
Spicy with sweetness, Thai curry crab scented and delicious, one after another can't stop

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Curry is a sauce made from a variety of spices, commonly found in Indian, Thai and Japanese cuisines, and is usually eaten with meat and rice. The curry has a spicy and sweet taste, exudes a special aroma, the main ingredient is turmeric, and a variety of spice compound condiments are added.

Spicy with sweetness, Thai curry crab scented and delicious, one after another can't stop

Curry is best known for its Indian and Thai curry cooking methods, which have become one of the mainstream dishes in the Asia-Pacific region. Aside from tea, curry is one of the few truly pan-Asian dishes or drinks. Curry can get rid of the smell of meat, seafood fishy taste, its effect is surprisingly good, mostly used in cooking chicken, duck, beef and mutton, crab, potatoes and so on.

Crab is one of the delicacies that many people like, there are many methods, the taste of different methods is naturally different, there is steaming, like is the umami taste of crab; if it is made into curry crab, then it is to be its spicy with a sweet taste, that crab yellow and crab paste to eat, one after another can not stop.

【Thai Crab Curry】

Ingredients to be prepared: a few crabs, Thai curry paste, red pepper, yellow pepper, 1 egg, 20g garlic, 20g ginger, millet spicy, coriander, butter 20g, coconut milk 120ml, milk 250ml, fish sauce 1 tablespoon, starch to taste, a pinch of salt, oil to taste.

Spicy with sweetness, Thai curry crab scented and delicious, one after another can't stop

【Start making】The first step is to compare all the above ingredients with pork tweed, then process the ingredients first, remove the red and yellow peppers from the stems, cut them into diamond-shaped blocks, cut the onions into blocks, peel and wash and slice the ginger and garlic. Millet spicy cut into small rings, beat the eggs into a bowl and beat and set aside;

The second step, the crab is washed and then opened, the cheeks, stomach and other inedible parts, cut from the middle of the half, each half is cut into three small pieces, the crab legs can be broken with a knife. Then prepare a plate, pour an appropriate amount of starch into the plate, and dip each crab piece full of starch, so that after frying the pike crab, the crab meat will not fall away;

Step 3: Prepare the wok below, wash and heat the wok, pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan, and pour a little more oil into the pan. Then put the crab pieces wrapped in powder into the pan, fry for 2 minutes until completely discolored, then drain the oil;

Step 4: Pour out the oil from the pan, add 20 grams of butter to the pan and heat over low heat until completely melted. Then add slices of shallots, ginger slices, millet spicy and onion and sauté until the onion becomes transparent. Then put the curry sauce in a pot and stir-fry with onion, garlic slices, ginger slices for a while;

Step 5: Finally, pour 250 ml of milk and 120 ml of coconut sauce into the pot, stir well and bring the sauce to a boil. Then add the fried crab pieces and crab back cover, pour 1 tablespoon of fish sauce evenly to taste, add a little salt as appropriate, and then continue to cook the curry on low heat;

Spicy with sweetness, Thai curry crab scented and delicious, one after another can't stop

Step 6: Know that the sauce is slightly thicker, add the red and yellow pepper pieces, and stir-fry evenly. Pour the egg mixture evenly into the pan and finish.

Such a delicious Thai curry crab is ready, delicious and delicious.

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