
Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

The words "difficult" and "opportunity" pervade the entire automotive market in 2021. The lack of production capacity caused by chip shortages and other issues has brought many difficulties to the entire automotive industry, but at the same time, the arrival of the tide of electric drive has given many car companies rare opportunities.

Just as the so-called "hero against the trend", in the face of multiple difficulties, Dongfeng Nissan continues to create new achievements in 2021: Dongfeng Nissan dual brand terminal sales reached 1134889 units throughout the year, of which the annual cumulative terminal sales of Japanese product brands 1047073 units, and the sales volume exceeded the million mark for 7 consecutive years. At the same time, the cumulative terminal sales of venucia brand in 2021 also reached 87,816 units, an increase of 11.6% year-on-year.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

Ace products are selling well, reaching 1134889 units of annual sales

Founded in 2003, dongfeng Nissan, after 18 years of rapid development, has now become a brand with sales of more than one million for seven consecutive years, a cumulative total of more than 13 million owners, and a firm ranking in the forefront of domestic joint venture car companies, so the excellent sales performance is inseparable from Dongfeng Nissan's hard-core product lineup.

Xuanyi, which has been at the top of the car sales list for many years, led Dongfeng Nissan's sales to soar, and its total sales of more than 510,000 units in 2021 were achieved by virtue of its product characteristics such as comfort, fuel saving and technology. And in the past December, it increased by 14% month-on-month to reach a monthly sales volume of 50,492 units. So far, Xuanyi has sold an average of more than 40,000 units per month in 2021, and has locked in the title of "Annual Car Sales King" without suspense.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

Similarly, in the car market, the seventh generation of Tianlai, which integrates the core technology of Nissan", "VC-TURBO Super Variable Engine", "ProPILOT Super Intelligent Driving" and "Nissan Connect Super Intelligent Connection" in one, staged the "Return of the King" in 2021. Its terminal sales in December reached 20,008 units, an increase of 24.8% year-on-year, creating the best monthly sales in history; the annual terminal sales volume 163741 units, an increase of 38.7% year-on-year, creating the best annual sales in history.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

Among SUVs, the Dongfeng Nissan SUV camp sold 33,399 terminals in December, and the cumulative sales volume from January to December was 358065. It is worth mentioning that the terminal sales of the 2021 Qashqai in December were 16,618 units, an increase of 23.5% month-on-month, and the cumulative sales from January to December reached 161152 vehicles, an increase of 2.2% year-on-year.

At the same time, this year is also the first year of Dongfeng Nissan's dual brand strategy, and it is also a year of harvest. Not only is the performance of the Japanese product brand eye-catching, venucia brand has successfully set a benchmark in the industry in terms of sales, quality performance and market reputation.

Venucia Big V, which was launched in September this year, still achieved a gratifying result of 7,008 terminal retail units in December under the condition that the chip affected the supply. Driven by Venucia Big V, the entire Venucia brand has also been revitalized, and the retail volume of terminals in the whole vehicle series will reach 87,816 units in 2021, an increase of 11.6% year-on-year, successfully completing the annual sales target.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

It is not difficult to see that qichen after returning to Dongfeng Nissan is no longer the fledgling appearance. Under the coordinated development of the dual brands, venucia brand will be committed to becoming a new growth pole for Dongfeng Nissan.

Promote the strategy of electric drive, e-POWER has become the main theme of the future

"Technology Nissan" is Nissan's world-famous label, high-performance supercar GTR, VC-TURBO super variable engine... The technical advantage has always been the foundation of Nissan's survival. But in this era of the rise of new energy vehicles, when all the car companies in the world are focusing on the electric drive track, what kind of posture will "Technology Nissan" use to meet such an era?

The term "sword goes sideways" is the most apt way to describe it. In this general direction of pursuing pure electricity and pursuing endurance, Nissan did not choose to follow, but broke the existing paradigm and thinking, and opened up a path of its own - e-POWER.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

Unlike the existing hybrid, extended range, plug-in, pure electricity, Nissan's e-POWER technology is a disruptive fusion technology with a unique essence and strengths. e-POWER technology by Nissan's top GT-R team + Nissan LEAF team to participate in the completion, the most distinctive thing is that it is provided by the motor and battery throughout the process, 100% motor driven, the internal combustion engine in the system is only responsible for power generation, not involved in driving the wheels, only assume the "responsibility" of replenishing the battery.

In actual operation, e-POWER technology has four major advantages: fast, smooth, quiet and economical. In addition to the advantages of faster acceleration performance, more linear power output, and better silence effect, the most important thing is that the technology is also a money-saving, time-saving and worry-free technology. For example, the first e-POWER Xuanyi model equipped with its technology has a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 3.9L in 100 kilometers of urban conditions, and a cruising range of more than 1,000 kilometers with full fuel (41L). It is worth mentioning that the maintenance cost of e-POWER technology is ultra-low and will not bring additional burdens to life.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

In the face of increasingly stringent emission requirements, automakers around the world are transitioning to electric drives. Not long ago, the State Council issued a carbon peak action plan before 2030, which clearly pointed out that by 2030, the proportion of new new energy and clean energy powered transportation will reach about 40%. Dongfeng Nissan is also accelerating the landing rhythm of electric drive technology, according to the plan, by 2025, there will be 10 electric drive models to complete the launch.

Accelerate the implementation of the electric drive strategy, Dongfeng Nissan against the trend to win the "million 7 companies"

The times have revolutionized modern automobiles, and the low-carbon transformation of automobile manufacturers has reached the second half - it is no longer a choice question, but a mandatory question for any automobile company to build high-quality competitiveness. Only those who are the first to get the wind can hang up the high-speed gear to seize the opportunity. e-POWER is an important part of Nissan's multi-dynamic matrix and a key step towards Nissan's 2050 carbon neutrality target.

Note: The above pictures come from the brand official

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