
In ancient times, when there was no toilet paper, how to wipe your ass? Indian Left Hand! The Japanese actually use cicada wings!

Productivity brings us, more and more happy life, with the improvement of productivity, the people's material pursuit and spiritual pursuit have been raised to a great height, in fact, there is a question that has always plagued me, ancient people did not have toilet paper, how to wipe their butts after going to the toilet? Today we will take stock of it:

Ancient Indians went to the toilet with their left hand:

It is said that when the ancient Indians went to the toilet, they would use their left hands to wipe their butts and !!! Yes, but there is generally a sink in the toilet in India, this sink is used to wash hands, generally after going to the toilet, wiping the ass with the left hand, and then washing your hands with the water in the sink, it sounds barely acceptable?

In ancient times, when there was no toilet paper, how to wipe your ass? Indian Left Hand! The Japanese actually use cicada wings!

But if you think about it, now Indians eat with their hands! Could it be that it was handed down at that time?

In the 15th century, the English royal family used salmon meat

It is said that the British royal family at that time believed that salmon meat can deodorize, so the British royal family chose salmon meat, wiped their butts after going to the toilet, and imagined that it should be cool!

However, salmon is a good food, so this method of wiping ass is only popular in the aristocratic royal family, and the common people can't afford it!

Cicadas wings for Japanese royalty

At that time, the Japanese cicadas could suffer, how much did it have to be, and it was estimated that there were special troops to catch cicadas every day, otherwise what if the members of the imperial family went to the toilet and there was nothing to wipe their butts?

In ancient times, when there was no toilet paper, how to wipe your ass? Indian Left Hand! The Japanese actually use cicada wings!

Many friends may not be able to imagine, how to wipe the butt of the cicada wing, and not afraid of puncturing? Aren't you afraid to scratch your ass? And the area is too small!

Hahaha! In fact, before the Japanese royal family uses cicada wings to wipe their butts, they need to soak in water for a few days and wait until the cicada wings become soft before they can be used, and it is said that because the cicada wings are transparent, it is very effective to observe the excreted substances in order to find out whether the excrement is normal!

Strange Japanese people, throughout the ages, are very strange! There are genetic !!!

Medieval France with rope

Faithful France is also very innovative, simply innovative! They actually wiped their butts with thick hemp ropes.

It is said that in medieval France, there will be a cannabis rope in the toilet, thick and heavy, but also with some taste, this hemp rope is to wipe the ass hard, so the question is that the hemp rope will not scratch the ass?

In ancient times, when there was no toilet paper, how to wipe your ass? Indian Left Hand! The Japanese actually use cicada wings!

This is not the main thing, the main thing is that this hemp rope is common! Whoever comes is not good, everyone wants to use this one! Hahahaha brush three views! I don't know if it would be better to tie a knot!

What do you do in China to wipe your ass?

Some friends say that papermaking was invented in China, and in the Han Dynasty, China had papermaking, so we in China wiped our butts with paper!

Not really! Because paper has always been a luxury in ancient times, it is not something that ordinary people can afford! So no one is going to wipe their butt with paper at all!

So what did our ancestors use to wipe their butts?

We use something called "toilet chips", which is something that is cut into pieces with bamboo or wooden planks, and our Chinese ancestors used this to wipe their butts.

Speaking of which, those who fantasize all day about traveling back to ancient times, do you still want to go back?

Some say I can take a shower every day! Sorry, in ancient times bathing was a more complicated thing, Qing ministers generally only had one bathing opportunity a month, and the Qing Dynasty had a special monthly bathing holiday to let you go home and take a bath.

In ancient times, when there was no toilet paper, how to wipe your ass? Indian Left Hand! The Japanese actually use cicada wings!

Speaking of this toilet chip, before the Tang Dynasty, there was a toilet chip.

The Ding Fu Bao Buddhist Dictionary records the existence of toilet chips:

(The Zhu people use small pieces of bamboo to wipe feces, a toilet chip, also known as a toilet sleigh.)

In fact, after the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese often imitated Chinese culture, so many people in Japan found that Chinese people used toilet chips after coming to China, which was very convenient! yes!

So they learned this amazing technology, and later many local people in Japan also used toilet chips.

Thanks to the development of productivity, thanks to toilet paper, we can have comfortable and soft toilet paper, and even smart toilet!

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