
Xiaomi mobile phone Xiao Ai Classmate Sound Store added the first technology style sound

IT House January 6 news, according to Xiao Ai students announced, Xiao Ai sound store's first technology style sound online, your AI butler, number M01, through time and space, come to report. Say "open the sound store" to the little love classmates on the phone and experience it now!

Xiaomi mobile phone Xiao Ai Classmate Sound Store added the first technology style sound

Here's a video introduction:

With an authentic mechanical style and a sense of technology, M01 invites you to explore the new world of The Little Love Sound Store. M01's CV has been delivered, please pay attention to it.

Xiaomi mobile phone Xiao Ai Classmate Sound Store added the first technology style sound

Here's the surprise talk of the M01 timbre:

Xiaomi mobile phone Xiao Ai Classmate Sound Store added the first technology style sound

IT Home learned that in August last year, Xiaomi announced that the number of monthly active users of Xiaoai classmates exceeded 100 million. Xiao Ai is Xiaomi's artificial intelligence voice interaction engine and the AI virtual assistant of Zhilian All Things. It is installed in many Xiaomi ecological chain devices such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Xiaomi AI speakers, and Xiaomi TVs, and is currently used in eight categories of scenarios: personal mobility, smart home, smart wearables, smart office, children's entertainment, smart travel, smart hotels, and smart learning.

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