
Three days and two boards visual China: It is impossible to predict the impact of the "meta-visual platform" on performance

On January 4, Visual China issued an announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, saying that the deviation of the closing price increase in 3 consecutive trading days reached more than 20%.

Specifically, after conducting a self-examination, Visual China verified that there was no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company in the previous period; no undisclosed material information that may or had a greater impact on the trading price of the company's stock was recently reported by the public media; and there were no major matters about the company, the controlling shareholders and the actual controllers that should be disclosed but were not disclosed or major matters in the planning stage.

However, on December 26, Visual China's visual art digital collection platform- Meta-Visual's official website and mini program (Meta-Visual Collection) were launched.

Image source: Meta-Vision website

Visual China previously said in the announcement that in the future, through the Visual China Digital Copyright Trading Platform and the Meta-Visual Digital Collection Platform, it will provide creators and artists, users and collectors with a variety of scenarios based on the blockchain trust mechanism of collaborative creation, copyright protection and transaction monetization, etc., and provide creators and artists with two opportunities for monetization, that is, digital copyright authorization + digital collection sales.

Three days and two boards visual China: It is impossible to predict the impact of the "meta-visual platform" on performance

Image source: Visual China Announcement

In addition, Visual China said that the company's core business will also extend from toB to toB+toC, which is expected to have a positive impact on the company's performance.

At the same time, Visual China also stressed that the meta-visual platform is currently in the initial stage of launch, and the specific operation will depend on the subsequent market expansion and promotion, and it is still impossible to predict the extent of the impact on business performance.

In the secondary market, the share price of Visual China has risen by 16.90% since the launch of the "Yuan Visual" platform on the 26th, and closed at 26.29 yuan on January 4. As of press time, its total market value is 18.42 billion yuan. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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