
【Original】Wang Tianning, | of Gansu Province: How did you get your driver's license?

【Original】Wang Tianning, | of Gansu Province: How did you get your driver's license?

Original author: Wang Tianning | Ning County, Gansu Province

How did you get your driver's license?

It lasted four and a half months, costing more than 5,100 silver, and finally got my driver's license. This exam almost made me doubt life, and the pain and bitterness in it can only be experienced by those who have passed the test.

When I was in school, I read the novel "How Steel is Made". I admire Paul Kochagin, who, despite the hardships of life, still forged into a will of steel with a fearless spirit. At the same time, I also felt that this driving test had undergone the same experience as Kochagin, both mentally and physically.

The driver's license has been obtained for several days, and the original ecstasy has gradually subsided, but the experience is unforgettable, and I must record how my driver's license was obtained.

Looking at many people of the same age who have driver's licenses, plus his wife and son also usually say, the heart is itchy. It just so happens that I haven't gone out this year, so I have a lot of free time, so let's take the exam. It's okay to make up for not having a car.

When I was a child, I had an iron cow 55 tractor at home, and although I was a teenager, my father plowed the ground and ran when he was not paying attention to the secret drive. Later, it doesn't matter if I look like i drive.

One year when I was working in Inner Mongolia, the boss had a pickup truck as our means of transportation, transporting us to and from work, but the boss was very busy for three days without two ends, several people were young in me, the boss taught me to let me drive, because there are few people in the desert, there are fewer cars, the desert is endless, very safe. It was opened for a few months.

Although I am not young now, it is not easy to get a driver's license? When I reported it, I contacted a driving school that was both a village and a classmate who was studying together in elementary and junior high schools as a coach, and brushed the questions. Ten days later, the subject passed.

Then chong ke two, practice every day. Reverse into the garage, side parking, curve driving, right angle turn, half-slope start. Although these projects are not said to be well done, in my opinion, the exam is completely without problems. Counting the days, alas, after the second exam and then about the third subject, I still have to wait for a few days, and I still have a little regret in my heart.

At that time, I felt that I was Guan Yunchang, and it was as easy as Guan Erye taking the first rank among ten thousand horses as it was to probe for things! That knows that the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone!

Ride a rotten motorcycle to practice every day, the august sun does not give face at all, drill in the car to practice for an hour, cool! The pants were all wet.

After practicing for about half a month, the second subject was successfully tested.

Male and exuberant, came to the examination hall a day in advance to familiarize themselves with the venue, I think it is a superfluous move, see what to do, see the tricks on the line, familiar with a yarn! But the coach's words still have to be listened to, a few of us have made a discount, the coach said that the north and south examination rooms each run two laps, we will run a lap each.

The next day at five o'clock came to the exam hall to queue, did my eyes see the flowers? There were already more than a hundred people lined up in front of Huo Ran, and by eight o'clock, there were already more than five hundred people.

Enter the exam room and get on the bus. After adjusting the seat, rearview mirror, etc., the face recognition is successful and the exam begins. The first item: reverse into the warehouse, drive the car to the starting point, loosen the clutch, the pointer does not move, and then slowly loosen, or do not move. Slowly all the way loose, until the feet and calves are almost ninety degrees, only to the semi-linkage state, just lift the brakes, the car will whizz back, clutch a pressure, and in a semi-dead state. Who adjusted the clutch, isn't this a pit daddy? The speed can not be controlled, the result can be imagined, the inverted library perfect burp fart.

The little heart beat a little faster than usual, and it was all right, watching me continue to perform. Secretly comforted myself in my heart.

The second side stop, when driving to the starting point to reverse, the rear horn comes: face authentication is underway, please face the camera. I still wonder in my heart, haven't I just certified? But still cooperate to look at the camera, after hearing the success of face authentication, I remembered that I was doing the action, a look at the rearview mirror, well, did not hit the direction, not side parking, directly a diagonal parking ah, dare to hit the direction, has not helped.

The spirit was so intense that the trumpet did not understand what it said, but heard only one sentence: ... Drive the car back to the starting point.

Insist on doing the back action, the right should be familiar with the venue. Back at the starting point, I sat in the car and prepared for the retake exam, because I heard the meeting say that there were two opportunities. After waiting for a while, the speaker came from the speaker: So-and-so candidate, where are you still sitting? The exam is over, get off!

Isn't there another chance? Got out of the car with a confused face, came back and asked other people to know that the two opportunities are not necessarily to walk twice, but the first project is wrong, the next project is your second chance, oh, it turns out that you misunderstood.

Practice for ten days, hang up in a few minutes? As if in a dream, there was no reaction. How to say it to the coach?

Although it was sunny, it felt like everything was gray. I walked back in the car, my heart full of loss.

Ten days later, I went to the second exam, and a few days before the exam, the coach pulled us to practice the car, watched us do the movements, and explained in detail.

This time the mood is diametrically opposite to the last time, there is no expectation, only uneasiness.

The sky is not beautiful, the sunny day that was obviously optimistic a few days ago, but today it is raining. When my name appeared on the big screen, my heart jumped to my throat.

Walking into the examination room, the rain was falling tightly, and a beautiful woman came down from the car where I was taking the exam, and I knew that I was hanging up when I saw the expression.

What's wrong? I asked

Can't see clearly! She replied

Sitting in the car to see, the whole front windshield glass is white, I can't see anything, I opened the wiper, or can't see clearly, it is still a fog inside. I don't have much effect when I wipe it with paper, what should I do?

Cars were parked in all lanes, and a staff member came out and shouted:

Why don't you go?

I can't see clearly. Several candidates answered in unison in the car.

Dare to go tightly, there are so many candidates in the back! After saying that, I turned around and left, and the few of us candidates were messy in the rain, unable to stumble out one by one, and ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed through my mind.

Barely observing the outside from the gap in the glass, driving the car to the starting point, the legs trembling even the clutch is unstable, just in the continuous leg shaking with two rearview mirrors to complete the inverted library, in the rain and fog has been manually operating the wiper, stop when looking at the point. But the fog on the glass was more and more, and it would not be processed, and I could only stick out my head or open it by feeling from the gap, and see what point, I knew that this time it was white again.

Sure enough, the half-slope start has not yet gone uphill before the wheel pressure line, and the rather conceited curve has just entered and has not yet reached the half-pressure line. Twisting and turning the car back to the starting point, he turned his head and left.

Called the coach to tell the situation, and the coach's roar came from the microphone:

Why not turn on the air conditioner?

Turn on the air conditioner, did you teach me how to turn on the air conditioner?

The coach was still growling and I had hung up. You're angry, I'm angry more angry than you, your uncle's!

A person walking in the rain, there is a stomachache in the heart but do not know where to vent. The phone in my pocket had been ringing twice and I hadn't answered it, and I thought it was the coach who called. The phone was still ringing, but it was my wife who pulled it out, and what did I say? Silently hung up the phone.

When I got home, I fell asleep with expectant faces, and they guessed the result, and no one ever asked me.

After more than half a month, my mind was active again, so I made another appointment, and the coach pulled me to practice the car again, and my mood became more and more nervous as the exam date approached.

More than twenty days after the last exam date, I walked into the exam room for the third time, the road was narrow, and I ran into the car of my first exam, this time I must drive you, I hate it in my heart.

Sure enough, this time the car was very obedient, I just knew, or the first time to practice a little less. The first four items were safely completed in the shaking of the legs, and the last half of the item was left to start. His legs were still shaking, and the ghost made the god's mood tense at this moment.

The direction hit on the second ramp, patronizing the sideline, it is time to stop, a turn of the head, huh, what about the pole? Dare to turn your head to look at the left line, the middle of the three lines has been exposed, clutch, brake together to step down, the heart secretly said:


At the same time, a cold voice also came out:

When the vehicle is stopped, the front bumper is not placed on the pile line and is higher than fifty centimeters...

The second time I finished the previous project with trepidation, I came to the half slope again, took a deep breath, parked the car steadily, the front bumper distance was in the middle, and the right side was not more than thirty centimeters.

Clutch to semi-linkage, refueling, letting go of the handbrake, the car stays in place and does not retreat, just lifted a little clutch, the car struggled forward for a while and swallowed.

worst! Step on the clutch, brake, pull the handbrake, return to the neutral gear, turn off the power and then light the fire, hang a gear... At the same time as the vehicle started, a discordant sound also sounded:

The vehicle cannot be stopped within thirty seconds ...

A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out!

The first opportunity was so good, but due to my own neglect of observation, I didn't even find out that others had knocked down the pile, which was really self-inflicted.

The second chance is usually so good at practicing on the ramp, the key moment to drop the chain, deserved!

I didn't expect it to be so difficult to take a driver's license. I don't dare to boast about how smart I am but definitely not stupid, but at this point I feel that I was wrong to position myself before! So much so that I felt that the idea of having a driver's license was wrong.

During that time, I was like a powder keg, and the slightest thing was like a match that could be quickly lit, and then blowing myself and the people next to me was scaled. Like a hedgehog again. No one dared to mention the driver's license test in front of me. Even the little girl I usually liked hid far away, and did not dare or did not approach me.

The heart is troubled, and there is nothing to do. I can't sleep very late at night, wake up early in the morning, and sleep either to practice or take exams. I felt as if I was a little out of place. Something has to be done! So I sawed a lot of branches and chopped wood. The resentment in my heart was vented with one axe after another.

Twenty days passed, and the firewood I chopped slowly turned into a big pile.

Time is the best medicine to heal the wounds, and as time goes on, a month later, the thought of not wanting to take a driver's license sneaks out like a wheat seedling covered in spring snow. Alas, three opportunities have been wasted, so let's waste the two remaining opportunities!

Regroup, calm your mind, and make another appointment.

This time we must take it seriously and not be hasty. After the successful examination, I used my cousin's car to train, although the models are different, I practiced the proficiency of doing, and my cousin also took me to the training ground in other places, which really benefited a lot. Two days before the exam, the coach pulled me to the training ground, let me practice for more than three hours, and I carefully pondered every action and every point. After going up on the day of the exam, the coach was not at ease and called me to go to another venue to familiarize myself with it, and to go to the exam later. Although the venue was familiar with many times, it was still arranged by the coach.

The fourth time I walked into the test center, how did I have a feeling of seeing death on the execution ground?

Waiting is the most torturous moment, looked at the phone, it is almost twelve o'clock in the afternoon, there are still half of the candidates in the examination hall, and a candidate next to him whispers:

Why didn't it take my turn when I came in at eight o'clock?

Because I was simulating in another exam room in the morning, it was almost ten o'clock when I came in, and it seemed to be far away from me. After lighting a cigarette and basking in the sun, I walked into the hall and sat down, and as soon as I looked up, my name seemed to appear on the screen as if with my eyes. After confirming that it is correct, I saw the car number clearly, walked into the examination room, and strangely felt like a pool of stagnant water, without half a ripple.

The previously lively examination room was quiet at the moment, there was no one, there was no car except for my test car in front of me, and I wondered: This is a special session for me?

The last student parked the test car in lane 2, which is exactly what I wanted to enter.

Open the door, get in the car, and after all the preparations, wait for face recognition. Only then did I see two or three cars returning to the starting point one after another. The horn came:

Are you so-and-so?

I answered loudly and raised my hand. Then came the instruction to start the exam.

The legs are still shaking, but still steadily pour the car into the right library, look at the parked car from the rearview mirror, a little dissatisfied, when practicing, parked more decently, now how a little crooked? Moving out to prepare to pour zuoku, a glance, an examination car swung slowly towards the second lane, in a hurry to tighten the horn, someone next to him also shouted: People are not done yet! There was a female student on the car, looking at the situation may be the first time to take the exam, a frightened, the car actually turned off. There was no way, my car could not stop, I could only continue to go forward, I stepped on the clutch with a semi-linkage and lightly stepped on the brakes to slowly lean towards the front of her car, the car was quickly attached to her front bumper, my front wheel just crossed the line, so dangerous! The beautiful woman on the other side did not know what she was still doing in the car. Do you know that if you push a little further, you will kill me?

When doing the second item, park the car according to the usual point, the left side of the sideline is at most more than ten centimeters, and the left rearview mirror is just online, so hanging!

The first two are not good at all, and the usual training is much better than this.

The next item is the curve I don't have to worry about, and I pass the level smoothly.

Right angle turn is the fourth item, don't worry, have seen the right angle, the brain suddenly stirred, the turn signal did not hit! Quickly turn on the lights, step on the clutch, tap the brakes, mentally silently count: one, two, three, four, the door handle is just aligned with the right angle. Quickly hit the direction while gently lifting the clutch to semi-linkage, passing steadily, and a cold sweat has been released!

Ramp fixed stop, I'm here again! Before entering the project area, I stopped the car and looked at it carefully. There are no cars on the four ramps, the poles are all there, all normal.

At this time, I found that I don't know when my legs have stopped shaking, and the second road, you have always made me haunt my soul. Fall there and climb there. The front of the car was crooked on The Second Lane.

Adjust the sidelines, slightly take the front of the car slightly to the left a little more than usual training, the deduction does not matter, today, the most important thing is that the start must not go wrong again! Park the car, the front is suitable, the right side is indeed greater than thirty and less than fifty, I have no intention of listening to the broadcast. Little by little, the car has reached the semi-linkage, and I am still slowly loosening, looking for the feeling of the body shaking violently. Well, right here, the front of the car sinks, one vertical and one vertical. The right foot slammed on the accelerator, put down the handbrake in the roar of the engine, the car rushed to the top of the slope like a wild horse that had lost its reins, and the foot did not loosen the throttle, at this moment, the resentment that had accumulated for many days also rushed out of the heart with the car.

Over the top of the slope, release the throttle, slam on the brakes, and the horn says:

You passed the exam! At this moment, how can this sound be so pleasant!

Driving the car back to the starting point, I also parked the car upright at the entrance of The Second Lane.

Is that over? How can it be so easy? I want to find someone to ask and confirm it, but there is silence around, where are the people? The candidates who picked me up were also not seen. After a moment's hesitation, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. I walked to the door and met a staff member and asked what to do if I had passed the test?

Go below and sign. He pointed with his hand.

When I signed, my hands were shaking badly, and the name I wrote was crooked, completely without the style of my old pen walking dragon and snake.

The joy in my heart could not be contained, and I had to find someone to share it with. I took out the phone to call the video to my wife, and the moment I connected it, I suppressed the happy expression and tightened my face.

Over? The wife asked with a surprised face.

No, don't wait for me, I'm not coming back today, I said it deliberately in a serious tone, the expression may be tragic.

Lie to you, it's over! Watching the light of joy in my wife's eyes fade a little, I dare to say it out loud.

It's over, you're finally over! The light came back into my eyes.

Called the coach again and said.

It's long overdue. There was no sound of temperature coming from the microphone. Won't you praise me twice? Sample!

Walking out of the examination hall door, I suddenly felt how today's sky was so blue! How everyone on the road is so kind! Even the road seemed to be much wider than usual. Suddenly remembered a few days ago there was a circle of friends posted: no matter how warm the sun is, it can't warm the desolation of winter. At that time, I felt very sympathetic, but now I don't agree with it, and winter has the unique beauty of winter. There is warmth in the heart, warmth in the eyes!

Where to go?

Where to go?

Several drivers came around to ask, usually hearing this kind of sound and too lazy to look up, I actually smiled and shook my hand to refuse today. I'm going to walk a bit to calm my mood.

A person walks slowly on the road,...... But why is his wife worried? The long scrolls of poetry are ecstatic, and the songs of the day need to be drunk... Suddenly, a poem by Du Fu popped out of his mind. Singing, drinking. My mood at this moment was exactly the same as Lao Du's ecstatic mood when he heard the news that the officers and soldiers had retaken Jibei.

The passage of the second section is like giving people chicken blood, and it is exciting for several days. My temper is much better, and I can sleep until dawn. There is no hurry about Koko THREE, I want to enjoy this pleasure more.

Inevitably, Kosan was still on the agenda.

After the successful examination, he began to practice driving.

Sixteen days later, I came to the exam room again, because I wanted to mock the exam, so I came up a day in advance, and when I came, the coach told me to go to the exam route to walk in the field, so I first went to actually walk around. When I practiced in the back, I felt the coach's good intentions.

Because the end of the exam is nearly sixteen o'clock, I simulated the car on the crowd, when it was my turn was night, fortunately walked a circle during the day, but also only remembered a rough, although the lights are on, but the field of vision is limited, the daytime bullish mark is now almost not found, just mechanical listening to the simulation coach's password to do the action, in the state of the lake painted two laps, there are many problems: straight line can not go straight, turn the compaction line, forget the brake. The watching simulation coach shook his head straight. Finally decided to practice the remaining lap tomorrow morning after dawn.

Lying on the bed in the hotel, although I didn't have confidence in myself, I still compared the exam route sent by the coach with the actual route I had just simulated, little by little, where to turn around, where to overtake, where to brake...

People who live together grind their teeth in their sweet sleep, maybe they dream of eating something delicious, right? I was still staring wide at the ceiling in the darkness.

In the morning, after the simulation has been more than eight o'clock, the biggest problem is still driving in a straight line, simulating three dead three! Although I tried hard to do it, I couldn't see whether the car was straight or not, and I couldn't feel that the car was running off. Let the dead horse be used as a living horse doctor.

It was almost nine o'clock when I arrived at the test center, and the examiner in the meeting was given a training session to cover his face. The number of people taking the exam today is relatively large, more than three hundred. There are two exams. Those of us who are late for the test are scheduled for the afternoon exam.

It was another long wait, watching one candidate after another go out and watching them come back. Don't ask, the answer is on their faces. Passed: the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and the Chang'an flowers are seen in one day. Not over: Ask the jun how sad he can be, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward. It really is: a few people rejoice and a few people worry.

I saw the coach who simulated me last night, because he had something to practice for me and left, and the remaining two laps were another coach, and he didn't give any useful advice.

Dare to rush up to greet him and say my straight-line driving problem.

Didn't simulate three? His brow furrowed.


Did your coach teach you to shake the steering wheel? He then asked.


Did you shake it?

Two shook, one didn't shake, neither. I answered honestly.

The most important thing is the personal car feeling, the car straight, look at the distance your coach must have told you, I only have one point to tell you, the car in the examination field is not the same as your coach's car, the car in the examination room is a new car, the direction gap is smaller than the car you practice, and the amplitude when you shake it must be smaller than when you practice.

Okay, thanks coach, that sentence is heartfelt.

It was more than fifteen o'clock, and there were few remaining candidates. Finally called my name.

Because I have not driven in a straight line, I feel that I am just a companion of the exam, and I end early and go home early, so there is no ripple in my heart.

The examiner was a chubby middle-aged man of about forty years old.

Hello examiner! I said aloud as I handed over my ID card. In case you ignore me, I am not embarrassed, and the embarrassment is someone else.

Strictly speaking, I'm not an examiner, the examiner is the computer in the car, I'm just taking care of you. He took the ID card and looked at it and handed it back, saying lightly.

Hey, doesn't the legend say that the examiner ignores people? I dare to take the ID card with both hands.

Get in the car and do all the preparations before starting. Hit the turn signals and get off to a smooth start.

The car was the first action done after starting, and then it was my nightmare, the death of the candidate a hundred meters: straight line driving. In the distance before we knew the car, the coach told us to make sure to straighten the car. I looked left and right to find a reference object, drove the car in the middle of the two edges and secretly glanced at the left window along the parallel to the left dotted line, I dared to hold the steering wheel and look at the front, good luck, there was almost no car in front, there was a pole in the middle at the end of the road, I did not move and went straight to the pole. And start shaking the steering wheel slightly.

When the voice broadcast meeting, I clicked on the brakes, and the movement in my hand did not stop. I kept shaking like this, and I didn't know if the car had gone astray, because a large truck came in the left lane and blocked the pole, and I had no target. In this way, mechanically, it shook, it shook, it shook with minimal amplitude.

The straight drive ends. It was as if a century had passed, and a voice announcement had finally come to my ears.

The involuntary foot movement in my heart is heavy,

I felt a glance as if I had swept over to this side, and when I saw that the speedometer was close to thirty yards, I secretly loosened some oil and walked forward smoothly.

Coming to the intersection traffic lights, there is usually a lot of traffic on this road. Yesterday three times across this intersection is not a lot of cars or red lights, have to stop and then start a gear. Because turn over to do plus or minus gears, after a gear start more car plus turn can not change the second gear, afraid of speed and gear mismatch, yesterday twice with a gear, in the past to do plus and minus gear, one plus two, two plus three ... , the original distance is not long enough, and one more gear, after doing it are about to rush to the crosswalk.

Good luck today, there is no car in the same lane and in the opposite lane, there are still fifty seconds left at the green light, hit the left light and turn left, just turn the corner to speed up to twenty-five yards, change three gears, one foot throttle thirty-five yards, change to fourth gear, and then reduce gears at zero. The addition and subtraction of gears is completed in one go, and the mileage is not yet fifty meters.

The other projects were completed safely one by one, less than a kilometer from the finish line, and hope was ahead. I'm driving on the left now, and I have to make a right-handicap change to get back to the finish line.

To the position of changing lanes, after playing the right turn signal to look at the right rearview mirror, followed by several cars, in the winter dusk those cars have turned on the contour lights, white bright piece, now the turn is too late, there is a car has been very close to me, from the rearview mirror I see it quickly become larger, indicating that it does not mean to slow down at all, I have exceeded the steering mark for about ten meters.

The security officer moved, I was shocked, if he moved again, then it is possible that I will not be able to move! Step on the clutch, brake decisively stop. As soon as I stopped, the car in the right lane roared past. Two, three... Seven, seven cars passed, and I confirmed that there was no car in the rear before starting to change lanes.

The finish line arrived, slowed down, changed gears, after the voice broadcast pulled over, I turned on the right turn signal, and after three seconds slowly leaned towards the sideline, the left wiper to the high point next to the line back to the square disk. Back too fiercely, the lights fell off, dare to close up, I looked in the right rearview mirror, it seems to be a little wide.

Your lights deduct five points! The whole time did not say a word, the expressionless security officer suddenly said at this moment.

Got it! I understand. Little by little, I slowly leaned toward the sideline, just when I felt it was okay. With a snap, the security officer had unfastened his seat belt. I immediately stepped on the clutch, braked, pulled the handbrake, went back to neutral, turned off the turn signals, turned off the ignition, loosened the clutch, braked, unfastened the seat belt. The security officer watched expressionlessly as I finished these movements and opened the door to get out of the car.

I looked to the left and rear, safe. Open and close. Voice is broadcasting: your exam this time...

Okay, get off the bus. The safety officer pulled open the car door.

Got out of the car and stood in front of the safety officer.

Thank you examiner, I bent down slightly to greet and whisper.

Still expressionless, not only did he ignore me, he didn't even look at me. Open the door to the car, close the door and light the fire, and whizz the car is gone.

Once it's over, it's that easy? How the heart is not as happy as I thought. This may be that we are pursuing the result, but in fact, we enjoy the process of pursuing the result, right?

In the vibrato, I can understand seeing a female student crying on the spot after hanging up the subject for the fifth time in subject two; a male student crying in the examination hall after hanging up the subject for the fourth time in subject two, I can also understand; a female student rushed down the examination car number in the subject three road examination because the female car owner did not have a car and rushed to the examination car number and cried and angrily angered the female car owner, I can understand more!

Some people commented below: How to drive in the future with such endurance? Without experiencing their suffering, how can you feel their heartache? There is a lawyer in the United States who has been working on the call for the abolition of the death penalty for the first half of his life, but when the gangster killed his wife in front of him, he suddenly woke up and decided to throw himself into the rush of not abolishing the death penalty. So: the knife can't cut your body, and you will never feel the pain of the flesh!

There is also a passage seen in TikTok: See the test car, if you are in front of it, please don't block it; if you are behind it, please don't tickle. You also came from there, and it wasn't easy.

In just a few short words, I actually watched with tears! The rules of the exam are dead and cold, but people are alive and have temperature. If you encounter the test car in the future, don't block it, don't urge it, be more patient, be a person!

Although I think subject four is a piece of cake for me, the coach has said: Be in awe of the exam room and the exam. So I seriously brushed up the questions on the driving test book and made more than forty simulation papers. Then go to the exam room for ten minutes to answer and pass the exam.

At this moment, the driver's license was on the table in front of me. From the time I got it back to now, I took it out and played with it at every turn. For it I almost went crazy, seeing that the angle of car observation is different from others, others are looking at the brand, I first look at the wiper is several, in what position; a pair of shoes worn for several months do not dare to change, afraid of changing can not find that feeling; even about an exam to hesitate whether the day is a good day ... Fortunately, after weathering the wind and rain, I finally saw a rainbow!

Thanks to the coach for his encouragement and support along the way, and also thanks for his efforts and perseverance. This experience of learning to drive will last a lifetime and will inspire me to forge ahead in the rest of my life!

【Original】Wang Tianning, | of Gansu Province: How did you get your driver's license?


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Wang Tianning, a native of Ning County, Gansu Province, loves life and likes to read.

【Original】Wang Tianning, | of Gansu Province: How did you get your driver's license?

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