
In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, what has our country paid? A supreme privilege was also given

In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, how much effort has our country paid? It was also given a privilege that only an emperor could have

When New China was just founded, it was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, and in the face of such a situation, the country needed many talents to build the country. As we all know, during the war, a group of talents in our country studied abroad. They are not hiding from disaster, but they are the most sober people.

Because since they don't have the ability to go to the battlefield, they can recuperate, and when everything is stable, it is time to show their skills. Among them, the most famous is Qian Xuesen, a talent who can be worthy of five divisions. It can be said that his return to China is also a topic that people have been talking about.

In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, what has our country paid? A supreme privilege was also given

As we all know, Qian Xuesen's road back to China is particularly long. Although the country was established at that time, some foreign countries still looked at China as a tiger. Like a mindset, some other countries have set their place in the world, but whenever there is a change, no one else wants to see it. And the solution to their problems is to suppress them in all aspects.

In summary, this is why Qian Xuesen's road back to China is so difficult. Just imagine, at that time, the world's science and technology was the mainstream, and the return of such a science and technology giant could allow me to catch up with many countries abroad in a few years, but other countries would not want to see such a scene.

In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, what has our country paid? A supreme privilege was also given

The way back home was hampered

New China was founded, and when such a festive day came, Qian Xuesen and his wife discussed returning to China. After wandering outside for many years, I think many wanderers first cried with joy when they heard the news that the country had finally stood up, and then packed up their bags and returned to China. At that time, the United States was extremely repulsive to the Communists, and Qian Xuesen's action immediately attracted their attention.

Qian Xuesen, who had been confiscated of all power in the United States, was very angry and immediately demanded that he return to China immediately. But just as they were about to board the ship back to China the next second, he and his wife and family were detained. In desperation, fortunately, the people at the California Institute of Technology paid them a deposit so that qian Xuesen's family did not have to live in prison, but life was still not so free.

Suddenly, the opportunity came. Qian Xuesen saw that one of his father's friends was an important member of the state, so he asked him to send a letter to the leader. Unexpectedly, after receiving this letter, the state immediately took measures on this matter. The Victorious Nations conference room was an important opportunity, after all, it was probably one of the few opportunities to talk to the United States.

But when I actually got to the meeting site, the conversation was not very smooth. In order to show its determination to talk to our country, the United States did release a group of Chinese and scientists back to China, but these people did not include Qian Xuesen. In desperation, our country also released many American prisoners in order to show its sincerity. At this time, Qian Xuesen finally had the opportunity to return to the motherland.

In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, what has our country paid? A supreme privilege was also given

After returning home, there was a lot of crisis

In 1949, although our country was established, it seemed that the country was in a state of peace, but underneath it was a crisis. Not only are spies left over from the civil war, but also people from abroad who come to our country to make trouble abound. In such a situation, tight security is the biggest measure.

When Qian Xuesen boarded the ship back to China, presumably he was also full of ambition, bent on adding more tiles to the motherland. The country's situation at that time was not very good, and he urgently needed to inject fresh blood. However, all aspects of equipment may not be able to keep up with the conditions when they are abroad, but even in the face of such conditions, Qian Xuesen still has not wavered in any way and is bent on experimenting.

At that time, the house where Qian Xuesen's family lived was not good, and although the country lacked funds, in the face of these outstanding talents, they still wanted to make them have a comfortable life as much as possible. After several dissuasions, Qian Xuesen moved to a place with better conditions, but he still did not move.

It was under such harsh conditions that Qian Xuesen's research results came out one after another, and the title of "Father of Chinese Missiles" also made him particularly happy. Not for fame and fortune, but for the future of the motherland. After the results came out, Qian Xuesen could win many awards and bonuses, but he turned a blind eye and immediately moved on to the next study.

In order to let Qian Xuesen return to China, what has our country paid? A supreme privilege was also given

But under this peace, Qian Xuesen's life safety is also a problem. The forces on all sides want this scientific giant to disappear, and once he disappears, many of our country's scientific and technological undertakings will reach the point of difficulty, and this problem is understood by our country and understood by the opposing parties.

In this way, assassination, poisoning and other unruly means are all on the table. In order to protect Qian Xuesen, the state arranged many security personnel to accompany him. Every time you eat, someone has to check it, which is a special honor that only ancient emperors had. However, in the eyes of the Chinese people at that time, Qian Xuesen's position was very important.

Despite facing so many difficulties, Qian Xuesen still left an immortal scientific and technological wealth for our country. Imagine back then, in fact, this matter was very risky, if we did not think of the technology aspect first, then what would the country be now. Are we such a peaceful and peaceful life?

In fact, whether it is Qian Xuesen or Qian Xuesen's family, they have made great contributions to our country, and they are well-deserved heroes of the country.

Reference: "Qian Xuesen Memorial Resume"

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