
There are different causes of menstrual cramps, and all three methods are effective for many women

author:Positive Yangtze

In the medical world, menstrual cramps are a well-known problem that almost every woman may experience during her menstrual period. However, did you know that the causes of menstrual cramps vary, so the methods of relief vary. Today, I'd like to share with you the story of a patient who came to your clinic and whose experience might give you some inspiration.

The story takes place on a rainy day, when a young lady hurriedly walks into my office. She complained that every time she had her period, she felt a sharp pain, as if countless knives were stabbing her in her womb. She told me that this problem had been bothering her for a long time and that every pain was unbearable for her.

After listening carefully to her description, I began to examine her and communicate with her in detail. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that her dysmenorrhea was caused by irregular uterine contractions, which is not uncommon clinically.

There are different causes of menstrual cramps, and all three methods are effective for many women

In her case, I recommend three ways to relieve menstrual cramps that may help you:

Warm compresses: It is recommended that she use a hot water bottle on her abdomen during her period to help relieve pain caused by uterine contractions.

Moderate exercise: Encourage her to exercise in moderation, such as walking or yoga, to help release the pressure of the glial sac and relieve pain.

Diet: It is recommended that she consume more foods rich in vitamins B and E that can help relieve menstrual cramps, such as oats and bananas.

This patient, after taking my advice, followed these methods for pain relief every time he had his period. She told me that these methods have worked very well for her and have made a noticeable improvement in her quality of life. I hope that through this story, we can give some help and inspiration to those women who are suffering from menstrual cramps.

There are different causes of menstrual cramps, and all three methods are effective for many women

Etiological analysis

Uterine contractions:

During menstruation, the uterus contracts regularly in order to expel the lining. If the uterus contracts too violently, it may cause pain.


Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition characterized by endometriosis growing in other parts of the uterus, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. This ectopic growth of tissue is also affected by hormones during menstruation, causing bleeding and severe pain.


Poor lifestyle habits, such as irregular diet and lack of exercise, may lead to hormone imbalance in the body, which in turn affects the normal discharge of menstruation and causes pain.

Psychological factors:

Some women are emotionally susceptible, and when they are stressed and emotionally unstable, hormone secretion in the body may also be affected, which can trigger menstrual cramps.

Other factors:

For example, lack of exercise during menstrual period, improper diet, climate change, etc. may also lead to the occurrence of dysmenorrhea.

In general, the occurrence of dysmenorrhea is the result of a combination of factors, and the cause of dysmenorrhea may be different for each woman, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate method according to your own situation when relieving menstrual cramps.

There are different causes of menstrual cramps, and all three methods are effective for many women


1. Warm compress

Warm compresses are one of the simple and effective ways to relieve menstrual cramps. A hot water bottle or warm water bottle can be applied to the abdomen, which can relieve the pain caused by uterine contractions. However, be careful not to apply the hot compress at a high temperature to avoid burning the skin.

2. Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can help relieve menstrual cramps. Exercise can release the pressure of the glial sac, promote blood circulation, and relieve pain. It is recommended to choose some light exercises, such as walking, yoga, etc., and avoid strenuous exercise.

3. Diet

Diet can also affect the severity of menstrual cramps. It is recommended to consume more foods rich in vitamins B and E, such as bananas, oats, nuts, etc., which are helpful in relieving menstrual cramps. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid some irritating foods, such as spicy foods, coffee, etc., which may aggravate the symptoms of menstrual cramps.

The above are the three methods I have summarized in my clinical work to relieve menstrual cramps, and these methods are effective for many women. However, each woman's physical condition is different, so you need to choose the appropriate method according to your actual situation. If dysmenorrhea significantly affects quality of life, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly so that a more appropriate treatment can be found.