
Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

Song Yan: Formerly known as Chang Junshan, pen name Self-Reliance, Junshan, etc., Chinese talented female editorial committee member, secretary general of the judging committee, member of the Shaanxi Writers Association, assistant to the secretariat of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress, editor-in-chief of northwest Wenhui magazine, training lecturer of the Provincial Public Security Department, deputy editor-in-chief of Xi'an Zhongxing Editorial Agency, director of the "Shaanxi Provincial Reporter Station of China Land Star Magazine" of the Central Propaganda Department, vice chairman of the Xi'an Yanta District Writers Association, legal worker of the Shaanxi Yanta Legal Affairs Center, famous senior power writer of today's headline short articles and high prolific writers, well-known professional celebrity calligraphy and painting commentators.

Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

Text/Pine Rock

sian! Chang'an in Tang Dynasty China has the glory of the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties,

There is also the glory of Zhou Qin, Han and Tang.

There are thousands of people singing Qin Cavity,

There are also walls that stretch for thirteen kilometers.

It was once the center of the world's political economy and culture,

Today it has become quiet and orderly.

It's sick,

It was attacked by the Delta virus,

It had to close the gates of the city,

It needs to heal quietly.

Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

Without the bustling scene,

There is no square dance music to sing.

Without the fragrant fragrance of beef and mutton soaking water basins and gourd heads,

There is also no longer the red neck raised bar that the Tang Xi'an people gossiped about.

Xi'an people have become otaku and otaku,

Looking out silently through the window,

Lovers in love, confidants between men and women,

You can only look at the dear look on your phone.

Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

There is a group of people with a strong sense of responsibility,

Dressed in white, he walked towards the war.

Personal life and death are thrown out of the mind,

Only for the people to take more responsibility.

Retrogrades also have police, auxiliary police, security guards,

Retrogrades also include volunteers and government officials.

The retrograde also has countless people who dedicate great love...

They are spreading the traditional dragon cultural virtues of the Chinese nation in all directions.

Quiet and orderly Xi'an City

The ancient city of Datang is thick and will not collapse,

The Tang people have gone through hardships and will not panic,

Just lamb bubbles grab a plate of sugar garlic side dishes.

In the end, the people of Xi'an could not stop the food and drink of the beef and mutton soaking water basin...

Before long,

Xi'an City's Bell and Drum Tower Muslim Snack Alley will still be bright,

Xi'an people will still be in a hurry...

The car will honk,

The rice will be fragrant,

Our writers,

Will write a new chapter for this great city.

(Image from the Internet)

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