
The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

author:Kuripped chicken
The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

(From the public number: Oh Yo)


The two kings took the throne

On April 10, 1994, the news of the admission of John Smith, the leader of the British Labour Party, was published in the major media. When the news broke, the Labor Party people were all shocked. In fact, their party leader just twisted his feet on the Scottish mountaineering. Small problems, but caused a big reaction, only because of John. Smith had a heart condition and his health had been a concern within the party.

John. The Labour Party under Smith's leadership has just come out of the trough. Beginning in 1979, their rivals, the Conservatives, defeated them four times in a row in general elections, and Labour has been in the opposition for more than 10 years. After entering the 1990s, the Labor Party has shown the signs of revival through a number of reforms, how can it be leaderless at a critical moment?

A month later, John. Smith suffered a heart attack and died at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. The highly anticipated Labour leader's life was fixed on May 12, 1994, at 9:05 a.m.

It was a blow to Labour. They need to choose a successor in a hurry.

Within the Labour Party, there were two young talents at the time, who were the kings of the new generation and were recognized as future leaders. They are the Grand Prince: Gordon. Brown and the Second Prince: Tony. Blair.


Best Friends Dark War

In the 1983 general election, margaret Thatcher of the Conservative Party, with the remnants of the Falklands War, combined with Labour's unpleasant ultra-left line, suffered its worst defeat since 1979. Only 32 new Labour MPs have been added to the House of Commons.

The British Parliament is divided into two houses, the members of the House of Commons are elected by each party, and the party that obtains the majority vote has the power to form a cabinet and form a government; the House of Lords is composed of nobles, and the seats are hereditary. They have some veto power over the decisions of the House of Commons.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

In this election, the Labour Party suffered a total fiasco, but it also gained great hope.

Second Prince Tony. Blair entered the House of Commons at a young age and became known as the "Labour Prodigy". As a rookie MP, Blair can only work with the same young MP Gordon. Brown shares an office. In the same room, of similar ages and political opinions, the two developed a deep friendship and were political allies, in Blair's words.

Brown was two years older than Blair, but he had more seniority than Blair. He was Labour Chairman of scotland before entering the House of Commons; Published political works; In college, he was already a well-known student politician, and at that time, Blair was still studying at Oxford University, playing rock and roll, and falling in love.

The two started differently, but at the same time they reached this key node. They are all given high hopes by the party and are eligible to compete for the party leader. In terms of seniority, it should be Brown, and in terms of friendship, Blair should take the initiative to let Xian. Because in 1992, the two reached a tacit agreement to recognize Brown in a stronger position.

How did Blair do it? On the one hand, he showed his desire for the position of party leader, while lamenting with the people around him that he was competing with Brown.

After Smith's death, the two allies and rivals met for the first time, hoping to find a win-win solution. At one point, it is said that During that meeting, Blair wanted to say to Brown, "Go, go and compete for the position of party leader." But Blair didn't say that in the end, and Brown didn't say anything. A fruitless meeting, abandonment or struggle, two people seem to be waiting for a reason that must be decided.


Conspiracy in a small restaurant

An article in the Daily Mail broke the deadlock.

The article praised Blair for his exceptional talent and a reputation for honesty, integrity and unblemished honesty, integrity and unblemished as a politician. What's more, the author of this article is Thatcher's supporter Simon. Harvard. To be able to get the praise of the opponent is an unquestionable coronation. In a subsequent poll, Blair's approval ratings were ahead of everyone else in the party.

On May 31, 1994, Blair had the most important moment of his life.

That day, Brown and Blair met again and had dinner at a small London restaurant. During the dinner, Brown said he would fully support Blair's bid for Labour leadership. The two became allies again, with the goal of sending Blair to the position of party leader.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

For Blair, it was an uplifting thing. It was difficult for Brown to make that decision because for a certain period of time, Brown was politically ahead of Blair. Withdrawing from the competition for party leaders is undoubtedly a huge setback. Facing Blair, there was a sense of loss that left Brown with no appetite. After the breakup, he went into another restaurant and had a late night snack.

Before Brown meets with Blair, his campaign think tank tells him that his only chance of winning is to portray Blair as an anti-Labour man. Brown refused to do so.

The above is a statement in Blair's biography, a political story. But there is another version of this story.

Focusing on that dinner, the two actually made some sort of political deal in exchange for Brown's exit. Brown supported Blair, who chose to resign at some point and be replaced by Brown. Despite Blair's strenuous denials, the story was turned into a television series by British television.

In any case, the result is given. At just 41 years old, Blair has become prominent Labour leader, and the Party is gradually coming out of its trough, and he is not far from the prime minister's throne.

Overnight, Tony. Blair attracted a lot of media attention. His family lineage and upbringing have been carefully studied.


Tony wasn't called Tony

Blair is not Blair either

In 1923, actress Celia Rixovi gave birth to a boy on her way out to perform. The child's father is also an actor named "Charles. Parsons", stage name: Jimmy. Linton. Jimmy. Linton is not Celia's husband or fiancé.

Celia was still a married woman. The boy was illegitimate and they could not raise him, so they gave it to a Glasgow shipyard worker. The worker's name was James Blair. He became the boy's adoptive father. Boy's name: Leo. Blair. Three years later, Celia and Jimmy married, and nine years later, the two wanted to take back their son. Leo was 12 years old and had his own opinions, choosing to continue living with his adoptive parents.

Leo later joined the army, retired from the army, and became a lawyer. Before marriage, he used his biological father's surname: Parsons, and after marriage, he combined his biological father's original name and stage name as a middle name, and the surname followed his adoptive father. "Leo. Blair "becomes: Leo. charles. Linton. Blair.

He gave his adoptive father's name "James" and his biological father's stage name "Linton" to his eldest son; he gave his middle name to his second son. So the second son's full name is: Anthony. charles. Linton. Blair. Nicknamed Tony. Last name: Blair.

After Leo became a lawyer, he had a good income and a family close to the middle class. Tony Blair attended private school since childhood and did not have to worry about food and clothing. Leo was politically interested and joined the Conservative Party. As an adult, Blair chose the conservative party's largest opponent, the Handicraft Party.


Socialists became Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

The Conservatives and Labour are the two largest parties in the UK and essentially rotate in power.

The Conservative Party pursues a traditional bourgeois ideology and adheres to a liberal capitalist system. In fact, in the long-term political confrontation, the Conservative Party has become a no-brainer, and everything is based on the standard of drawing votes. As long as you can get votes, you can change any route. In this flexible way, the Conservative Party has achieved the feat of ruling for 18 consecutive years.

Its biggest to the Handmade Party is different.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

Founded in 1900 as the Labour Representative Council, the Labour Party was strongly supported by the trade unions and was their political representative in Parliament. The Labour Party is composed of three political forces, namely the Independent Labour Party, the Fabian Society and the Social And National Alliance. Among them, the progressive socialism advocated by the Fabian Society had a great influence on the Labor Party.

In 1918, the Labour Party declared its socialist goals. Article 4, paragraph 4, of its Party Constitution stipulates that the Party's objective is: "To enable workers engaged in physical or mental labour to obtain all the fruits of their labour and enjoy the fairest distribution, and to achieve public ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange".

In the early days, the Labour Party adhered to the ideas of socialism and nationalisation, and its influence gradually expanded.

1922 was a milestone for the Labour Party. They overtook the Liberal Party in Parliament and were officially promoted to the second largest party in Parliament, the First Opposition.

In the ensuing general election of 1923, the Labour Party won a total of 191 seats. With the support of the Liberal Party, the Labour Party formed a cabinet as a minority party, becoming the ruling party in Britain for the first time. The first Labour government in history, in which socialists elected by workers' votes, was born as prime minister. The emergence of the Labour Cabinet was hailed as a revolution at the time.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

The Labour government, of which Macdonald is prime minister, has not been directly implemented in its socialist programme because it is a minority government. But it has done something in the interest of the working class, such as actively providing relief to the unemployed and improving social welfare.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Soviet power remained under blockade by the Western powers. Based on the same socialist beliefs, the Labour Party immediately recognized the nascent Soviet government after coming to power, opening a window for communication with the West.

Although Blair came from a middle-class family, there were many coal mines in the Deham area where he lived, and the young Blair witnessed a grand gathering of workers and gradually developed socialist ideas. This was the reason why he went against his father and joined the Labour Party.


Counterattack with face value

When Blair joined, the Labour Party was at a historical trough. As a new force, he became the hope of the party. His growth process is also the process of the Labor Party gradually coming out of the trough. When he reached an agreement with political ally Gordon Brown, it actually smoothed out his biggest obstacle to becoming The Number One in the Labour Party.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

When he ascended to the top of the political arena, the young and handsome Blair shone like a ray of sunshine into the eyes of the British. As americans described President Jimmy Carter:

The amiable Jimmy Carter emerged from the limousine on the slopes of Capitol Hill and walked hand in hand with his beautiful wife along Pennsylvania Avenue, reveling in the cheers of the people and the bright sunshine. After the intriguing Watergate era, a breeze of openness and optimism seems to have blown into American life, and it is a wonderful moment that can be said to be untouched. ”

For more than 10 years, britons have grown tired of the Conservative Party. Blair's timely appearance is exciting. The 1997 general election, which had not yet begun, seemed to have triumphed.

But the Conservative Party is not without opportunities, and under Prime Minister Major, Britain's economy has never been better, with unemployment at a record low. They hope to remind everyone that "the economy, the economy is the focus," like Clinton, the little governor clinton.


The Sun suddenly regurgitated the water

Blair is also learning clinton.

In Christmas 1996, George Stephanopoulos, a campaign expert who twice helped Clinton succeed in his campaign, developed five campaign strategies for Blair:

First, to play the role of a lady, she should be like a good wife and mother, not an ambitionist who hopes to have a husband jackie Chan;

Second, let the children participate and agree to the newspaper to publish his family portrait photos;

(iii) Mention in public about past suffering;

4. Talk about some topics related to football, music and so on;

Fifth, use every opportunity to attack the Conservatives.

The campaign went much smoother than expected, and Blair won the party election, and at the crucial moment, media opinion once again determined the situation.

Blair was appreciated by media mogul Murdoch. Murdoch had been disgusted with Labour's socialist overtones, but Major's indecisiveness disappointed him even more. Just before the election was about to begin, the Sun newspaper, which had originally supported the Conservative Party, suddenly counterattacked, saying that Major was a righteous gentleman, and he had tried his best, suggesting that the Conservative Party was the end of the crossbow and turning to the wind to support Blair. Led by the Sun, all the newspapers turned to support the Labour Party.

The young socialist, became the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom

The young socialist Blair finally got Labour to take over 10 Downing Street again after 18 years. His political ally, Gordon Brown, became his chancellor of the exchequer. Ten years later, on June 27, 2007, Blair resigned and Gordon Brown succeeded him as Prime Minister. This is probably the 10-year covenant they made in the London restaurant that year.

During Blair's presidency, two things were impressive: one was to be an American heel, ridiculed as Bush's curly dog, and the other was to vigorously promote the reform of the upper house and call for the abolition of the hereditary seat of nobility.

Leo. Blair, after becoming a lawyer, joined the Conservative Party and once had great ambitions in politics, but unfortunately in 1963, a serious illness and loss of language ability was a fatal blow to lawyers and politicians, and he cut off his political career. Blair was 10 years old and witnessed his father's unpaid heroes.

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