
Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am Ah Fei, the New Year, prepare a few good omens, good meaning of the dish, thirty nights of Chinese New Year's Eve rice on the table, see can make people happy.

These 5 courses are the most common and simple, do as you go, you can learn in a moment, like the first collection, do not delay the New Year to show a hand.

【Glutinous rice red dates opened their mouths and laughed】

New Year's Day, learn a few auspicious and festive dishes, Chinese New Year's Eve rice on the table means good, this sticky rice red dates opened their mouths with a smile, one grain of laughter opened their mouths, the method is simple, the elderly and children love to eat.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

1. Soak a few large dates

Do not remove the jujube kernel after soaking.

Prepare the glutinous rice flour, add some water, and form a dough. Dip some water in your hands and turn the glutinous rice balls into small doughs.

Sandwiched in the middle of the red dates, the red dates are white glutinous rice flour, and the red and white are a scene of their own, which is beautiful.

Sandwich the dates one by one and place them on a plate.

If you like to eat sweeter, you can also add the right amount of sugar in it, do not like to eat too sweet, this can be steamed on the pot.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

2. Bring water to a boil, put the red date glutinous rice in, cover with a lid, and steam for 8 minutes on low heat.

After 8 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the dates, don't rush to eat them, and then add a sugar sauce to pour.

Boil a spoonful of water, add some sugar, turn on a low heat, slowly simmer the sugar, and add a little less honey to increase the viscosity.

When the soup is thickened, turn off the fire and pour the juice on the dates, and the glutinous rice dates will be ready to be done with a smile.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

It is very simple to see, Chinese New Year's Eve rice is served on the table, which means that the year is red and happy.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef


This homely and simple fish-scented dragon echoes from end to end, closely packed together. The method is simple, the mind is on the knife skill, as long as the cut is good, it will be 60% successful.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

1. Choose long strips of eggplant.

Perpendicular to the eggplant knife, you can first pad a thick chopstick, 45 degree angle under the knife to cut the eggplant, each knife do not cut through.

Once one side is cut, turn it over and cut the other side. After cutting the eggplant is pulled apart continuously.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

Cut into green onions, garlic grains, pickled pepper strips, and a small piece of pork.

Prepare a small bowl with 2 spoonfuls of watercress sauce and 1 spoonful of tomato sauce.

Prepare a bowl and beat 2 eggs, grab a handful of flour, add some water to adjust the paste, and the paste can be pulled up.

2. Fried eggplant

Wrap the eggplant in a paste, and don't tear the eggplant off during the process of wrapping the paste.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

When the oil is 50% hot, carefully plate the eggplant, then put it in the pan and fry, turn on low heat and fry, about 5 minutes, fry the eggplant thoroughly, fry it, and fry it until golden brown to control the oil.

3. Mix the fish sauce

2 scoops sugar, 2 tbsp aged vinegar, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, put some pepper, stir well, add a few drops of dark soy sauce to the base color, stir well and set aside.

After fully sliding the pot, sauté the minced meat, stir-fry the minced meat into the green onion, minced garlic, pickled pepper and stir-fry the garlic, pour in the bean paste, tomato sauce, stir-fry the red oil of the bean paste, and pour some water along the edge of the pot.

Then pour in the fish sauce just prepared, put less cooking wine to fishy, stir the soup evenly, hook a little water starch and stir until the soup is viscous and bubbly, turn off the heat and pour the soup on top of the eggplant.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

This delicious and fragrant fish-flavored dragon can be served.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

【Honey Sauce Tangyuan】

In addition to boiling and eating, there is no better way to eat tangyuan, friends who like to eat tangyuan, be sure to try this method, it is very delicious.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

1. Prepare half a bag of rice balls, a few cherry tomatoes.

Blanch the cherry tomatoes in hot water and peel them.

2. Fried rice balls

There is a skill in frying tangyuan, if it is not fried well, it will collapse into oil everywhere, and it may burn yourself.

After the oil is hot, we pour the rice balls into a colander, then dip them into the oil pot, gently shake the spoon, and wait until the rice balls are covered with vegetable oil.

Then pour the rice balls into the oil pan. Turn off the fire the whole time, the oil is too hot, you can also turn off the fire. After the rice balls are fried, they will be slightly cracked, lightened and then surfaced in oil.

After all the oil surface is surfaced, fish it out to control the dry oil.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

3. Boil some sugar juice

Boil water in the pot, pour a large spoonful of sugar, turn on the low heat, boil the sugar all the time, add some water starch, boil the sugar juice to the viscous, pour the cherry tomatoes and fried rice balls into the pot, quickly flip the sugar juice.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

You can turn off the heat and get out of the pot, this honey soup dumpling is sour and sweet and sweet children love to eat.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

【Kaiping Wuchang Fish】

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

1. A fresh Wuchang fish.

Dispose of it first, cut off the head and tail and put it aside, and then dispose of the fish body.

From the back of the knife, the belly of the fish is not cut, in order to strive for perfection, we cut a knife every 0.6 cm, more than one millimeter is wide, less than one millimeter and narrow.

Cut it into a pot, code the bottom flavor, add salt, cooking wine, cut a few green onions, a little ginger shredded to the fish to fishy taste, put into the side and marinate for a few minutes.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

2. Steam on the pot

After the taste is in, unfold the fish body and plate it, and place the head and tail of the fish.

Bring water to a boil, add Wuchang fish, turn on medium heat and steam for 8 to 10 minutes.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

3. At the time of steaming the fish, prepare a small ingredient

Cut the white green onion and ginger into thin strips, and the green and red pepper slices are a little thinner, and also cut into thin strips, cut well and soaked in water to avoid wilting.

After 10 minutes, the fish is steamed, take out the Wuchang fish, pour out the water from the plate, sprinkle the shredded green onion and ginger and green and red pepper strips that have just been cut.

4. Oil

Burn to the hot oil, turn off the heat when the oil temperature is 70% hot, and stimulate the hot oil on the fish, the fish aroma is suddenly stimulated, and the fragrance cannot be blocked from drifting outward.

Finally, pour in the steamed fish soy sauce, sprinkle some coriander segments, and this light and oily Open Screen Wuchang fish can be served.

This dish is served Chinese New Year's Eve rice, it is definitely the most dazzling dish, learned, who does not praise us as a chef.

【Ginger peeled egg】

New Year's Day, how can hospitality be less than small cold dishes, in many small cold dishes, the most suitable should be this ginger juice small skin egg, delicious and simple, with the walk can be mixed with a plate.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

First peel the shell of the small skin egg, wash it, directly arrange the plate, and pour a juice to serve.

Seasoning: Add salt, chicken powder, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, ginger juice and soy sauce and stir well, pour the juice over the small skin egg.

If you like to eat spicy, you can put some chili oil.

Chinese New Year's Eve the 5 auspicious dishes that are necessary on the table, make them according to the recipe, and bring them to the table to praise you as a chef

Sprinkle a few shredded red peppers and coriander garnish and it's perfect.

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