
The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

From the perspective of modern people, being born in the imperial family may be a lifelong dream, a high position of authority, never have to worry about the trivialities of life, but people born in the imperial family do not think so, they will encounter such a problem: "The most ruthless imperial family." How ruthless is the Imperial Family? Cannibalism, father and son breaking up, sons killing their fathers such things abound in history, the people of the imperial family must work hard, if there is no superior wisdom, it is very likely to die without knowing how to die, this is the cruel reality.

The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

There was once such a thing in history, the emperor wanted to kill his brother who was only 9 years old, the younger brother was helpless, and said seven words with tears before dying, and now, it has become a famous saying for eternity, what kind of story is this? Please follow me and watch it.

The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

The protagonists of the story are Liu Ziye, the emperor of the Southern Dynasty, and his 9-year-old brother Liu Ziluan, they have a half-father emperor, he is Liu Jun, Liu Jun as emperor, he has many heirs, but the most favored is the eighth son Liu Ziluan, as the emperor should be a bowl of water duanping, but this is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do. Liu Ziluan's mother was very favored by Liu Jun, and at the age of 5, he was more favored by his father and emperor, and he was crowned king at the age of 5, which made his half-brother Liu Ziye resentful at that time. The father and emperor are so partial to the younger brother, if I am not the eldest son, would it be difficult for me to make this little brother the prince?

The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

Liu Jun is really a little confused, he made his brother feel suspicious of this practice, the eighth son xiao did not understand things, Liu Ziye was already old, he felt that his position was already in jeopardy, the father emperor actually had the intention of abolishing his identity as the prince, so that he resented his brother even more, and he also had some hatred for his father and emperor, but fortunately, the ministers insisted on opposing liu Jun's decision to set up a little prince as the prince, which saved Liu Ziye's position as prince, Liu Jun died, and Liu Ziye inherited the throne. The first thing he did after he ascended the throne was to get rid of his brother, and he also wanted to destroy the tombs of his father and eighth brother and mother, and the hatred in his heart did not know how big it was.

The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

Liu Ziluan is now 9 years old, Liu Ziye did not want to wait any longer, he ordered someone to take Liu Ziluan to him, and confessed to his brother that he wanted to kill him, Liu Ziluan listened to the words of this brother, with tears in his eyes but did not drip, he calmly said: "May the body not be reborn in the Royal Family", so he took the poisonous wine in front of him and drank it all, this nine-year-old Prince left so quietly, he knew that even if he knelt down and begged his brother bitterly, it would still be the result.

The emperor wanted to kill his younger brother, who was only 9 years old, and the younger brother tearfully said the 7-character last word, which later became a famous saying throughout the ages

Think about it, the current children are 9 years old or what ignorant age, and Liu Ziluan, a 9-year-old child, can say such painful words, can see his understanding, but also can see his helplessness in the imperial family, maybe he only wants to live in peace, but reality does not allow, "just want to live" such a seemingly simple request, he can't do it, his helplessness, in fact, also writes the sorrow and joy of the royal dynasties, and he is just one of the epitomes, The seven words he said before he died have also become famous words throughout the ages.

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