
The year of my college entrance examination - the end of 2021 summary

author:User 5236901472

2021 is so old that when I see 2022, it's so strange that it's like a character I've never seen before jumping in front of me. Today is January 4th, 2022 somehow passed 4 days, just like 2021 somehow passed 365 days. 2021 was the year of my college entrance examination, I finally got out of high school, went to college, and had some time to stop, look back, and look at my own 2021. This year is very important in my life, but also quite difficult, I not only experienced the difficulty of preparing for the college entrance examination, but also passed the university adaptation period, life has undergone a huge change, facing more, the future is closer.

I still remember the New Year's Day of 2021, there was no holiday, it was the last literary and artistic activity of high school. I finally had the guts to stand with her and become the moderator together, even though the head teacher was right next door and watching us through the surveillance. Coincidentally, at that time, four hosts, two men and two women, eventually became two pairs. Those fateful things should be something that no one can stop. That day played for a long time, until the deadline required by the school ended. We all know this is the last time and we all cherish this opportunity. At that time, I was still trembling, after all, it had been almost two years, I had experienced a lot, and I didn't want to experience more. New Year's Day is happy, I can't remember what I went to do after the end of that day, anyway, I woke up as usual, the life of the third year of high school.

In fact, I didn't feel so bitter and tired at that time, because all the increases in intensity were gradual, and only when I walked out of that alley did I find that I was so tired and so bitter at the time, and I felt incredible about my perseverance, and I just felt that I would not be able to persevere now that I went back to experience that time.

There are always people who say that high school is the best time, but when I first graduated, I never felt that way, and then I felt that high school was the most painful time in my life, both psychological and physical torture. Now in fact, look at it, at that time it was still very good, not that it is not so painful now, but there are still many things that feel good, the friendship of the classmates at that time was really very precious, just three years, it was over, it was gone, people are still in friendship, but the time can not go back.

One day I remember very clearly, it was the beginning of spring, and suddenly there was heavy snow at night, lightning and thunder. When I came home, I looked up at the sky and it was particularly cold. Traffic chaos has become a pot of porridge, and in the early morning you can still hear the whistle of the traffic police and the whistle of the car. The snow suddenly covered the whole city, and with the occasional lightning bolt, the window was as bright as day. The sky was dark and red, full of strange sights. That night, I didn't have the heart to study, my mind was full of all kinds of thoughts, I thought about graduation, it should not be far away. That day was like a human disaster, but calm and solemn, as if some message was conveyed without words. I didn't understand it, so I passed, and the next day there was more snow, nothing unusual.

It had only been less than a year, and what I had experienced at that time seemed to be forgotten, as if there was a force forcing me to forget them and open a new chapter. My wake-up time is fixed, there is a time when I go out just in time for sunrise, when there is no smog I can look at the morning glow, which is one of the few seconds of my day to be able to let go of everything, thinking about nothing, just quietly admiring. Later, I told other students that no one understood my state of mind, just that small roof, the scenery that belonged to me alone.

I don't know how it was so cold then, and I don't feel that way when I go to college in a city farther north. I clearly remember that I had a high fever before New Year's Day, I had to go to class in the morning, went to see a doctor at noon, had burned to 39.5 ° C, infused a noon liquid before coming down, so I returned to the classroom with medicine in the afternoon before class, and the class could not not go. Later, the health became worse and worse, sometimes dizzy and headache, and finally the exam month, that morning there was really no way, leave to see a doctor, in fact, it did not take long, and slept for half a morning, felt better in the afternoon and went back. I skipped a chinese exam, although the next few exams were not in the best condition, and finally I was the fifth to last in the class.

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