
Test: Stepping into the new year, is your relationship with someone really over?

Test Rules:

1, choose a quiet and undisturbed environment, keep your heart calm, meditate for 30 seconds,

2. Silently recite the other person's name 3 times in your heart,

3, here is the public test, not necessarily 100% in line with everyone's situation,

4. This test is analyzed from a female perspective, and the actual content can be applied to both men and women.

5. From the following three groups of ABC cards, intuitively select a group, and cannot be changed after selection:

Test: Stepping into the new year, is your relationship with someone really over?

【Select A Star Coin 5 Scepter 8】

Test: Stepping into the new year, is your relationship with someone really over?

I feel like you are classmates or colleagues or something, you have known each other for many years, and the relationship between two people in the past is also very good, helping each other to support each other, like the noble people in each other's lives.

I feel that now that he has a new relationship and new choices, it is very difficult for you to start with him again. They may now be engaged or married, have a relatively stable relationship, and seem to get along well.

The other party's current feelings are basically stable, it is unlikely to change in a short period of time, so it is very difficult for you to compound or start over, and the relationship between you is basically over even if it is not completely over, I don't think there is any need to hold out hope, or focus on yourself, there will be more suitable people for you.

Test: Stepping into the new year, is your relationship with someone really over?

【Select B Holy Grail King Sword 5】

I feel that you should have known each other for a long time, or had a certain emotional foundation before. Two people in the process of communication involves many problems, there are many things happening between you, whether right or wrong will affect the feelings of two people to a certain extent, other people's comments or suggestions also make your original simple relationship complicated.

The feelings between you and him, in addition to the words of others, may also exist in the case of a third party. Your relationship has been stagnant or broken for some time, and from the outside it is also in an end state, and both of you feel very low at the moment.

Although there have been a lot of unpleasantness, I have seen that the card line shows that there is not a complete end between you and him. The damage caused to each other by what happened in the past can be devastating, not the result you want, but it has happened and there is no way to recover it, fortunately both of you are obsessed with the past, and this time of separation has tried to clean up and adjust, but still can't forget each other.

It may also be that the misunderstanding between you has not been made clear, and then because of the reasons of personality, you have chosen to escape, at this stage you can not say that it is completely over, but now is not the right time, and then precipitate for a period of time, the two people's thoughts are getting stronger and stronger, and it will be better to solve the problem at that time. You may ask: How long will we have to wait? Because everyone's situation is different, you need to analyze the specific problems, if you feel the need, you can also ask me, I am Tarofonfi, see the future development between you, and what the other person's ideas are, check my name to find me. Dealing with emotional problems requires the right time to adopt the right way, and sometimes the authorities are confused and hope that you can retain that lucidity and usher in a feeling that you want in your heart.

Test: Stepping into the new year, is your relationship with someone really over?

【Select C Scepter 6 Scepter Attendant】

I feel that the two parties in this relationship should not have known each other for too long, ended their last relationship not long ago, and now want to start well. For example, divorced, or broken up with the previous one, emotionally depressed, expect a new beginning to sweep away the past depression.

You and his three views are more consistent, especially in work and life of some exchanges, at present your relationship is not particularly close, just like friends to communicate, but it seems that you really want to determine the relationship or form a family, because at present two people are in the empty window period, in the spirit of whether you can stabilize such an idea, so I think you and him are definitely not the end, even if it is ordinary friends, the ideas in your heart are good, I hope to continue to stabilize.

To ask you exactly where you will develop, but also depends on the fate between you and him, at least now is the ordinary friend to the ambiguous or deeper stage of development. If you feel that the current progress is a little slow, like stagnation, or you have other doubts, you can also ask me, I am Tarophonfi, look at your future development, what is the other person's inner thoughts, look up my name to find me.

Whether a relationship can develop smoothly or not obviously has a lot to do with the degree of investment of both parties, when you are very clear about your own ideas, it is also very important to understand each other's ideas, some words can not be casually asked out, come to me one-on-one analysis is also a way Oh.

Well, at this point, the interpretation of our three sets of cards is all completed, and I wish everyone a perfect love. If you like you can follow me, see more of my test articles, or let me see your options in the comments section. If you are confused, you can also come to me, help you do future trend analysis, bring you guidance, I will also give you corresponding suggestions, see you again for the next test!

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