
The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

Most elderly people will be entangled in age problems when they dress up, such as not daring to wear this and that because they are old, or deliberately reducing their age in order to make themselves look younger, or even not dressing themselves at all, allowing the years to be merciless. But does age really matter?

No, age is not as important as you think, and the attention of the outside world to the elderly is not all about age. This point to look at the winter streets of the "elderly wear" to know, fashion is appropriate, this is busy becoming beautiful, elegant aging, let people forget the age of the elderly!

First, age depends on mentality

Many people are older and more concerned about the age problem, and even feel that others are very concerned about their age, in fact, it is very wrong, we look at whether a person is young, mainly look at the mentality, although the elderly in the street photography are old, but dressed up in a foreign and advanced, wearing a beauty beyond age, really taking age as a number.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

Therefore, after getting older, you need to pay more attention to your own dressing, so that collocation becomes a small thing in daily life, so that you can show people with a decent and elegant image, show a confident and generous side, and hold the temperament steadily.

At the same time, paying attention to dressing not only improves your personal image, but also allows you to live younger and younger, even if the appearance is old, still live like a "girl", which is the highest state of dressing.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

Getting old belongs to the law of nature, and it is also a very wonderful thing, when we are afraid of aging, dare not imagine that we will get old one day, and even complain about wrinkles and gray hair, but will age faster.

But calmly face aging, in the old every day to put into action for beauty, then it will be older a little slower, more slowly, this is also a lot of fashionable elderly people passed on to us, do not be afraid of getting old, busy becoming beautiful is the most important.

Second, the pursuit of simple age-appropriate, do not deliberately reduce age

Most elderly people who feel anxious because of their age will show too much age reduction in wearing, especially in the use of color.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

They will choose a variety of bright colors or "girly powder" that is not suitable for themselves to create a sense of youth, and will also try some eye-catching contrasts, but these are not very suitable for the elderly, just to reduce age and reduce age.

Unless the elderly have excellent fashion control, it is most secure to choose a calm and generous classic color.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

This can also be seen from the street photography of the elderly, and the current elderly group no longer pays attention to fancy and alternative items.

Like the big red and green cotton jacket, coat seems to be less and less in the camera rate, more is black, gray, coffee color or camel-based classic color, choose this kind of color, coupled with simple color, will lining the elderly more decent and noble.

Third, dress up simple daily without effort

Elderly people with age anxiety will also pursue fancy matching in the collocation, such as trying various irregular coats or various avant-garde but not suitable for their own collocation formulas, which is not advisable.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

Although the elderly who are busy becoming beautiful pay attention to fashion trends, they know how to grasp the scale, will not be fashionable for the sake of fashion, and choose a way that is not suitable for themselves or even uses too much force, but mostly "everyday" dressing. This is also where many elderly people need to learn.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

After all, avant-garde is not equal to high-class, personality is not equal to elegance, you need to understand what is most important to yourself, what can be discarded.

In this way, you can find a suitable way to wear yourself while getting old, so that age becomes a thing that is not worth mentioning.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

Like this group of Shanghai elderly people in the winter dress, everyone's collocation is very recognizable, but basically based on simple daily life, can not see too many mix-and-match, stacked figures, and rarely appear too avant-garde items.

A simple black coat, black down jacket, jeans or black trousers can show a more beautiful side of the elderly.

Fourth, the way to dress lies in the sense of refinement

For the elderly, the sense of refinement is not to blindly superimpose various accessories, but to make exquisite elegance synonymous with clothing and become a fashion taste.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

This is also the key point that the elderly in Shanghai pass on to the public through clothing. No matter what you wear or how you match it, remember to make one or two accessories your unique symbol.

In particular, the silk scarf has a high rate of appearance in the elderly wear, and it can add a touch of highlights to the simple collocation.

The "elderly wear" on the streets in winter, fashionable and decent, which is busy becoming beautiful and elegant

The above is the elderly dress that everyone shares this time, from the above can be seen, the elderly do not need to be too entangled in the age problem, these time is spent on dressing, becoming beautiful, naturally able to age gracefully, let the age become a number, if you like it, you may wish to learn from it!

This article is original by Tiger Brother, the pictures are from the network, if there is infringement, please contact to delete, if you need to reprint please indicate the source, plagiarism must be investigated!

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