
Douban rating TOP ten science fiction movies worth watching ranking four "Batman: The Dark Knight"

author:Pocket Watch World 1
Douban rating TOP ten science fiction movies worth watching ranking four "Batman: The Dark Knight"

The Dark Knight is based on DC Comics' classic superhero comic Strip Batman, directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bell, and released worldwide in 2008. The film is the second installment of Batman's Dark Knight trilogy, preceded by Batman: Moments of War, released in 2005. This film is the first time in all Batman movies that the word "Batman" is not used in the title, it is a darker and more mature work than the previous work, packaging an extremely realistic superhero story in the way of a realistic cop film, successfully excavating the deep personality of the character and the human philosophy contained in the story, elevating the comic book movie to a new level, becoming the first superhero movie in film history to step into the "$1 billion club".


The story begins with the clown robbing a gangster bank with his men, who are toyed with by the clown's tricks and begin to kill each other. When the fake Batman tries to obstruct the drug trade between the underworld and the Scarecrow. The real Batman appears, and then he is injured during the battle because his armor is too bulky, which makes him want to redesign the bat suit. Batman, Captain Gordon, and the new Attorney General Harvey Dante plan to root out the gangs and make Harvey an open hero. Meanwhile Bruce discovers that Rachel is dating Dante.

The gang boss meets to discuss how to deal with Batman, Gordon, and Dent, and Mr. Liu, a Gangster Accountant of Chinese descent, tells the Gang Boss that he will move the gangster's money to Hong Kong before Dant's plan to seize the black money is executed. The Joker suddenly appears and offers to use half of the black money to hire him to kill Batman, but the gang refuses.

When Batman successfully captures Liu, who has escaped back to Hong Kong, and hands him over to Gordon, the underworld agrees to hire the Joker to kill Batman. At this time, the Joker announced to the whole of Gotham City that as long as Batman does not turn himself in for a day, someone will die every day from now on. When the Joker assassinates public officials such as Sheriff Rob and the judge who tried the gang, Bruce decides to turn himself in. Before he turns himself in, Dante preemptively declares himself Batman, hoping to elicit the Joker. Joker appears to kill Dent, but is stopped and arrested by Gordon and Batman.

Batman begins interrogating the Joker, revealing that Rachel and Dent have been taken to both ends of the city and placed two remotely controlled explosives, a distance that makes it impossible for Batman to save them at the same time. Batman immediately sets out to rescue Rachel, while Gordon and the police go to save Dante. However, the Joker deliberately contradicts Rachel and Dante's positions, so that the two save the opposite object. Through the cover of the bomb, the clown and Mr. Liu successfully escaped from the police station. Batman immediately rescues Dante, but Dante is burned off the left half of his face and taken to the hospital. Gordon, however, did not save Rachel, leaving her dead in the explosion. Dante went mad with Rachel's death. At this point, the Joker arrives at the hospital to release Dante and convinces him that he must take revenge on the police, the gangsters, Gordon, and Batman, and Dante becomes Two-Faced.

When Harvey questions one by one and decides the life and death of the corrupt police and gang members with coins, the clown burns half of the gangster's money with Mr. Liu. The Joker once again announces to the crowd that he will rule the streets, and that the citizens of Gotham City will be ruled by him when night comes. Bridges and tunnels were cordoned off by clown bomb threats, and the government began evacuating people by ferry. The Joker had already planted bombs on two ferries, one carrying ordinary people and the other carrying prisoners, and told the passengers on both sides that the way to save themselves was to detonate the other ship with the detonator he had prepared. Otherwise, both ships would be blown up by remote control at midnight. Batman locks the Joker's position and stops him from blowing up the ship. After being knocked down, the Joker understands that Batman can't be corrupt, but Dante isn't. The Joker has unleashed Dante's fury. Batman discovers that Dante has kidnapped Gordon and his family and taken to the wreckage of the building where Rachel died. Dante begins to use coin tosses to decide the life and death of himself, Batman, and Gordon's son. Dante fired a shot at Batman in the abdomen. Just before Dante decides the life and death of the little boy, Batman pounces on Dante, and the two fall down the building at the same time, and Dante falls to the ground unconsciously.

Batman and Gordon know that if Harvey murders the police and five other people, it will make the city chaotic and morally degraded, and this is the Joker's biggest purpose. Batman convinces Gordon that Batman himself bears these charges in order to maintain Harvey's heroic image.

In the end, Gordon issues Batman's hunting order, smashes the Batman signal, and gives Batman the title of Dark Knight.

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