
Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

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"Going to Shu Dengchengkou to Show His Family": "If the country lives and dies by profiting, will it be avoided because of misfortune and happiness?" ”

Patriotic people with a sense of responsibility know how to share honor and disgrace, although our country has been trampled by iron hooves, but people like Lin Zexu, they never flinch, but bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the country and the people of Li, for the stability of the country, at the expense of their lives. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty was already lonely, although the Qing courtiers were unwilling to face this situation, but the Western powers had already entered, and the Qing government, which was "powerless to tie the chicken", did not dare to fight back, so during that special historical period, the whole country was in danger.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

When our country was in a weak position, the Western countries bullied us and did a lot of insults Chinese. There was once such a Qing Dynasty woman, who was sold to the United States, and finally exhibited as an animal, and each time she was charged 50 cents, you can see her body, which is a great shame for us.

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, it was no longer able to resist the artillery fire of the great powers

It goes back to the last years of the Qing Dynasty. In that era, although the Qing Dynasty also wanted to fight back, but in the face of enemy artillery fire, the Qing government only had cold weapons in its hands, so no matter how indignant it was, it could not do anything, and eventually China began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step. After that, with the First Opium War, the eight-power alliance invaded China and other events, the Qing government began to be patient step by step, and constantly paid compensation for land cutting. This not only made the Qing government lose itself, but also let the toiling masses live in a fiery life, and the war was about to break out at this time.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

The Opium War is a war we cannot forget. Since the Opium War, the gates of the Qing Dynasty have been opened by foreigners, and many foreigners have come to China to start business. At that time, some foreigners scrupulously abided by their duties and engaged in legitimate business; but some foreigners opened businesses such as selling opium and smuggling people.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

Although the Qing Dynasty was already crumbling at that time, the whole society was still in the class system of feudal society, and the people living at the bottom of the Qing Dynasty could only complain bitterly, coupled with the invasion of foreign powers, which made the people live in misery, and the status of women in that era was even lower. At that time, many families did not hesitate to send their children to rich families as servants in order to be able to eat together. After all, this can not only be exchanged for money, but also so that other children will no longer be hungry, although they are servants, but it is better than living on the streets and being starved to death. And because of the Qing Dynasty's indemnity for the land ceded by the great powers, it increased the burden on the people. At that time, people's living standards fell all the way, and many people did not even have enough to eat, clothing, and were starved to death. It can be seen how hard people lived at that time.

Foreigners with wrong intentions began to have improper transactions

Seeing the situation of the bottom people in China, some foreigners with wrong intentions began to conduct improper transactions. At that time, they began to cajole the low-level people in China, telling them that as long as they followed themselves, they could go to foreign countries to eat and drink spicy food, and they would not have to endure hunger. Hearing these words, many people began to waver, and then looked at the crumbling Qing Dynasty, and finally gritted their teeth and decided to follow the foreigners out. In this way, many people were coaxed away, and they began to fantasize about life abroad, which could change drastically.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

Unbeknownst to you, all this is just a lie by foreigners. Bubbles don't come true after all, and when these people come to foreign countries, they find themselves cheated. Instead of changing, life became a slave to foreigners. At that time, among the many merchants, the Carl brothers were very treacherous, they found that the women of the Qing Dynasty looked very good, the costumes were also strange, and the small feet made them feel very strange, so they had a bad idea in their minds: foreign countries had never seen women with small feet, and if the women of the Qing Dynasty were brought back to China, they would definitely arouse everyone's interest. So the Carl brothers decided to find a Qing Dynasty woman to take home for the exhibition, and fantasized about the dream of getting rich.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

The Carl brothers then turned their imagination into reality, and with the last shot, they found a poor child, and they used sweet words to persuade the poor to sell their daughters to themselves. Subsequently, the poor family was shaken and eventually sold the girl to the United States. In this way, the girl came to New York, usa, and she found that the United States was very prosperous. But this girl did not know that no matter how prosperous the United States was, it had nothing to do with her.

Qing Dynasty women came to the United States and were kept in cages and turned into tools

Finally, the Carl brothers told the Qing Dynasty woman that it was enough to do some simple performances here. The girl also believed in the Carl brothers, but she did not expect that soon after, she would face an endless abyss. After that, the Carl brothers put the Qing Dynasty woman in a cage, and at this time the Qing Dynasty woman was like an animal for everyone to see. Of course, this Qing Dynasty girl was very popular in the United States, after all, foreigners at that time had never seen such a small-footed woman, they all thought that this woman was very peculiar, and more and more people came and went to watch her, and the girl's performance made many people stop. So everyone is willing to spend 50 cents to come here to see this Qing Dynasty woman.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

After that, the Carl brothers made a lot of money from her. Not only that, but the Laika brothers also whipped girls very inhumanly and let the girls perform how they walked. Although the girl was very reluctant, she could only swallow her anger. Undoubtedly, the girl's experience is unfortunate, the Carl brothers used a girl to achieve their own purpose of making money, very vicious, at the same time, but also showed the ugly mentality of the American people.

"Human rights" are not only talkative, but should also be implemented

The United States has always flaunted itself as an "independent and respectful human rights" country, but when it comes to Chinese girls, they do not treat them as a person, but instead put them in a cage, which is completely inconsistent with the "human rights" advocated by the United States. This Qing Dynasty girl was sold to the United States as an animal exhibition, and for 50 cents at a time, she could view her body, which was a great shame for us. Although our country is strong today, we cannot forget that humiliating history and the suffering that foreign aggressors have brought us.

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

Long breath to cover up the sniffles, mourning the many hardships of the people's lives. - Qu Yuan, "Leaving the Troubles"

Qing Dynasty women were sold to the United States as "animal" exhibitions, charging 50 cents at a time to view the body!

It is precisely because there are many people who are worried about the country and the people, they know that the people are in deep trouble, and they are also well aware of the pain in the hearts of the toiling masses, so they will not only use their pens to vent their indignation, but also use their bodies to exchange for our stability. Now, our country is getting stronger and stronger, and our country interprets human rights in its own way. Human rights are not just talk, they must be done in practice. Although some countries have repeatedly promoted "human rights and democracy", when they really implement it, they only care about their own interests and completely forget their previous commitments. At the same time, our country carefully protects every citizen and makes our lives happier and more stable. A strong motherland is the backing of our lives. Of course, we should also always look back on history, and not forget the suffering of the past because of the peace and stability of the present.

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