
After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

In 1722, the majestic And magnificent Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who was later named the "Ten Elderly People", were in the "Yuanmingyuan" known as the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, and at that time, Qianlong was just a small child in his teens, naïve and romantic, how could he not imagine that he played a key role in the process of the emperor's grandfather Kangxi inheriting the throne, and what was even more unexpected was that decades later, he was also honored with the Ninth Five-Year Plan and enjoyed the worship of the world.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

Kangxi, who was called "the emperor of the ages" by posterity, his life can be called legendary, in addition to Aobai, Ping San Fan, Three Expeditions to Zungel, unification of Taiwan, etc., therefore, when Kangxi died, because of the historical merits of his life, the imperial court in the preparation of his title, a zongzi can no longer express his great contribution, so the "Qing Shengzu" was born, even Kangxi's grandfather Emperor Taiji did not catch a "Qing Taizong" nickname, so we can glimpse from it, Kangxi's historical contribution is enormous.

However, in his later years, Kangxi was physically and mentally exhausted by the "Nine Dragons Taking Wife", and he was healthy and long-lived, with many sons under his knees, all of whom were dragons and tigers, and for the sake of the chair on the Golden Ruan Hall, several gangs gradually formed, leaning on each other and attacking each other. Among these sons, Kangxi found that the fourth prince, Yin Chan, seemed to have no interest in the throne at all, and spent all day alone, not colluding with the courtiers, but doing things in an orderly manner, but everything that Kangxi explained was done properly.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

Once, this Kangxi came to Yin Chan's mansion, the father and son were talking happily, at this time, outside the door suddenly heard Hongshi's prayer to ask for peace, Yin Chan hurriedly asked Kangxi for instructions, saying that after the two sons were born, they had never seen the emperor's grandfather! According to historical records, this Kangxi Emperor had more than ninety grandchildren, and it can be said that most of the grandsons, Kangxi, had never met. Therefore, when Yin Chan offered to let his two sons meet Kangxi, he was immediately interested and immediately agreed.

Many people think that the scene of Hongzhi and Hongli seeing Kangxi was deliberately arranged by Yin Chan, but in any case, at least at that time, Kangxi was physically and mentally exhausted because of his sons' affairs, at that time, he could enjoy the atmosphere of three generations in the same house, children and grandchildren around the knees, which could already make him feel comfortable. Soon, this Hongzhi and Hongli came to Kangxi, both of whom were teenagers at the time.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

Some restrained, not good at words Of Hongzhi, generous in conversation, And Yu Xuan'ang's Hongli, the two of them in a test of answers, let Kangxi look at Hongli more, and the more he looks at it, the more he feels that he has his own youthful style, especially that pair of dark and shiny eyes, which makes Kangxi very fond of it, and feels that Hongli must not be a thing in the pool, and the future must be unlimited.

After returning to the palace, Kangxi could not forget the extraordinary arrogance of the Hongli calendar for a long time, so he ordered people to give the birthday of the Hongli calendar to come, and also invited one of the most famous fortune tellers at the foot of the capital at that time, all of whom knew that this ancient person was very superstitious since ancient times, only because of the lack of scientific and technological development, so when some things that were not understood and understood, they were all attributed to the arrangements of heaven. Moreover, people believe that once this person is born, his fate is already predestined, and from his birthday, he can glimpse the fate arrangement and development trajectory of his life.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

According to the literature, the Hongli calendar was born for the unitary month, according to the method of eight characters of reciprocity, it is necessary to use fire to restrain in order to achieve great deeds, so when the fortune teller looked at the birthday of the Hongli calendar, he immediately said 14 words: "Meridian Unitary, destined to commit peach blossoms, occupy the wife star is the most virtuous", when the fortune teller's voice fell, only to see Kangxi on the spot Dragon Yan Da Yue, haha laughed, and suddenly felt that this Hongli calendar has the appearance of an emperor, and will be the helmsman of daqing in the future.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

Soon, Kangxi made a holy decree to bring the Hongli to the palace, he wanted to educate himself, you know, at that time, among the more than ninety grandsons of Kangxi, the only one who could be brought into the palace to personally educate was the eldest grandson Hongzeng, and the Hongli was the second person. In this way, Hongli began to get along with his grandfather, and in half a year' time, the two grandchildren were basically inseparable, whether it was to approve the recital, or to eat, or to meet the minister, or even to go out to relax, when interest struck, Kangxi was teaching Hong's experience by hand, it should be said that at this moment, Kangxi finally enjoyed a little "heavenly happiness".

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

In a hunting trip, Hongli's performance made Kangxi feel that this grandson had the style of an emperor. According to the Qing history records, once, Kangxi went out hunting, and Hongli went with him, at that time, Hongli was looking for prey in the deep forest, step by step to go deeper, suddenly, a roar alarmed everyone, a fierce black bear directly pounced on Hongli, just at this moment, the teenage Hongli, calm and self-assured, hurriedly pulled away the red arrow, an arrow shot on the chest of the black bear, and not far away Kangxi was also at this time, with a musket fired a shot, the grandson and grandson one person one arrow, one person one shot, finally let the black bear fall.

After the master looked at the eight characters of the emperor and sun, he said 14 words, the emperor: "Make him the crown prince"

Not afraid of danger, the calm and self-assured Hongli made Kangxi very emotional, although he knew that if he did not shoot that gun, the black bear might kill Hongli, but he was more willing to believe that this was a blessing from heaven. Not long after, this Kangxi was seriously ill, and before he died, he handed over the throne to his fourth son Yin Chan, that is, the later Yongzheng, of course, Kangxi inevitably left a will to Yongzheng, and in the future he would be crown prince, and history also witnessed this scene, after Yongzheng's death, Hongli succeeded him as emperor, that is, Qianlong.

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