
After using the Xiaomi Mi 12 for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences

Because the last phone was more suddenly bad, so on the day of the first launch, I started this Xiaomi Mi 12, which is also the first batch of users, after I used it for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences for everyone's reference.

After using the Xiaomi Mi 12 for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences

First, the size of the Xiaomi Mi 12 is very secure in one-handed grip, its size is similar to the iPhone 13, but the screen of the Xiaomi Mi 12 will look larger.

Second, although the Xiaomi Mi 12 uses a domestic 1080P screen, the display effect is not much different from the 2k screen due to the small size, and I personally feel that there is not much difference.

After using the Xiaomi Mi 12 for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences

Third, the sound effect of Xiaomi Mi 12 is very good, symmetrical stereo sound gives people a surround sound effect, listening to songs and watching videos is very feeling.

Fourth, taking pictures is indeed worthy of the name, thanks to the Xiaomi Mi 12's "everything to follow the focus" and "extremely fast image", even if you swing your fingers to take pictures, you can have clear and delicate imaging, even if you enlarge the picture will not be virtual.

After using the Xiaomi Mi 12 for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences

Fifth, finally talk about battery life, battery life is really fierce, fully charged deliberately played two hours of glory of the king, 90Hz + extreme picture quality, 1 hour remaining 85%, 2 hours remaining 68%, and then sleep standby for 10 hours, power consumption 4%, remaining 64%.

After using the Xiaomi Mi 12 for a week, I summarized these 5 experiences

In summary, the original xiaomi 12 experience reported high expectations, but it is really higher than expected, and this price point has this experience very good.

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