
China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

There is such a family in China, which has been very prosperous for hundreds of years, and the descendants have never declined, and now this family still exists, and its position in society is very stable, this family is the Kang family in Henan. In ancient times, there was a very powerful business giant Kang Million, this Kang Million was very clever, by the river land to get rich, by contribution to get official positions, outstanding, Ming and Qing Dynasties, of course, in addition to Kang Million was deeply appreciated by the emperor, Shen Wansan, Ruan Zilan, they are not inferior, these three people are really famous, known as the three "living wealth gods" by Chinese folk.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

Then again, Henan's Kang Million residence is a place with mountains and water, the geographical location is very good, Kang Million residence preserved mainly has the main residential area, stacked house area and other ten parts, the construction area of more than 6,000 square meters, this building complex, it is located in the middle of the mountainside. This residence is very large, even the Qing Dynasty Qiao family compound is only one-fifteenth of his residence, which shows the size of his residence, which is shocking.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

In the late Qing Dynasty, when the war continued, the empress dowager Cixi and the emperor fled the capital to Xi'an, Shaanxi, and surprisingly, they later passed by the Kang family's shop, a sugar shop, and were learned by the Yu merchant Kang Jiayu. He knew that the empress dowager and the emperor were on the run, so he paid more than a million to the empress dowager and the emperor, and some people might ask: Who is this Kang Million? In fact, "Kang Million" does not just refer to a specific person, but a title for the entire Kang family represented by Kang Yingkui since the Ming and Qing dynasties.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

Kang Million can also be said to be the early development of ancient commercial civilization, the most powerful merchant after Zigong and Fan Li, but also the spiritual pillar of commercial development, this family has experienced many generations, incense has been very exuberant. With the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the richest man in Jiangnan region: Shen Wansan, a famous merchant in Shandong, Ruan Zilan, three people and known as the three "living gods of wealth" of Chinese folk, in the Republic of China years, it is still very prosperous, large and small industries will be involved, the surrounding people live in the house, eat food, use of things are related to this enterprise, almost infiltrated in people's lives.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

The prosperity of this family's business must be due to many factors, Kang Shaojing, a descendant of the Kang family, was once an official in charge of local transportation and official salt taxation in the Ming Dynasty, and merchants could also infiltrate the salt industry, so they actually started from selling salt, and the most representative of the Qing Dynasty was Kang Yingkui in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. On the basis of his predecessors, he took advantage of the Qing Dynasty court's suppression of the White Lotus Sect to "do his best to get rich", enriched the three provinces, sailed six rivers, land reached 180,000 mu, and his wealth was innumerable, taking advantage of the period of rebellion of the Qing Dynasty rebels, he won the privilege of cotton and cloth supply throughout the country, and from then on, their business began to develop greatly, and all roads began to flow smoothly.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

These opportunities are very important, but more important is the kang family's unique family rules and ancestral training and their excellent business principles, in the operation, Kang Million basically adopted the way of "connecting noodles with points, long vines and melons, xianggong responsible, and stacks blossoming". Gong county is Kang Million's hometown, but he also has his own business land in Shandong and Shaanxi. There is a plaque in the Kang family manor, and the words and words written on the plaque are written, but the connotation of it is that the Kang family should not be too much in everything, have room, be able to start the country, and be worthy of the commoners, but also educate modern people to be diligent and thrifty, to improve the honor of the family, and to always keep in mind the mission of the country and the mission of the family.

China's most powerful family, whose descendants have been rich for generations, live 15 times larger than the Qiao family compound

Today, the Kang family's land is only a few hundred acres of land, which has become an important conservation site. The Kang family not only does a great job in business, but also can handle the relationship between officials and businessmen, but also can always restrain themselves, to be an excellent national entrepreneur, is really very valuable, even in modern society, it is worth learning from every businessman, because business also needs to have a correct three views, can help the development of all parts of the country's economy and politics, do their own things, in order to promote the better progress of the whole society.

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