Review Team# </h1>

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