
Zhejiang issued the "five major policy packages" and "four elements list" to play a stable and qualitative combination of fists

author:Xinhuanet client

Hangzhou, 7 Jan (Xinhua) -- This reporter learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government on 7 January that in order to implement the relevant requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, on the basis of full investigation and study and extensive solicitation of opinions, have introduced a policy system for steadily improving quality and containing "five major policy packages" and "four list of elements."

The "five major policy packages" include expanding effective investment, reducing burdens and strengthening enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, "two stability and one promotion" (stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment and promoting consumption), and people's livelihood security; the "list of four elements" includes finance, natural resources, finance, and energy, covering various fields of economic development and people's livelihood security.

The combination of a series of stable and quality improvement policies is strong, and there are many dry goods and real goods. For example, Zhejiang recently issued 20 policies to expand effective investment, and proposed to implement the "1 + 9" action of optimizing the structure and expanding investment to ensure that 843 major projects in the province complete the investment of more than 1 trillion yuan and other clear goals.

In terms of the implementation of burden reduction and strong enterprises, Zhejiang will fully implement the country's new combined tax reduction and fee reduction measures, in accordance with the principle of "first time + top grid preferential", the first batch of provincial burden reduction policies in Zhejiang Province were introduced in January, 21 articles, reducing the burden of enterprises by about 40 billion yuan, and striving to reduce the burden of the province throughout the year to reach 300 billion yuan.

The people's livelihood security policy focuses on the expectations of the masses. This year, Zhejiang will spend more than two-thirds of the increase in general public budget expenditure on people's livelihood.

On the same day, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Zhejiang Provincial Government held a conference on the development of the private economy in the province, and 200 representatives of the private economy attended the meeting.

It is reported that this year, Zhejiang Province will let more private capital participate in the construction of major projects. For example, vigorously promote the government-private partnership (PPP) investment and construction of railway models, explore and support rail transit and highway projects to carry out pilot real estate investment trust funds in the infrastructure field, and promote the experience of "project + resource" investment and financing reform of major transportation infrastructure.

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