
Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

author:Love my family
Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

Dried marinated tofu is more distinctive, and the flavor is also particularly fragrant!

In the past, the tofu at home was grinded a lot at a time, in order to preserve, Dad always made dried tofu, tofu was first brine into flavor, and then cut into small pieces, strung together with a skewer to dry. When eating, you can soak it in water, or cook a stir-fry meat stir-fry, or directly as a snack, which can be accompanied by spicy dipping sauce and cold mix. The dried brine beans that do this are biting, and the key is incense.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

This is the tofu I made at home during the New Year, I made a little too much, and the rest was marinated and made into dried brine tofu. Strong halogen smell, special fragrance. It tastes better than the dried brine tofu in the outside market. Long shelf life after drying.

Dried marinated tofu is more distinctive, and the flavor is also particularly fragrant! The following is to share with you the dried brine tofu I made, I hope you like it.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

1: Cut the tofu into small pieces.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

2, after the New Year's brine, there is old brine, by the way, it will marinate tofu. If you don't have old brine, you have to make your own brine. For the specific method, you can refer to my previous method of brine meat.

After bringing the old brine to a boil, add the appropriate amount of water, add salt to taste, add tofu cubes, first bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to taste, about 30 minutes.

Learn to cook brine dishes, New Year cooking is easier, marinated beef and other marinated meat methods are a little different

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

3, after the brine, do not rush to fish out, soak for 3 to 4 hours, let the tofu into the flavor.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

4: Place in a baking dish and drain. If there are oil nails or baking at home, you can bake directly, and if the weather is good, you can dry in the sun. But for the sake of cleanliness, I baked it in the oven and with oil nails.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

5: Divide into two plates, bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius and bake for 2 hours.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

6, most of the moisture has been roasted. Then place on a dustpan covered with oil paper.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

If the weather is good, you can directly dry, or cut into small pieces and then dry, it will be easier to dry, I directly put the oil nails and baked for two more nights.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

Cover it with gauze when baking to prevent flying dust.

Tofu is ground more at one time, you can make dried brine beans, and the dried brine beans you make yourself are more fragrant than what you buy outside

After baking, you can put it in the refrigerator in separate bags, soak it in water when eating, and then cut it into slices and fry it to eat, or you can slice it directly to eat, especially fragrant.

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Marinated tofu dried tofu products leisure snacks ¥17.6 purchase

Love shang my family original article, reprint please indicate the source.

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