
Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Those who understand the development of New China know that the 1955 medal ceremony is a history that will never be forgotten by all Chinese soldiers. However, according to the regulations at that time, revolutionary predecessors who were no longer in service could not participate in this military rank assessment. However, what people did not expect was that General Xiao Xinhuai was specially invited to Beijing to award the rank of lieutenant general when he was already a "civilian".

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

So what exactly did General Xiao Xinhuai do? Why is it possible to get such special treatment? If you want to know the reason, everything has to start with General Xiao Xinhuai's participation in the revolution. In the course of several decades of revolution, General Xiao Xinhuai's dedication to the motherland is absolutely worthy of the respect of all of us.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Throw yourself into the revolution

Like most Red Army soldiers, Xiao Xinhuai was born into an ordinary rural family. However, for China at that time, being born in the countryside actually meant that people would suffer more and be treated more unfairly than their peers. Especially in the face of landlords and gentry, all kinds of exploitation will make people feel no hope.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Xinhuai knew that he must not compromise all the time, otherwise as he grew older, he would inevitably erase the edges and corners of such a day-to-day life.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Just at this time, a peasant association and a peasant self-defense army were formed around Yizhang County, Hunan, and Xiao Xinhuai did not say a word, immediately threw himself into the revolution and fought with all the like-minded fighters.

Finally, by chance, General Xiao Xinhuai, who participated in the Shonan Uprising, finally had the opportunity to follow the rebel troops to Jinggangshan and become a soldier in the 29th Regiment of the 11th Division of the Red Fourth Army. Subsequently, because of his bravery in battle and flexibility in battle, he stood out among the soldiers and officially began his command and combat career.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

After the Long March of the Red Army, our army profoundly realized that many officers were brave in battle, but they were slightly deficient in commanding many battles. To this end, the Party Central Committee has set up special schools for training military and political cadres. General Xiao Xinhuai was one of the cadets who entered the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for further study. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, General Xiao Xinhuai, who had studied, became more mature, accepted the order of the organization, and arrived in the Shanxi region at a very fast speed, specifically responsible for cultivating new military talents and supporting our army's frontline battles.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Not only that, in the time that followed, General Xiao Xinhuai personally led the troops to fight the Japanese army and effectively attacked the Japanese army. Especially in the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, General Xiao Xinhuai successively killed and captured more than 12,000 Japanese puppet troops, leaving the Japanese army at an absolute disadvantage on the local battlefield.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Korean War

After the founding of New China, General Xiao Xinhuai was ordered to go to the Korean battlefield to fight the United States. Even though he was already a military commander, General Xiao Xinhuai was still a pioneer and commanded the soldiers in the forefront. Even if the other side was an American army with an undefeated myth, so what, General Xiao Xinhuai never cared about this.

In just five months, the troops led by Xiao Xinhuai annihilated more than 10,000 enemy troops, which greatly boosted the morale of the volunteer army. However, it is regrettable that general Xiao Xinhuai, who has been injured many times due to years of rushing and fighting, finally had to return to China for recuperation because of physical problems.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

Judging only from the perspective of battle merit, it is absolutely natural that General Xiao Xinhuai was awarded lieutenant general. What is even more admirable is that even after leaving the army and becoming a "civilian", General Xiao Xinhuai is still running for the work of the Party Central Committee. Therefore, when the Party Central Committee specially awarded the title in 1955, Xiao Xinhuai was invited back to award the rank of lieutenant general. In fact, each of us should understand and support the corresponding decisions given by the Party organization. If there were no ancestors like General Xiao Xinhuai, how could we have an incomparably beautiful and happy life today? In the future development of the motherland, we should also learn from General Xiao Xinhuai.

Xiao Xinhuai: When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was already a "commoner", so why was he invited to Beijing to confer the rank of lieutenant general?

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