
Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

author:Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area

Editor's Note

On the occasion of the second Chinese police day is coming, the scenic public security launched the #My First Police Uniform Photo # special report, one after another old photos are laid out, the record shows the change and change of the scenic public security from the garden police to the tourist police, relive the footsteps of the scenic public security struggle, better summarize the experience, inspire morale, and motivate the way forward.

With this article, I would like to pay tribute to the people who have contributed and are contributing to the construction of the peaceful and beautiful West Lake and Xixi Scenic Area!

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The park police are arranging guard work

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

"Four Police Flowers" Recruited when the Garden Police were established (1980)

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The scenic public security police rode the "side three wheels" to carry out patrol tasks in the White Causeway

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

At 5:00 a.m. on August 29, 2000, the scenic public security police rescued him

A woman who committed suicide by jumping into a lake twice

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Police officer Wang Keqing caught the blind stream of "camping and encampment" in the forest to eliminate the hidden danger of fire in the mountains and forests

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Mountain forest fire drill

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The first "women's patrol" by the West Lake

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Four-wheeled battery trolleys patrol the Su Causeway to provide services to tourists

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The earliest "Mounted Police" by the West Lake

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The police fengbao provides travel advice to foreign tourists

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Police officer Zhou Xiangjun drove a speedboat to patrol

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Members of the Jing'an Patrol carried out a cavalry patrol at Baidi

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The police carried out vehicle patrols in scenic spots

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Police officer Gao Rongsheng and the Royal Spanish Police carried out community policing exchanges

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The police carried out mountain rescue in Jewel Mountain

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

The police bravely rescued the trapped people who overturned the car due to wheel sliding

From vigorous to two sideburns white

From the young shallots to the old Ji Futuo

In a police uniform photo

It is the figure of us chasing our dreams

It is our sparkling navy youth

Looking back on the past years of police

They say so

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!
Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Auxiliary Police of the Political Division

Feng Shaojun (right)

The photo was taken on January 10, 2018, the 32nd "110 Publicity Day" in the country. At this time of year, Hangzhou public security will prepare a rich content of the police camp open activities for everyone, that year's police camp opening theme is "police camp zero distance, gather network talk peace", in addition to the traditional offline square experience activities, I also opened a network live broadcast on behalf of the scenic public security, inviting the masses to face with the Internet celebrity "West Lake Fishing Brother" Zhou Xiangjun; the whole city collected Internet red cards, and collected cards to win the grand prize.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Jiuxi police station police

Yao Yingying

This photo was taken on May 6, 2021, the day I was about to graduate from the police academy, a month to the end of the year, and I walked to every corner of the campus to print the image of the police academy that I had lived for four years. The rows of professional books in the library remind me to be diligent and deliberate. Now goodbye to this photo, the school motto of "loyalty, rigor, unity and dedication" is still in the ear, and the scenes of study, training and life are vividly remembered, all of which give me the courage and strength to continue to forge ahead, and encourage me to forge ahead, have the courage to take responsibility, and show the style of the police academy graduates!

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

West Lake Water Police Station police

Zhu Weiren

On the eve of the 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou, I married my lover Lin Rong in the same year, coinciding with a field wedding at the substation, which was the first time we were both wearing our respective uniforms for a group photo. It has been six years since the blink of an eye, and the similar nature of work has allowed us to know each other, run a small home well, and at the same time, let me guard the safety of the scenic spot with peace of mind.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Xixi Wetland Park police station police

Shou Yi Neng (left)

This photo was taken in June 2021, I graduated from the Zhejiang Police Academy, passed the public security examination, and officially joined the public security team. The four years of the police academy not only tempered my will, but also made me understand the connotation of people's public security for the people. As a new policeman, I believe that I will become better in the big family of scenic public security, and grow and make progress together with scenic public security.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Criminal Investigation Brigade Civilian Police

Yan Jiajie

This photo was taken in June 2021 when I was surveying a theft site. From the beginning of the police, I joined the criminal investigation family as a technician.

Time erases clues, but any trace of the scene can be the key clue to solve the case, so I am always ready to go and become a race against time. "Sweat in the summer, frost in the winter" is a true portrayal of the work of a technician. In the five years since I joined the police, I have run hundreds of scenes. "Not afraid of any danger, not letting go of any details", this is what I ask of myself, and it is also my commitment to the people as a policeman.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Liulang police station police

Wen Ze Peak

The photo was taken in the summer of 2013 during an internship in Ningbo. Since officially participating in public security work in 2016, I have always adhered to the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, serving the masses with sincerity and enthusiasm, taking the resolution of mass disputes as a major event, faithfully performing my duties, and being willing to dedicate. A word of gratitude from the masses is the source of my motivation, serving the people wholeheartedly is not a simple sentence, this is a heavy responsibility, so that my work is more sacred and glorious.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Patrol SWAT Brigade Civilian Police

Shen Jiangchao (fifth from left in the back row)

My first police uniform photo was with my district classmates in the fall of 2017. Dark skin, neat flat head is the traces left by two months of police training, with the yearning for the profession of the people's police, 30 of us began to study at the police academy. Four years have passed, and we are fighting in various positions in the province, practicing our original intention and mission, and contributing our own strength to the cause of public security. On the back panel of the photo, it is written that the 19th National Congress is welcome, and the 20th National Congress will be held soon this year, as a new police officer who has just joined the work this year, I am always ready, the first battle to use me, use me to win.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Lingyin police station police

Gao Rongsheng

The photo was taken in 2010 while working in the precinct. At that time, I was carrying out propaganda work for the people in my jurisdiction. I will never forget the motivation for the post when I put on this police uniform, and I will never forget the responsibility and mission on my shoulders.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Nanshan police station police

Wu Jianlin

This is the first photo of a police uniform taken by a classmate in the dormitory of the Jiangxi Judicial Police College in the autumn of 2005, showing myself under the police uniform slightly thin. In the blink of an eye, 16 years have passed, and the "small fresh meat" has become "greasy" uncle. The green onion is gone, the mission is still there. No matter when and where, shoulder the word "responsibility" forever, live up to the party, be worthy of the country, be worthy of the people, and contribute to the cause of public security.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Chen Yongming

This photo was taken at the end of 1999 when I was transferred to the scenic spot bureau. In a blink of an eye, it has been 23 years since I joined the police, I feel that time has flown by, rooted in the responsibility field of Lingyin, I have a deep feeling, and I am going to retire in 10 months, I want to stand on the "last shift" and exert my residual heat for the scenic public security.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Anymin (back row, left two)

Photo taken in 1998 Lotus Peak. Looking at the old photos, I can't help but think of the green years and the spirit of the past. Thirty-five years of police career is my unrepentant youth, a different olive green, the same people's public security for the people's original mission.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Zhang Hangping

This is my first police uniform photo taken in the fall of 1991. Looking back on the first time I put on the police uniform, my father must take me to the photo studio to take a photo and record the cool and heroic posture of wearing the police uniform for me. In the blink of an eye, I have been in the police for more than thirty years, and my father said that I gave up my small family to take care of everyone, and gave up many holidays to reunite with my family. But I am as willing as a glutton, more than thirty years of consistency, down-to-earth, in the seemingly ordinary job, but also achieved extraordinary achievements, in recent years also won the personal third class merit, outstanding civil servants, commendations and other honorary medals. Serving the people for more than thirty years is the most beautiful and precious time in my youth!

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Zhu Kaihua

This was the first ID photo I took when I first joined the police in December 1984, and with a yearning for this sacred profession, I began my nearly 40-year career as a police officer. With the passage of time, I have taken a lot of ID photos, but I have always kept this original photo, and from time to time I turn it out to see, it records the years of my youth, and strengthens my original intention from the police.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Ding Jianliang

This photo is left by a friend who served abroad when he was young. Although the language barrier, I can understand from the look in my eyes what foreign friends want to express - their documents are lost. Fortunately, after finally finding it and giving it help, the friend blossomed. Group photo souvenir.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Retired police officer of Yuemiao Police Station

Ren Aiqiao

In 1985, after I was discharged from the army, I joined the public security team, I vaguely remember that the snow in 1986 was particularly large, and the Yanggong Causeway was covered with snowflakes, and my colleagues and I patrolled to the edge of the old West Lake Photo Studio, saw a big tea garden, I jumped in, rubbed a ball of snowflakes on my hands, and my colleagues took my first photo since the police. In the 34 years of household registration police work, I have also picked up the camera countless times and pressed the shutter, through each frame of the picture, recording the smiling faces of every person handling the certificate.

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

From the police road, infinite glory

Those lost fanghua are the clarion call to urge the march forward

Punish evil and promote good, and uphold justice

Do not live up to the mission and responsibility carried by this navy blue

Don't forget your original intention, forge ahead

Always maintain the loyalty and enthusiasm of a people's policeman

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

Source: Scenic Area Public Security Bureau

Photo: Wang Chao (some image source network)

Audio: Zhang Yu

Editor: Huang Shulin Feng Shaojun

Hello, police day | The first time you put on a police uniform, you look handsome!

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