
The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

Text, photo/ Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zhao Yingguang Correspondent Chen Shikai Cai Weijian

From January 7th to 8th, the 2022 Guangdong Province "Intangible Cultural Heritage , Culture into Ten Thousand Homes" Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition and Performance Activity and "Winter Raising Shanwei" Carnival activity were held in the urban area of Shanwei City. It is reported that this event was guided by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province and hosted by the People's Government of Shanwei Municipality, and provided a rich intangible cultural heritage feast for the people of the province. This is also the first time that the event has gone out of Guangzhou, and the main venue will be set in Shanwei, the "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art".

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

The activity of "Intangible Cultural Heritage into Ten Thousand Homes" entered Shanwei for the first time

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

Intangible Cultural Heritage performance on the evening of the 7th

It is reported that the activity of "Intangible Cultural Heritage into Ten Thousand Homes" is an intangible cultural heritage brand activity with certain influence cultivated by our province in recent years, an important measure to adhere to the creative transformation and innovative development of intangible cultural heritage, and to meet the needs of the people for spiritual and cultural life, and plays an important role in inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the masses during the festival, and creating a strong festive atmosphere of joy and harmony and enthusiasm.

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

Shanwei's resource endowments are outstanding

As the host of this event, Shanwei is located in eastern Guangdong, an important strategic fulcrum of Guangdong's coastal economic belt, a beautiful mountain and sea lake city, a red sacred place with a glorious history, and a vibrant bay area suitable for living and working. Last year, Shanwei was named "National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, which is one of only 7 prefecture-level cities in the province, and successfully created a winter Shanwei National Ecotourism Demonstration Zone, and the ecological background is getting brighter and brighter.

As a gathering place for the fusion of guangfu culture, Hakka culture, Chaoshan culture, Central Plains culture, marine culture and other diverse cultures, Shanwei's long history and thick culture have accumulated rich intangible cultural heritage resources: 9 national intangible cultural heritage, 29 provincial intangible cultural heritage, 58 municipal intangible cultural heritage, enjoying the reputation of "the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art" and "the hometown of drama in Guangdong Province".

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

The Sculptural Art Exhibition opens

On the morning of January 7th, Shanmei Square in Shanwei City held the "Running to the Sea, Land and Feng, Opening a New Milestone" ShanmeiPin Qinghu Sculpture Art Exhibition, which was divided into three major sections: accompanied by rural appearance, neighboring water and humanities. Against the backdrop of the blue sea and blue sky, 33 sculptures from the Guangzhou Sculpture Institute constitute a harmonious and vibrant picture of contemporary art, and the exhibition is free and open to the public until February 7.

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

Xu Hongfei's sculpture "Kiss"

The reporter saw at the scene that the above-mentioned sculpture works include "Fishing Singing Evening", which shows the natural features of Shanwei and evokes nostalgic memories, "Qingfeng" and "Happy Childhood", which integrate with the surrounding water environment and show the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, "Ma Sicong" and "Orthography Drama", which highlight the cultural heritage of Shanwei and inherit traditional culture. Among them, Xu Hongfei, president of the Guangzhou Sculpture Institute, a first-class artist and a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also brought 7 works, including the "Fat Girl" series of works he created.

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

The scene of the intangible cultural heritage market activities

On the afternoon of the 7th, The opening ceremony of the "Colorful Intangible Cultural Heritage New Year" large-scale intangible cultural heritage market activity was held in Fengshan Mazu Square in Shanwei City, and the market activity lasted until the 8th, closely following the theme of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping" activity, setting up booths in the square, displaying intangible cultural heritage skills on the spot, exhibiting and selling intangible cultural heritage products, cultural and creative products and agricultural products; on the evening of the 7th, Shanwei Ma Sicong Art Center held the 2022 Guangdong Province "Intangible Cultural Heritage Year• Culture into Ten Thousand Homes" Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition and Performance Activity and the Launching Ceremony of the "Winter Shanwei" Carnival, which was strictly screened. 13 intangible cultural heritage performances from all over the province were performed on the same stage, bringing a new intangible cultural audio-visual feast to the public.

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

The online activities of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Market are full of excitement

Offline activities are loud and colorful, and online activities are equally exciting. The organizers of the event carefully organized and planned the "Fashion Intangible Cultural Heritage to See Shanwei" topic operation, invited city talents, Shanwei local talents and non-genetic inheritors to create short videos of intangible cultural heritage, comprehensively publicized and promoted the characteristics and cultural heritage of Shanwei city, helped Shanwei build an excellent destination city for coastal leisure tourism in China, and opened a live broadcast room for intangible cultural heritage shopping, so that consumers can understand the stories behind intangible cultural heritage craftsmen and intangible cultural heritage through pictures and videos in the process of shopping, and further promote online new cultural tourism consumption.

The province's intangible cultural heritage "feast" was "opened" in Shanwei!

Intangible Cultural Heritage Project Hetian High View Exhibition

According to the relevant person in charge of the event organizer, Shanwei City is building a "strong city of intangible cultural heritage", this series of intangible cultural heritage exhibition and performance activities, not only for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage provides a good opportunity, but also for the promotion of the "winter Shanwei" city tourism brand image connotation, popularity and reputation to build a broad platform, the local is committed to making this event a high-level, high-quality intangible cultural feast, in order to show the unique charm of Lingnan intangible cultural heritage, carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship of excellence, Provide a platform for the people to appreciate culture, inherit intangible cultural heritage, and exchange friendship, and contribute to the strength of Shanwei to continue the historical context and strengthen cultural self-confidence.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Zhu Guangyu

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