
Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In the autumn of 1908, during Guangxu's illness, Empress Dowager Cixi re-elected a new emperor for the Qing Dynasty, that is, the last emperor Puyi. In November of the same year, the Guangxu Emperor and Empress Dowager Cixi passed away one after another, and Puyi, who was only three years old, became emperor, and from then on, he began his tragic life dominated by the times.

Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

In 1912, the storm of the Xinhai Revolution swept across the country, when Puyi was still young, even he did not know what the emperor was, and he could only be carried up and down by Empress Longyu every day. Puyi, who grew up gradually, was indoctrinated with the idea of restoration in his mind by the old and young widows of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and in 1917, the 11-year-old Puyi became emperor again after restoration, but he was ousted from power in only 11 days.

However, the idea of wanting to become the emperor to regain control of the new Jueluo Jiangshan has always been in Puyi's heart, so in 1934, Puyi, at the instigation of the Japanese, went to the east to become the pseudo-Manchurian Kant Emperor, but this emperor did not have any political power, and his speech had to be censored by the Kwantung Army, and he could not even leave the palace freely, and even talking and communicating with his relatives were subject to supervision.

Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

Puyi became increasingly panicked, and after the surrender of Japan in 1945, Puyi abdicated for the third time, and then wanted to flee to Japan for fear of being liquidated as a traitor, and as a result, he was captured by the Soviet Red Army in Shenyang, during which he lost a lot of jewelry he carried with him. Five years after being captured, he was extradited to China by the Soviet Union in 1950 and later taken into custody for treason and war crimes of aiding the Japanese army. He spent 10 years in Fushun Prison and was released in 1959.

Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

In this decade, Puyi learned a lot of things, learned to dress himself, and learned to tie his shoelaces. Because Puyi's health has always been bad, he has become a good doctor after a long illness, and he can achieve the purpose of treating the disease by changing the doctor's prescription. Therefore, when he was in Fushun War Criminals Management Center, he volunteered to become a doctor and treat other prisoners.

After being released from prison, Puyi, as an ordinary laborer, had to rely on his work to support himself. Therefore, Premier Zhou took the time to personally meet Puyi and give Puyi the opportunity to choose the job he wanted. Everyone did not think that Puyi's first choice was to become a doctor, perhaps to atone for his sins? Maybe because it's one of the few skills he'll be able to do?

Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

However, this choice was rejected by Premier Zhou, which naturally has the idea that "Puyi himself is not in good health, and has not systematically studied medicine, in case of bad treatment, it will cause a relatively large social impact" Puyi said that he understood very well. He gave up being a doctor and said he wanted to work at the Palace Museum, after all, it used to be his home.

The cultural relics inside are his family's treasures, and it is more infectious for him to explain. But Premier Zhou thought about it and vetoed the idea. Because Puyi's identity is too special, as a former emperor and a big figure in the Forbidden City before, tourists will definitely be curious, and even some people will come to watch Puyi, or make some more irrational behavior. This is not good for Puyi and everyone.

Premier Zhou asked Puyi to choose a job, and Puyi proposed two special positions, which now seem to be fat

Therefore, until the end, Premier Zhou weighed it up again and again, and after greeting Guo Moruo, he arranged Puyi in the Beijing Botanical Garden under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where the environment is quiet, the work is relaxed, and there are fewer people. Therefore, Puyi went to the Beijing Botanical Garden to become an ordinary gardener. A few years later, because he wanted to participate in the study of the culture and history related to the Qing Dynasty, Puyi was transferred to the Literature and History Materials Committee and began his new work, and in 1967 Puyi died of illness at the age of 61.

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