
High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > sauce popcorn broccoli</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: Cauliflower, minced meat, sweet noodle sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, green onion, ginger, garlic sprouts, dried chili peppers


1: Add sweet noodle sauce and cooking wine to the minced meat and marinate for 10 minutes;

2, green onion ginger garlic minced; cauliflower washed and cut into small flowers, soaked in brine for 10 minutes, boiled a pot of water, add some salt, oil, poured into cauliflower blanched water for 2 minutes, cauliflower discoloration immediately fished out over cold water, and then control the dry water for backup; garlic seedlings washed and cut into sections;

3: Put the oil in a hot pan, fry the chives, ginger and garlic after the oil is hot, pour in the minced meat and fry until it changes color;

4: Pour in the cauliflower, stir-fry evenly over high heat, release soy sauce, sugar and salt to taste; sprinkle garlic seedlings and stir-fry evenly before leaving the pot to plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > spicy crucian carp</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: crucian carp, spicy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, abalone juice, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, each appropriate amount.

1, first clean the fish: wash it, drain the water and cut a few knives on the fish for later.

2: Marinate with cooking wine, pepper and abalone juice for later.

3: Then heat the oil pan, put the ginger and garlic to simmer the flavor, then put the fish, fry until the color changes, and then pick it up and set aside.

4, add spicy sauce and sauté, put water, boil the fish, sugar and a little vinegar together, simmer over low heat and finally put MSG, collect the juice on high heat, sprinkle with green onions and put them on the plate to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > gold hook cucumber strips</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 300 g cucumber, 10 g sea rice, 1 chives, 25 g cooking oil, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tsp salt, 0.5 tsp monosodium glutamate.


1, wash and peel the cucumber, cut into strips (can be cut into other shapes according to personal preference), add a little salt, marinate for 5 minutes; wash the sea rice, soak it in boiling water, drain it; wash and cut the chives into mince;

2、 Drain the cucumber, add MONOS glutamate, sesame oil and mix well, and then add sea rice;

3: Put the wok on the fire, pour the cooking oil into the heat, add the minced green onion, fry out the aroma and fish out without use, pour the oil on the cucumber strips, mix well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > spicy shredded meat</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: front leg meat, pepper, ginger, garlic, millet pepper, garlic sprouts (also not used), oil, soy sauce, pepper, corn starch, cooking wine, chicken essence, soy sauce

1. Cut the meat of the front leg into slices and then into strips

2. Shredded meat is marinated with oil, soy sauce, pepper, corn starch, cooking wine and chicken essence

3. Cut the pepper, ginger, garlic, millet pepper and garlic seedlings separately

4. Pour oil into the pot, put the pepper into the stir-fry on medium-low heat; pour the pepper out without use

5. Turn the heat to high, add ginger, garlic, millet pepper, and the white part of the garlic sprouts, pour into the sesame pepper oil and stir-fry

6. Pour in the marinated shredded meat, stir quickly with chopsticks, and pour in the green part of the garlic seedlings

7. After the shredded meat changes color, adjust the appropriate amount of old pumping pot to color, you can

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > stir-fried meat slices with tea tree mushrooms</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 300 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 50 grams of pork belly, 6 grams of dried chili peppers, 20 peppercorns, 5 grams of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, black cooked sesame seeds, 15 grams of spicy sauce, 3 grams of salt, 3ml of dark soy sauce, 3 grams of sugar, 3ml of sesame oil

1: Prepare all the ingredients; wash the mushrooms and remove the old roots, soak them in light salt water for a while, and cut the pork belly into 0.3 cm thick slices.

2: After soaking, rinse the tea tree mushrooms with water and drain them, and break them into inch segments by hand. Bring water to a boil in a wok, add the tea tree mushrooms, and when the water boils again, remove the tea tree mushrooms and drain them.

3: Pour oil into a hot pan, heat over low heat, add minced bean paste and fry out the red oil, add sliced ginger, garlic and peppercorns, dried peppercorns and stir-fry to bring out the aroma, add pork belly slices, sauté over medium and high heat until the meat turns white.

4, put in the tea tree mushrooms and fry until broken, put salt, sugar and stir-fry into the flavor, pour in the soy sauce to color; finally pour in; sesame oil, sprinkle a small handful of black sesame seeds, you can serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > charred beef fillets</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 200 g beef tenderloin, 150 g corn starch, 2 g salt, 10 g soy sauce, 10 g green onion, 5 g ginger, 30 g rice vinegar, 10 g rice wine, 10 g sugar, 400 ml of water and oil

1. Remove the fascia and cut into large pieces of beef; cut the green onion into small pieces, cut the ginger into strips, and soak in a little cool water for half an hour to form the green onion and ginger water.

2. Put rice wine, a little onion ginger water and 1 gram of salt in the beef, stir until the absorption is complete, and the surface is sticky.

3. Mix the cornstarch with water, put the water little by little, grasp until it is viscous and strong, pour a little oil, and stir well in the same direction.

4. Pour oil into the pan, the amount of oil should be large, burn until 70% hot, evenly dip the beef slices into the adjusted paste, fry on high heat until the surface is crisp and hard out of the pan, and then fry again until crispy.

5. Bring 20g water, rice vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and 1g salt to a boil in a pot, add medium concentration of water starch, pour a little hot oil of fried beef and stir.

6. Put the fried beef in and stir-fry quickly over high heat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > fried beef with onions</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: Beef tenderloin 400 g, onion 10 g, egg white 25 g, vegetable oil 50 g, salt 5 g, monosodium glutamate 2 g, cooking wine 10 g, soy sauce 10 g, baking soda 3 g, pepper 2 g, corn starch 12 g, sesame oil 2 g, ginger 20 g, white skin garlic 20 g, green onion 4 g

1. Finely chop garlic into minced, green onion into minced and ginger shredded and set aside

2. Wash the beef tenderloin, cut into thin willow leaves, drain, put in a bowl, add cooking wine, minced garlic, baking soda, salt and water and stir vigorously

3. Mix with 1/2 egg white and dry water and sizing, add 15 grams of vegetable oil and mix well

4. Peel and wash the onion and cut into coarse strips

5. Place the pot on a high heat, add 75 grams of vegetable oil, cook until 60% hot, add beef tenderloin slices and fry until eight ripe

6. After frying, pour into a colander to drain the oil, leave 10 grams of oil in the original pot and heat it

7. Add onion, ginger and minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, add cooking wine, salt, soy sauce and 500g stock

8. After boiling, use the wet lake to contour the mustard, add the beef tenderloin slices and mix well

9. Sprinkle with chopped green onion, monosodium glutamate and pepper, drizzle with sesame oil, cover the pot and simmer for a while

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" > dried apricot abalone mushrooms</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 300 g of apricot abalone mushrooms, 10 g of peppercorns, 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of sugar, 10 g of dried chili peppers, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of chicken essence, 1 piece of green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, 10 g of peanuts, 10 g of sesame seeds, 50 g of vegetable oil

1. Prepare raw materials

2: Chop peanuts and sauté sesame seeds in a pan to mature

3, apricot abalone mushrooms torn into filaments by hand, thickness according to personal preferences, like to chew the head of the coarse, tear out is definitely better than the knife cut delicious

4, microwave for 4 minutes, drain the water, the purpose is to make the apricot abalone mushroom initially mature, but also remove excess water, but also can blanch the water after draining the water.

5: Finely chop the dried chili pepper, 1 small piece of green onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 slices of ginger, change to a knife into slices

6: Heat the pot and pour in a little oil, before passing the bottom of the pot

7, pour into the apricot abalone mushrooms on high heat and stir-fry, fry until the appearance is browned and can be poured out for later, the whole heat, apricot abalone mushrooms are comparable to the resistant stir-fry without worrying about the paste

8, a little oil in the pot again, stir-fry the peppercorns on low heat, sauté the aroma on a low heat, if you can fish out the peppercorns when you want to eat

9: After the peppercorns are fragrant, pour in the dried peppers and shallots, ginger and garlic, then add shallots, ginger and garlic will not be mushed

10, pour in the fried apricot abalone mushrooms, quickly cook 1 large spoon of soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, then the pan is very hot, cooked into the soy sauce aroma will be released immediately

11, at this time the fire is small, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and chicken essence 1/2 teaspoon each, and then put 1 large spoon of oyster sauce, if the fire is large, soy sauce will be pasted off

12: Stir-fry the spices on high heat, drizzle with a small spoonful of sesame oil, and then sprinkle the dried and fried sesame peanuts before finally leaving the pot and stir-fry well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > fragrant sticky braised pork</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 750 grams of boneless pork belly, 1 and a half spoons of white sugar, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 3 spice spoons of rice wine (preferably Shaoxing aged flower carving), 3 slices of ginger, 2 pieces of fennel, 1 small piece of cinnamon such as fennel.


1, pork belly washed and cut into about 3cm thick pieces, cold water cold pot add water and a spoon of rice wine boiled for 1 minute, pour out with hot water wash and drain;

2, add oil in the pot, heat the oil and put in white sugar, simmer over low heat until it changes color into sugar juice, pour in the meat pieces when the sugar juice becomes brown, stir-fry on high heat until the meat pieces are colored on all sides (about 2-3 minutes), that is, amber;

3, the fried meat into the casserole, add water until just immersed in the meat, and then add all the spices except rice wine, boil on high heat and add rice wine, turn the heat to simmer for about 1 hour, turn off the heat for 15 minutes;

4, the stuffy meat into the pot to open the high heat to slightly thick the sauce can be, at this time you can also taste the taste first, if not enough flavor can add some salt or sugar seasoning and then collect the juice, because everyone's taste is different, so, may I think so much meat with such a material to burn out the taste is just right, and not necessarily everyone will agree.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > braised duck nuggets</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: A quarter of a duck. Rock sugar, star anise, cinnamon, dried chili peppers, fragrant leaves, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, ginger slices (sliced), garlic (peeled), green onion (knotted) each appropriate amount.

1, wash and drain the duck into pieces, put the appropriate amount of water in the pot, put in the duck pieces, boil and cook for about 2 minutes, use a colander to fish out the duck pieces, rinse with water and then fish out for use;

2, put a little oil in the pot, add star anise, cinnamon, rock sugar, stir-fry on low heat until the rock sugar basically melts (after the oil is hot, you can gently beat the rock sugar with a spatula, it will be easy to break);

3, put in the treated duck pieces, turn the heat to fry them until they change color and produce oil;

4, put in two small spoons of cooking wine, stir-fry well, then add two small spoons of dark soy sauce, stir-fry evenly to color;

5: Add ginger slices, garlic, green onion knots, fragrant leaves, dried peppers, salt, pour in the right amount of hot water (to be less than the duck pieces and higher), cover the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to low heat and cook for about 20 minutes;

6: Open the lid of the pot, thicken the soup and then get out of the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="11" > tiger skin claw</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: Chicken feet, ginger, garlic, dried chili, sugar, salt, five-spice powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, white pepper, dried tempeh sauce, sesame oil, white vinegar, honey.

1, ingredients: chicken feet; ingredients: ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, sugar, salt, five-spice powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, white pepper powder, old dry mother tempeh sauce, sesame oil, white vinegar, honey;

2. Put the washed and cut chicken feet into the water, add cooking wine and ginger slices and cook for about 2 minutes and then fish out;

3, chicken feet soaked in water, flush off the foam;

4, the chicken feet dry the epidermis moisture, brush the honey and white vinegar mixture of water, and then dry to prevent frying is splashing oil;

5, pour oil into the pot to burn until 50% or 60% hot, put in the chicken feet to fry; (remember to cover the pot lid, be careful not to be splashed by the oil)

6. After draining the fried golden chicken feet, soak them in cold water (ice water is better) for at least 1 hour;

7. Prepare seasonings when foaming, mix ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, sugar, salt, allspice powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, white pepper powder, lao gan ma tempeh sauce and sesame oil into a sauce and set aside;

8: Put the foamed chicken feet on a plate and steam in a steamer, after about 15 minutes, pour the sauce on the steamed chicken feet, mix well, and then steam for 20 minutes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="12" > winter melon rib soup</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: pork ribs, winter melon, sesame oil, green onion, ginger, peppercorns, salt, MSG.

Directions: 1: Peel the winter melon, wash and cut into pieces.

2 Wash the pork ribs and chop them into pieces.

3 Wash the green onion and cut into sections. Wash and slice the ginger. Finely grind the peppercorns.

4 Put the pork ribs in the pot, add water to a boil, remove the foam, and add the winter melon and shallots, ginger, peppers and other condiments.

5 Cook until the ribs and winter melon are cooked, add salt, monosodium glutamate, then boil one or two times to make it, and finally drizzle with sesame oil.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="13" > large pot fish</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: a blackfish, an appropriate amount of oil, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of garlic, an appropriate amount of garlic, an appropriate amount of ginger slices, an appropriate amount of vinegar, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of peppercorns, a spoonful of Pixian bean paste

1 green onion cut into pieces, garlic peeled, small peppers cut into small pieces, ginger sliced

2 Add the fish to the ginger slices, mix with salt, cooking wine, green onion and soy sauce and marinate for 5 hours. Stir-fry the peppercorns in a hot pan in cool oil

3 times the garlic and green onion are stir-fried until fragrant, add water, salt and vinegar

4 fish cubes on high heat to boil a spoonful of Pixian watercress sauce

5 small peppers, turn to medium heat and simmer for 20 minutes

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="14" > braised pig's trotters</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: pig's trotters, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, green onion, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cooking wine, sugar

1. Cut the pig's trotters, blanch the water and marinate in cooking wine and soy sauce for 30 minutes.

2. Put oil in the pot, add green onion and ginger and sauté, then add the marinated pig's trotters and sauté until the skin is golden brown.

3. Then add sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, star anise, cinnamon and stir-fry, add water, the amount of water is not more than the pig's trotters. Bring to a boil over high heat, then press in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes, season with salt and chicken essence before cooking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="15" > lamb broth</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: Lamb cooking wine green onion ginger pepper dried orange peel hawthorn salt

1: Soak the lamb in cold water for two hours, and change the water at intervals of one hour

2: Wash the lamb with water and cut it into small pieces, pour enough water into the pot and put the cut lamb pieces into the pot

3: After boiling over medium heat, skim off the foam, pour in the cooking wine, then add the peppercorns, green onion ginger, dried orange peel and hawthorn

4: Cover the pot, reduce heat and simmer for 1-1.5 hours, remove the orange peel and hawthorn, and then sprinkle with the right amount of salt

5: Turn the heat to medium heat and continue simmering for 15-20 minutes, then turn off the heat and eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="16" > celery mushrooms fried and dried</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: celery, shiitake mushrooms, smoked dried, bell peppers, salt.

1: Wash the celery, cut off the stem and shred the leaves. Slice the mushrooms after soaking, smoke and slice them dry, and cut the bell peppers into strips;

2, the pot is hot, pour oil, a little green onion under the incense, under the shiitake mushroom slices and smoked dried slices stir-fry, if the pot is dry, you can pour a little water soaked in shiitake mushrooms;

3: Pour in the celery stems and leaves, stir-fry until the celery is ripe, then turn off the heat;

4: Pour in the shredded bell peppers, add salt, stir-fry evenly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="17" > cold celery peanut rice</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 1 celery, 1 carrot, watery black fungus to taste, 2 peanut beans, 1 large ingredient, 3 grams of salt, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of sugar, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, a little sesame oil, a little white sesame seeds

1: Soak peanuts and fungus with water in advance, and dice carrots and celery for later.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot. Add the soaked peanut beans, a large ingredient, 2 grams of salt and cook, drain and drain.

3. Wash and peel and dice the carrots, wash and dice the celery leaves. Wood ear foam hair wash.

4. Bring water to a boil in a pot, then add fungus, carrots and celery and cook for about 2 minutes to drain the water.

5. Put all the drained vegetables together, add salt, soy sauce, sugar, aged vinegar, sesame oil, mix well, sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="18" > beef stir-fried lotus root</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 250g beef tenderloin, 100g small lotus root, 2 red peppers, 1 green pepper, 5 pickled peppers, 1 teaspoon of small powder, salt to taste, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, oil, garlic

1: Cut the tenderloin into thin slices, put in a bowl, add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes.

2: Cut the lotus root into small pieces, cut the green and red pepper into small circles, and crush the garlic.

3: The ingredients are ready, heat the pot, pour in the appropriate amount of oil, put in the marinated beef, stir-fry over medium and high heat, fry until 8 mature, put on the plate and set aside.

4: Pour a little oil into the pot, then add garlic, green and red pepper, small lotus root, pickled pepper together and stir-fry, fry until the small lotus root is broken, add beef and stir-fry for a while, hook a thin layer of mustard, there is salt in the sauce, stir-fry evenly, out of the pot and plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="19" > braised pork ribs</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 3 pork chops, a little green onion, 5 slices of ginger, salt to taste, 3 star anise, cooking wine 10ml, light soy sauce 15ml, dark soy sauce 5ml, starch to taste, sugar 3g.

1. Prepare three large pork chops, wash and drain and set aside.

2. Hammer the large rows with the back of a knife, place the large rows in a bowl, add a small amount of salt to the rice wine, and marinate the green onion and ginger for half an hour.

3. Pat dry starch on both sides of the row.

4. Put the right amount of oil in the frying pan, heat it to 80%, make a large row, fry until both sides are slightly yellow and fished out.

5. Put the oil in the pot, leave a small amount of oil in the pot, and put the large onion and ginger that have just been marinated in the pan and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Add a few star anise, put in a large row, add raw soy sauce and stir-fry well, then add an appropriate amount of boiling water.

7. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

8. Add sugar to taste and add a small amount of dark soy sauce to color.

9. Collect the juice on high heat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="20" > egg mixed with tofu</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: brine tofu, peeled egg, coriander, green onion, garlic, red pepper and chili oil;

1. Cut the tofu into large cubes of mahjong, boil it in salted water, wait for the tofu to float, fish out the boiled water, drain the water and set aside;

2. Peeled egg diced on the tofu, garlic chopped into minced, salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce|, monosodium glutamate and a little bit of cold white open mixed well, pour hot oil into a bowl of juice;

3. Sprinkle with green onion and coriander, pour a bowl of juice, add red peppercorns and chili oil and mix well

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="21" > fried belly onions</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

1, put the oil in the pot, fry the pesto slices;

2、Add green and red pepper and onion and sauté;

3, stir-fry until the raw and put a little salt, put out the set aside;

4, then put the oil in the pot, put the belly into the pot and stir-fry, dip the cooking wine along the edge of the pot, and then add the appropriate amount of salt, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, stir-fry well, and pour the onion and green and red peppers that were previously fried back into the pot;

5: Stir-fry quickly over high heat to get out of the pan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="22" > cola striped fish</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 1 strip of fish, 250ml of Coca-Cola, 2 pieces of Chaotian pepper, 1 small piece of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 15ml of cooking wine, 15ml of light soy sauce, 15g of starch, a pinch of salt

1. Take the fish to open the chamber and remove the internal organs, clean it up, cut into 6cm long pieces, marinate with a little cooking wine and salt for 5 minutes; cut the ginger and garlic into slices, and cut the pepper into small pieces for later

2. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pan, after the oil is about 60% hot, wrap the fish in a layer of dry starch and put it into the pan, fry until both sides are golden brown and fish out

3. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, sauté the ginger slices, garlic slices and chili peppers, pour the fried fish back into the pot, pour in cooking wine, soy sauce, Coca-Cola and a little salt, turn the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes, turn the fish over a noodle, turn the heat to dry the soup

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="23" > sesame oil chicken</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: 2 chicken thighs, oil and salt to taste, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 green onion, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of peppercorns, 1 star anise, 1 tablespoon of minced chili pepper, 2 teaspoons of sugar,

1. Wash the chicken thighs and remove the chicken thigh bones, and the chicken bones are not used

2. Add water to the pot, add chicken under cold water, add shallots, ginger slices, cooking wine, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cover the pot and cook for 10 minutes

3. Remove, cool in cold water, let the chicken thighs cool through, cut the chicken thighs into pieces and place them on a plate

4. Mince the garlic, mince the ginger, put it in a bowl, add sesame seeds, put the minced chili pepper on top, heat the pot with oil, pour the hot oil into the bowl, then add soy sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil, stir well, and mix into a seasoning juice

5. Pour the seasoning sauce over the chicken nuggets and mix it when eating

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="24" > fried crab</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients to prepare:

2 crabs, chives, a little salt, 3 sour chili peppers, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1 piece of ginger, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, a little vinegar, a little sugar, a little dry starch, and a good amount of food oil

Procedure steps:

1: Brush the crab with a brush, put it in the basin, pour in pepper, salt and cooking wine to remove the fish. Chop the chives, garlic cloves, ginger, and pickled peppers. Prepare a small bowl, pour in the aged vinegar, soy sauce and oyster sauce into the sauce and set aside.

2: Put the marinated crab into the starch and let the crab be covered with starch. Heat the crab in oil, fry the crab in a pan and set aside when the surface turns golden.

3: Leave oil in the pot, pour the onion, ginger, garlic and pickled pepper into the pot, stir-fry on high heat, turn the heat to low and pour the crab and stir-fry evenly. Pour the sauce into the pan, continue to stir-fry evenly, and finally pour in the water starch to outline the sauce.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="25" > chef cabbage</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: cabbage, flour skin, pork belly, fungus, sweet noodle sauce, oyster sauce, dried chili pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, chicken essence, peppercorns, green garlic

1: Cut the cabbage slices into pieces, and cut the vermicelli into soft slices.

2 Heat a little oil on high heat, sauté the cabbage until it is broken, pour out and set aside. Stir-fry the pork belly slices in the pan with oil, stir-fry the minced green onion and ginger until fragrant, then add the noodle sauce, oyster sauce and dried peppers to stir-fry the aroma, and then add cabbage, vermicelli, fungus and other spices until the taste is in.

3: Before cooking, drizzle with pepper oil and sprinkle with garlic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="26" > palace squid</h1>

High-value 26 home-cooked delicacies, every three to five to eat once, the family are very fond of eating sauce fried minced meat cauliflower spicy river crucian carp golden hook cucumber strip spicy meat silk tea tree mushroom stir-fried meat slices charred beef slices fried beef jerky beef jerky fried apricot abalone mushroom fragrant glutinous braised braised duck pieces tiger skin claw winter melon rib soup big pot fish braised pork trotter clear stewed lamb soup celery mushroom fried smoked dry cold mix celery peanut rice beef fried small lotus braised large chop egg stir-fried belly silk cola with fish sesame oil chicken sour spicy fried crab chef cabbage palace squid

Ingredients: squid, carrots, cucumbers, roasted peanuts, dried chili peppers, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, starch, cooking wine, garlic, ginger

1. Wash the squid and cut well.

Tonic palace sauce: 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 2 spoonfuls of sugar, 1 small spoon of starch, mix well and set aside;

2. Boil a pot of boiling water, add a spoonful of cooking wine, add squid, and drain the water as soon as you roll it;

3. Put the oil in a non-stick pan, simmer the dried peppers on low heat, add garlic and ginger and stir-fry slightly, add carrots and stir-fry slightly, add squid, and sauce, stir-fry a few times on high heat, add cucumbers and peanuts, stir-fry a few times to collect the juice

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