
Netizens encountered "split fork" wheel netizens said that it was too strange, and the owner said that your aesthetic is too poor

With the improvement of people's economic level, our sense of decoration of their own car is also getting stronger and stronger, which is not in Japan there is such a car owner who has carried out a drastic transformation of his car, so that netizens have complained, which is also too strange! So what's going on? Let's take a look.

It turned out that the owner of the car was a gentleman from Japan, who was always not very satisfied with the appearance of his Toyota Crown, so he got along with a strange design feeling. He transformed the wheels of his car into the shape of the outer figure eight, and such a strange appearance drove to the street to attract the onlookers of many passers-by, so he posted the picture on the Internet. Judging from the photos, the car is as funny and cute as a fork.

Netizens encountered "split fork" wheel netizens said that it was too strange, and the owner said that your aesthetic is too poor

When domestic netizens saw it, they couldn't help but be surprised that it was too strange to do so! Saying that such a transformation of their own car, is this not already suspected of illegal transformation of the vehicle? Won't the traffic police impose fines? The owner of the car said to the domestic netizens what you aesthetic, it is very cute to do so. In fact, in Japan, such behavior has not been sanctioned, but will be praised by the traffic police comrades, such a modification is really cute!

This has also aroused the envy of a large number of domestic netizens, and I have to say that foreign car culture is really interesting. Netizens have also commented that if they dare to put the car in China, they will not only praise him cute, but also reward him with a ticket, and finally the wheels are raised for him. Therefore, domestic car owners should not learn.

Netizens encountered "split fork" wheel netizens said that it was too strange, and the owner said that your aesthetic is too poor

Of course, in addition to looking good, some netizens have also questioned this, if the car is really transformed into this, will it not cause damage to the car? Won't the brakes of the car be affected? In fact, such a wheel is completely no problem, the scientific name of this wheel is actually called "wheel camber" is a very popular foreign modification culture.

Although the vehicle without inclination during normal driving is the most ideal driving state, there are some exceptions. For example, some large trucks pull goods too heavy, normal tires are difficult to support the entire cargo box, then this time will adjust the wheels, they often will be the wheels inward modification, then the truck at this time can carry more goods, but also reduce the corresponding safety hazards. Therefore, in foreign countries, this is a normal modification method.

Netizens encountered "split fork" wheel netizens said that it was too strange, and the owner said that your aesthetic is too poor

This modified wheel is actually not always in an inclined state, usually will be in a normal tilt state, when the vehicle turns in order to increase the contact area between the body and the ground, it will use a tilted state, this design is also born for this, this kind of design also to a certain extent to ensure the safety factor of the owners when turning. Car owners often have a start button on their cars to choose the right wheel shape. Of course, this kind of modification not only has a higher sense of security when turning, but also the appearance value and return rate are also rising.


In fact, most of these modifications are also special modifications made by some racing drivers for their own cars, usually to achieve fast cornering, after all, "fast cornering is really fast".

Netizens encountered "split fork" wheel netizens said that it was too strange, and the owner said that your aesthetic is too poor

Of course, in the country can not easily try to modify the vehicle, this degree of modification in the country is illegal modification of the vehicle, by the traffic police comrades found but to be fined thousands of yuan, if not to participate in the competition or do not try, this modification in the country is really not supported.

So do you like this kind of racing-style modification? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringing contact is deleted.

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