
Dried brine beans, XiaoBai can also make very delicious

author:Flavor garden condiments
Dried brine beans, XiaoBai can also make very delicious

Every time you go to a marinade shop, do you want to order a piece of dried brine beans? Every time you finish eating, do you fantasize that you can become a chef and make such a delicious taste? And then... There is no then, today the small editor of the Taste OfFirst will help everyone realize this dream, calling you how to marinate dried beans!

1. Ingredients:

2 pieces of dried tofu, green onion, ginger and garlic to taste, 5 dried red peppers, 1 packet of marinade in the courtyard of flavor, 2 tablespoons of old brine, 1 large spoon of oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 small spoons of sugar, and soy sauce to taste

Second, the production steps:

1: Dry clean the tofu and cut it into thin slices.

2: Put oil in a wok, add green onion, ginger, garlic and dried red pepper to burst the aroma.

3: Pour in the right amount of water and add the old brine.

4: Add dried tofu, soy sauce, and misoin marinade packets.

5: Add some sugar and salt.

6: Cover the pot and simmer for more than 30 minutes.

7, the fire to collect the juice on the line.

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