
Those who are prejudiced against IVF should not deprive women of their right to motherhood

For a long time, IVF was a taboo topic. It seems that only people who have physical problems will risk using it as the last straw.

Fortunately, this bias has diminished a lot with the continuous understanding of IVF technology, and more and more people are beginning to realize that IVF is not a beast, but a normal way of fertility that each of us can benefit from.

Those who are prejudiced against IVF should not deprive women of their right to motherhood

With the popularization of IVF technology and the maturity of assisted reproductive technology, more and more families have fulfilled their long-cherished wishes through treatment. However, there are still many people who are skeptical about this legal reproductive technology, even delaying the optimal treatment period.

One of the people I was most impressed with was an elderly woman. Because of the work reasons missed the best age for childbearing, after trying various methods without results, she decided to go to the hospital to do IVF, however, she made several appointments without arriving as scheduled, when the nurse called her to ask her the reason, she said depressedly that she was in compliance with the appointment because her husband did not agree to do IVF, and felt that the "IVF baby" did not have the health of the child born naturally, in case it was broken, it would never be able to conceive again.

To this end, our counselors repeatedly explained the technical principles of IVF to their husbands, but still did not work, and in the end, in order to respect their choice, we could only regret giving up.

It is such a small thing that can quickly be left behind in the daily affairs of the hospital, large and small. But for some reason, my eyes always came up with the scene of the wife who had the courage to come to the hospital for the first time, and she was very desperate to have a child!

Those who are prejudiced against IVF should not deprive women of their right to motherhood

It was such a small thing, but it was a big thing in her life. Because of her thoughts, she walked into the hospital and came to the closest place to her dream; and because of her husband's poor thoughts, her hard-won psychological construction collapsed in an instant, and perhaps she would never experience the feeling of being a mother again in this life.

Comparing heart to heart, what I feel is not regret, but pain.

It was at that moment that I had the intention of writing it out, to all those who have suffered because of fertility problems, to those who are prejudiced against test tubes, to those who are still hopeful about life despite suffering, to tell them the truth about test tubes, and I hope that more people can rationally look at the reproductive technology of test tubes, maybe they can change their one-thought difference, maybe life will go to a completely different path.

First of all, there is no shame in doing test tubes, no pain, no danger. Although there is a certain probability of failure, in fact, IVF as a high-end assisted reproductive technology, its surgical success rate is very high, on the other hand, with the development of assisted reproductive technology, there are now many measures that can reduce the harm caused to the mother, to face with a normal heart, a successful pregnancy on the female body damage is very small.

Second, IVF is not cumbersome. Compared with other forms of fertility, the emergence of IVF fertility technology has begun to make pregnancy a simple thing, so that all the suspense of the fertilized egg before implantation has become a controllable procedure, as long as it is in line with the indications of IVF fertility technology, ivory infant cultivation can be carried out. For people who suffer from infertility for various reasons, this is a kind of happiness and a kind of luck.

Finally, IVF fertility techniques are not a helpless life choice, but an active lifestyle, such as fertility preservation, which is now being advocated.

I remember a few years ago, a male public figure was accidentally injured due to participating in a show, and after being admitted to the hospital, the doctor told him that it might affect his fertility in the future. In this regard, he publicly issued a long article, humorously reviewing his medical treatment process and mental journey, he said that his first thought at that time was - "Fortunately, I had sperm freezing at the age of 40..."

Those who are prejudiced against IVF should not deprive women of their right to motherhood

For each of us, cherish today, cherish the present, who knows tomorrow and accidents, which one comes first. Preparing and planning in advance for what may happen in life is not a pessimistic attitude towards life, on the contrary, taking precautions can allow us to face the impermanence of life with a more relaxed attitude.

Instead of tabooing and escaping, it is better to face it, understand it, and how to deal with it better. Perhaps, in this way, we can better understand the meaning of life, and this direct face is our optimism and luck.

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