
3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am Ah Fei, eggs are definitely a nutritious and healthy food, calling it "human ideal nutrition library" is not exaggerated at all, close to the people and grounded.

The baby's complementary food is also ok to add egg soup, made by yourself, better than other foods, digestion and hygiene, baby eating is also assured.

Steamed egg soup wants to be tender and smooth without honeycomb, simply add water pot steaming, it is wrong, add two more steps, tender and smooth.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

【Steamed egg soup】

1. First beat 4 eggs in the measuring cup, beat in the measuring cup, you can see how many milliliters the 4 eggs are.

These 4 eggs are about 200 ml, pour the eggs into a bowl.

Steamed egg custard, the first point is the ratio of egg liquid to water: 1:1.5 is the best steamed out tender and smooth.

Let's prepare 300 ml, about 60 degrees of warm boiled water.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

It is easy to produce a large number of bubbles with raw water to form honeycomb eyes, and the steamed custard is uneven. Warm boiling water can avoid this phenomenon very well.

Add some salt to the water to increase the bottom flavor, and beat the eggs with chopsticks. Pour in the prepared warm salt water.

Table salt can make the protein coagulate quickly, and when steaming, it is good to set the shape without scattering flowers.

Stir for a while, crush the egg whites thoroughly until there are no clumps, and use a spoon to skim off the bubbles to avoid forming honeycombs.

At this time, don't rush to the pot to steam, add 2 more steps, the custard is more flat and tender and smooth.

Step 1: Filter through a leak to sift out the bubbles inside and the egg whites that have not been broken.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

The second step: seal the egg liquid with plastic wrap to avoid water droplets and clumps during the steaming process, and use toothpicks to prick some small holes to facilitate steam circulation, so that the custard inside and outside maintain the same smoothness and tenderness.

2. After the steamer is in the atmosphere, put the egg liquid into it, steam it for 6 to 8 minutes on medium-low heat, do not steam it, it is easy to be inconsistent with the tenderness of raw and cooked inside and outside.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

When steaming to the fourth minute, lift the lid once and deflate, which can also effectively prevent the formation of a honeycomb.

After 8 minutes, take out the custard, remove the plastic wrap, cut it directly into small pieces with a knife, and drizzle with soy sauce and sesame sesame oil.

Sprinkled with green onions, the custard is delicate and silky from the inside out, without any honeycomb holes, and it is delicious and fragrant and tender.

【Milk egg soup】

Steamed egg custard for small children, you can try this method, eggs and milk are more compatible.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

To make egg custard, 1: Beat the eggs first

Beat 3 eggs, add a little salt to the bottom flavor, drop 2 drops of sesame sesame oil, stir with chopsticks, pour 300 ml of pure milk, stir well.

The ratio of milk to egg mixture is 2:1, which is more tender than the steamed custard.

Prepare another bowl, brush it with vegetable oil around it, and pour in the milk egg mixture.

Brush the oil to prevent the finished custard from sticking to the bowl.

Friends who often steam egg soup know that after eating egg soup, the bowl sticks to a circle, and it is not good to clean the bowl if it is not clean.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

2) Steam on a pot

Add 2 more steps before steaming:

Step 1: When you use chopsticks to stir the egg liquid, a lot of small bubbles will be generated. Before steaming, sift the egg mixture through a sieve and drain the bubbles inside.

There is no bubble to steam out to be more flat, out of the pot is smooth and tender and jelly has a spell.

Step 2: When steaming on the pot, you should cover the steaming with a plate to isolate the water vapor and prevent the water vapor from flowing in, so that the custard can be smoother.

After the water in the pot is boiled, put the egg mixture on the grate, cover the pot, and steam for 12 minutes.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

When the point is up, we take it out, cut it into small pieces, drizzle it with steamed fish soy sauce, sprinkle it with green onions and eat it.

【Soft bottom shrimp】

Then let's make a soft bottom shrimp that adults and children love to eat, light and delicious health and stomach without delay.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

1. Handle the shrimp

Fresh shrimp cut open the shrimp back from the middle of everything two, the shrimp cut open easy to taste.

Beat a few more eggs and the family can eat a few spoonfuls to relieve their hunger. Beat 6 hen eggs into the bowl, add salt and chicken powder to increase the base flavor, stir with chopsticks for a while, and stir the egg whites so that there is no clumping.

If you want to steam the custard smooth and tender without stomata, you can't use cold water, you have to use warm boiled water, and the ratio of egg liquid to water: 1:1.5

If the water is too little and steamed out, it will be hard, and if there is too much water, it is not easy to form.

2. After fully stirring well, use a dense leak to bring out the bubbles inside, the egg liquid that has not been broken, and then seal it with plastic wrap to prevent water vapor from dripping in during steaming, causing uneven surfaces.

Then put a small hole in the plastic wrap to facilitate steam circulation and heating more evenly.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

Basket after boiling and steaming for 5 minutes over medium heat.

3. Take advantage of this vacancy, let's cut some diced cucumbers, small carrots, and then put in the corn kernels, look good and delicious and nutritious.

After cutting, use a boiling pot to go down to raw.

Cook for about a minute and pour in the shrimp. Basically, as soon as the shrimp is rolled, it changes color and is cooked.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

4. Heat the pot, add clear oil, so that the fry is more oily, stir-fry all the ingredients on high heat, and cook some cooking wine along the edge of the pot to bring out the aroma.

Add two spoonfuls of water, a little salt, sugar, chicken powder, chicken juice mainly highlight the umami taste. After boiling, add some mustard powder and thicken the juice.

3 kinds of eggs are the best steaming method, tender and soft Q bomb, melt in the mouth, make a plate in a few minutes

At this time, the custard is also steamed, smooth and smooth without a hole, and it is no different from pudding.

Cut the custard into small pieces and pour the freshly boiled sauce to make the taste immediately different. You may not like to eat ordinary egg soup, more than this soup base, there is no fishy smell of eggs at all, it is all fresh flavor, and it is really not enough to eat every day.

Make egg soup, don't add some water to the pot steaming, add these 2 steps, fresh and smooth and tender Q bomb, the more children eat the more they want to eat.

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