
During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

From ancient times to the present, the wisdom of the working people is endless, and the good life now is created by the working people themselves. Whether it is the world-renowned Great Wall or the magnificent Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, there are working people in every excellent historical answer.

In the third year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, several farmers dug a famous ancient salt well in China by chance, the Shenhai Well. It was constructed using the traditional percussive blunt drilling method, which took thirteen years to complete and a depth of more than 1,000 meters, becoming the world's first well to exceed 1,000 meters at that time. This salt well has also made a great contribution to the economic development of Zigong District.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

Salt, as an indispensable flavor in ordinary seasoning, has an irreplaceable position in the history of food development. From the saying: "Cook without salt, the aroma is less than half." It is not difficult to see the important position of salt in life.

The history of salt production in Sichuan can be traced back to the Warring States period, according to reliable records, Li Bing, who was then in Shu County, organized the local people to dig China's first salt well - Guangdu Salt Well. Although the technology at that time was not very mature, it could already be chiseled to a depth of fifteen meters.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

Later, with the continuous improvement of skills, by the early northern Song Dynasty, the salt wells dug by the chinese people could reach a depth of one hundred and eighty meters. Due to the special geographical situation in Sichuan, the depth of more than 100 meters is far from reaching the depth of the brine, but this has not overwhelmed the hard-working people, and the birth of Zhuo Tube well technology has made the depth of the salt well reach three hundred meters.

As one of the necessary substances of the body, salt not only has important significance for maintaining life and health, but also affects the life and death of a country. Whoever occupies the salt resources and who owns the salt wells will have a voice in the world. The normal output of salt means that there is no need to ask for another country.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

Since the Spring and Autumn Period, salt has become a commodity strictly controlled by the state due to its own particularity. When buying salt, it must be purchased at a designated location, and ordinary people are caught selling salt for bootlegs. This shows the importance of salt as a resource.

With the maturity of the technology, by the Qing Dynasty, hundreds of meters deep salt wells have been seen everywhere, but natural resources will eventually dry up one day. With long-term mining and overloaded outward transportation, salt production in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, has been in short supply.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

This situation of short supply and demand and the imminent depletion of resources has profoundly affected the development of the local economy and has also had a certain impact on the lives of local people. In order to restore salt production, in the third year of Daoguang, several Farmers in Zigong decided to dig a salt well that could produce brine.

After thirteen years of hard work, the industrious people of Zigong have dug a thousand meters deep shenghai well. This well can not only produce the black halogen necessary for salt production, but also a large amount of natural gas, which in turn can become the fuel for salt production, which not only improves the efficiency of salt production, but also greatly reduces the cost of salt production.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

The success of the drilling of the Shenhai Well is no accident, it is the result of the continuous technological reform of generations of ancestors. The Zhuo tube well technology that emerged in the early Northern Song Dynasty was very complete by the Qing Dynasty, and it was this complete technical system that laid the foundation for the successful excavation of the Shenhai Well.

The scientific principles contained in the Zhuo Tube Well technology used in The Sea Well are not outdated today. First of all, a wooden bar is erected with a pillar, one end of the wooden bar is a setback, the person steps on the other end, due to gravity, the setback will fall heavily at the moment when the person leaves, similar to a seesaw, so that the process of continuous uplifting and falling makes the depth of the well continue to decline.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

As the depth of the well continues to deepen, a large amount of gravel and mud will be generated, and the rubble and mud can be brought out by simply pushing the big land wagon and transporting the fan mud bucket to the bottom of the well by pulley. It was this kind of repetitive work day after day, and with continuous efforts, thirteen years later, the Shenhai Well was successfully excavated.

The salt making process of Shenhaijing still continues the tradition, extracting salt brine underground, and then pouring into the pot and stove of salt making for purification, the impurities are extracted after the salt residue, and then after multiple procedures such as shoveling salt, pouring salt, salt testing, etc., the salt making link is completed.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

Happily, this thousand-meter-deep salt well not only produces salt brine, but also spews out more than 8,000 cubic meters of natural gas every day. In this way, the self-extracted salt brine boiled with self-injected natural gas as fuel every day can be said to be endless and endless.

On the day of the successful excavation of the Shenhai Well, there was an exciting blowout landscape, and the scene looked magnificent. The shenhai well can spray more than 10,000 quintals of salt brine every day, produce more than 8,000 cubic meters of natural gas, and more than 80 salt pots work non-stop, which can produce more than 10 tons of salt a day.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

The successful excavation of the Shenhai well has brought stable income to the local people. With more than a dozen tons of salt produced per day, the total wealth created by the sunken sea wells would have put billionaires to shame, calculated at the average level of salt prices at the time.

The successful excavation of the Shenhai Well not only enabled the local government people to live a rich life, but also attracted salt merchants from all over the country to come, and the local salt industry records the scene at that time: the sea of people, the sound of people and cows boiling and the sound of shouting are mixed together, not fighting but the sound of the crowd, no rain but no sunshine, it can be described as lively.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

Not only that, after the successful excavation of the sunning sea well up to a kilometer deep, the sinking technology was also introduced to the West, and it is precisely because of the spread of this technology that the sinking technology in the world has been developed, and it has also provided reference experience for the world's oil exploration drilling.

Although this thousand-meter-deep salt well has now stopped working due to insufficient pressure, the experience and technology he has brought to future generations, as well as the spirit of hard work and perseverance contained in the sinking of the well, will forever affect future generations.

During the Qing Dynasty, several Sichuan farmers dug a thousand-meter-deep well, which directly affected the development of world history

There is no overnight success, and there is no experience of falling from the sky. The successful excavation of the Zigong Shenhai Well is inseparable from the efforts of the hard-working Sichuan people for generations. The twine of twine flying on the wellhead of the sea well is bound to the fate of countless salt workers, the walls blackened by the salt brine are written with the perseverance of the working people, and the steaming in the pot and stove is the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people.

Every flash of humanity's aura paves the way for the future generations to move forward, and the wisdom of all people is condensed to shine the stars in the night. The downhole of the Sunhai Sea, which is thousands of meters deep, not only spews out black brine and natural gas, but also the people's endless hope and hard work.

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