
Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

With the continuous improvement of life and education level, young people began to pursue marriage freedom and love freedom, the phenomenon of arranged marriage rarely appeared, and many people also entered the hall of happy marriage.

As we all know, our laws clearly stipulate that the husband and wife are not allowed to have a close relationship. On the one hand, it is because the marriage of close relatives may lead to genetic diseases, which not only affect the health of the children, but also affect the living expenses of the entire family. On the other hand, many young people want their children to be healthy, and in order to reduce the probability of genetic diseases, young people will abide by relevant laws.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

China's law stipulates that immediate family members and collateral relatives within three generations cannot enter the marriage hall, such as maternal grandfathers and grandchildren. In addition, our laws also clearly stipulate the disease of inappropriate marriage. For example, both parents decide to have another child, but the father's genetic genes are likely to be passed on to the daughter, so when the doctor treats the patient, he advises the patient to choose to have a son as much as possible, rather than having a daughter. Now our country does not allow close relatives to marry, but this form is still prevalent in Japan.

The ancients married close relatives

Ancient people and modern people have different concepts of marriage, in order to maintain the concentration of power and financial resources, families will first choose people with blood relations. In this way, power will not fall into the hands of others.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

There are many cases of marriage between close relatives of the ancients. Ancient China practiced a centralized system, and the emperor held a lot of power. In the palace on time to hold the draft, in addition to considering the show girl's morality and talent, the emperor should also consider the family and wealth behind the girl, so if the girl's family wealth is large, whether it is a close relative or not, it will become the emperor's priority object.

For example, during the Han Dynasty, Liu Che and Ah Jiao belonged to the relationship between cousins. Ah Jiao is the Empress Chen we often refer to, Empress Chen's mother is called Liu Yan, he is Liu Che's aunt, married to the most influential founding hero of the dynasty, the uncle has supreme power in the imperial court, Liu Che in order to win over his uncle, naturally marry his cousin.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

For example, Lü Yan was the founding empress of the Han Dynasty, who had supreme power and had great ambitions for power. In order to gain more power, Lü Yan married his granddaughter to the emperor. The Song Dynasty also had cousins get married, and Lu You during the Song Dynasty had a dewy marriage with his cousin, but the two sides did not give birth to a baby. Lu You's mother felt that it was important to pass on the lineage, so she separated the two.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

Does Japan now allow close relatives to marry?

At present, China does not allow close relatives to marry, but Japan still practices this marriage model. In ancient times, each dynasty in our country had a very wide area of rule, and many countries around it tended to become vassals of ancient China in order to obtain opportunities for further development. Then they are not only deeply influenced by Chinese culture, but even the living habits of local residents are closely related to the living habits of Chinese. Japan was once one of China's vassal states, and its culture was deeply influenced by Tang Dynasty culture, and even many neighborhoods in Japan still retain the Architectural Style of the Tang Dynasty, and Japanese close relatives married at that time to learn from China. But we have long since not allowed it, but Japan can still marry close relatives.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

First of all, there are different differences in the customs and living habits of various countries, even if Japan still retains the shadow of Tang Dynasty culture, they still have a set of more old-fashioned marriage methods and love methods. In Japan, the Prime Minister has supreme power to bring sustainable development programmes and policies to the national economy.

Rather, Japan's emperor is a symbol, and the emperor holds little power in his hands. What's more, the emperor has a lot of requirements for the bloodline, and in order to ensure the purity of the bloodline of the members of the emperor's family, they will marry relatives who are related to them. In this way, it is possible to ensure the concentration of power and the purity of the emperor's family bloodline.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

Second, although the Japanese emperor did not hold a lot of actual power, the Japanese emperor was very important in the hearts of the Japanese residents. Since the Japanese emperor has a close relative to marry, the local ordinary people maintain a respectful attitude toward the emperor and will naturally follow the emperor's way of marriage. Over time, many ordinary people will also choose to marry close relatives, and marriage between close relatives has become very common in Japan.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?


In general, marriage between close relatives increases the probability that a child will have a genetic disease. China has long proposed a preferential marriage and fertility policy, people can choose the object of love and marriage according to their own aesthetics and desire for love. Although Japan is deeply influenced by ancient Chinese culture, Japan still maintains a state of close marriage, not only because the emperor needs to ensure the purity of the family's blood, but also because Japanese residents have followed the emperor's example.

At this time, some people have questioned, why is there a deformity in the marriage of Japanese close relatives? In fact, it is not that it does not appear, because japan's medical level is developed, if it is found that it is a deformed child, choose not to, there is another reason is that even if a deformed child is born, it is also concealed and will not be reported, so everyone feels that there will be no deformity in the marriage of Japanese close relatives, and this is a wrong idea, so for the health of the child, everyone still abides by the law, do not marry close relatives, after all, the child is still a living life.

Why is it so popular in Japan that close relatives are not allowed to marry in Japan?

Our country does not allow close relatives to marry, why is it so popular in Japan?

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