
The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

author:Qilu one point

Original | moon on the West Building

Picture design | moon on the West Building

The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

In fact, the "spring water sweet foam" of old Jinan is a kind of salty porridge mainly boiled with millet noodles, and Jinan people are commonly known as "five-spice sweet foam". Among the many snacks in Jinan, sweet foam is the most distinctive "signature" famous snack.

"The mistake of making the field foam sweet is only because the history was turbulent; after reading the vicissitudes of the world, it is always sweet after being bitter and spicy." Since then, this kind of salty porridge has been called "sweet foam".

When Jinan people eat, they always have to have a little "drink head", so that the meal can be eaten smoothly. Otherwise, I always feel uncomfortable in my stomach. I really didn't drink the head, but I also had to pour a bowl of boiled water and drink it grunting, which is called "irrigation slit".

In the past, in order to let the children feel a little relieved, adults sometimes added spinach and put a little salt to make a salty sticky porridge when making sticky porridge. Rich people also make this kind of drinking head, but only to change the taste, sometimes adding noodles, tofu shreds, peanuts and other things. This is not called sticky porridge, but sweet foam.

The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

As for living at home, many Jinan people still often have to make some sticky porridge as a drinker. It's just that some young people don't call it "sticky porridge", but all the porridges are included as "porridge", which seems to be said and cannot be otherworldly. I don't know if this is a progression in language.

In the early years, the drinking head of Jinan people was mainly sticky porridge, which was a kind of folk "cuisine" in old Jinan.

It is said that in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Rong Ma was born, just ascended the throne as Emperor Zhu Di, after moving the capital to Beijing, set up Guanglu Temple as a place of ceremonial worship, in order to pray for the blessing of Jiangshan Sheji and invented a delicacy, tea soup. In fact, the tea soup is very simple, that is, use rice noodles (sorghum rice noodles), millet noodles with boiling water on the line, and then add green and red silk, plus sugar and other condiments can be eaten, its taste is sweet and delicious!

The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

In the past, there was a "dragon's mouth big copper pot" tea soup in the area of the old persuasion field, and it was a delicacy in childhood memories!

Easier said than done, tea soup must be prepared by a professional master to be more delicious, will not become a knot, but also a very test of human skills. Tea soup not only has the effect of repelling cold and warm supplementation, but also has the effect of eliminating food and strengthening the stomach. Many old Jinan people like to drink a bowl of tea soup in the morning, and their stomachs immediately feel warm and comfortable.

In memory, quancheng road at that time was not inferior to now, it was quite "interesting", it was really "full of five tastes" connected to the convenience store.

After the opening of the port in Jinan, Quancheng Road, which is at the forefront of fashion, because of the influence of foreign culture, the architectural style along the way is also gradually changing, there are traditional Chinese architecture, there is a combination of Chinese and Western architecture, and Western style architecture, just look at the building itself, you can see the history of Jinan's opening. It is said that the Pearl Spring barber shop, the master is good at craftsmanship, the service is also comprehensive. There is also a Dexingzhai sauce butcher shop, and the sauce meat is particularly delicious.

The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

At that time, Quancheng Road, from the east end to the west end, there were more than 180 shops. Among them, there are many "big names" such as Rui Fengxiang, as well as a variety of small shops.

An old shop that was once active on Quancheng Road. There is a clean and magnificent hot spring pool at the west end of Quancheng Road, and it is said that ordinary people can only go there to take a bath every New Year's Day, which is really profitable! Eat early and go to the Lei family porridge shop in the old Ximen, where the fritters with sweet foam are particularly good.

Lei jia porridge shop, for the long-established halal shop, the main business of spiced sweet foam, there are also fritters, burnt cakes, small pickles and so on, there are many older Jinan people still remember. Once, the sweet foam of this house. Located in the south of the old city road, the large storefront from morning to night from morning to night by the big pot, the young guy danced vigorously with a large soup spoon, to the old porridge customers waiting in front of the door, a spoon poured the steaming sweet foam into a clay pot and enamel jar.

Legend has it that sweet foam originated from bean foam in northern Henan and later spread to Shandong, becoming a traditional famous spot with Jinan characteristics, a popular porridge cuisine, and one of the "two monsters of Quancheng".

The original steaming "pearl emerald white jade soup", from the "Lei Family Porridge Shop" in old Jinan

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