
The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

author:Yantai Forum ytbbs

Yantai is the capital of Lu cuisine and the birthplace of the "Jiaodong Sect" and "Fushan Gang" in Lu cuisine. But when many people mention Yantai, they often think of fruits and seafood, rather than various foods and snacks with Yantai characteristics.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Is there any food in Yantai? Yes, after all, as a rich history of Yantai products, a variety of food is everywhere, streets, alleys, large and small restaurants, can make you full and eat well.

Recently netizen @ lily flower 2012 a post caused a hot discussion among netizens, she ate a bowl of hot dry noodles from Wuhan in the three-station food street, which reminded her that Yantai also has a variety of brine noodles and Penglai noodles, Fushan noodles, Haiyang noodles, why is Yantai's snack street, but it is all sour chili powder, cold skin and other foreign food?

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Many netizens also agree that although Yantai has many cuisines and has its own characteristics, in the eyes of most people, it is neither representative nor can it go out.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

@ Fight counterfeiting

Yantai feels that its own locals feel that they are very good, many people in other places have not heard of it, and there is no weihai and Penglai in the south.

@ As one

Also because of the problem of Yantai people, many snacks that can be named, people there are brains, but also willing to contribute.

@Nishiyama Farmer

Fukuyama big noodles Penglai small face Haiyang noodles, to be honest few people will be authentic, local promotion has difficulties...

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

The views of netizens also reflect the current situation of Yantai snacks to a certain extent: lack of representation, lack of promotion, and less attention.


Lack of representation

If you choose a special food of Yantai, many people will definitely want to say that in half a day, there is no food that can represent Yantai and is widely known throughout the country in addition to apple cherries.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out
The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

We think it's good, but few people outside know that not only did we not go out, but we ate less and less ourselves. It's like there are many large and small restaurants on the streets of Yantai, but the lu cuisine is even better than the Sichuan cuisine.

Yantai's special snacks such as stir-fried braised, Penglai noodles, Haiyang noodles, etc., locals know it, but they will not eat it specially, nor will they recommend it to others, so many people feel that Yantai cuisine is "featureless".


Lack of promotion efforts

Sichuan's hot pot Sichuan cuisine, Xi'an's cold skin meat sandwich steamed buns, hejian donkey meat fire, Chongqing's spicy pots, Fujian's Shaxian snacks... Food from all over the world has taken root in Yantai, so some people say, "Yantai Street is full of foreign restaurants." ”

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out
The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Of course, these shops were not born naturally in Yantai, but after countless locals continue to promote them throughout the country, they have formed a momentum that can attract a group of diners without publicity.

Therefore, if Yantai's food or snacks want to go out, appropriate publicity means are indispensable. Without publicity, you can only entertain yourself, after all, the wine is also afraid of the deep alley, so that more people know is the right way.


Less attention

Some netizens believe that Yantai local snacks even local people eat not much, and the image is not conducive to promotion. If the cuisine of a place is not even valued by locals, how can it be promoted to outsiders?

Liuzhou has made great efforts to promote snail powder, so that snail powder stinks all over the country and becomes the preferred leisure snack for young people, but what efforts have Yantai people made to promote their own cuisine?

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Yantai snacks, why can't they be promoted?

Netizens wondered in another post, what is the reason why Yantai snacks are difficult to promote? Many people also gave their own answers.

Publicity and promotion are not in place

Many netizens believe that Yantai's food and snacks, even including Lu cuisine, are not enough to promote external publicity. There are many specialty restaurants that can be seen in other places, but lu cuisine or Yantai cuisine is difficult to see.

Up to now, many foreigners' first impression of Shandong is pancake rolls and scallions, and the first impression of Yantai is seafood, but what is delicious in Yantai, no one knows or cares.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

No attractive features

Netizens feel that characteristics are very important for food, and once the combination of regional and characteristic cuisines is formed, it will naturally form a better promotion effect - such as meat sandwich steamed bun in Xi'an, snail powder in Liuzhou, hot dried noodles in Wuhan.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Yantai cuisine just lacks such characteristics, Yantai has Penglai small noodles, Fushan noodles, Yantai stew, but in the eyes of many netizens, this is yantai people do not care about things, let alone carry forward the characteristics.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

There is no convergence innovation

For a cuisine with local colors, integration and innovation is also very important, netizens @lenux2000 said, "whether snacks are popular is strongly related to the mainstream tastes of society, especially the tastes of young people." ”

Therefore, if Yantai snacks want to go out, on the one hand, they must increase their promotion efforts, on the other hand, they can also be combined with local tastes, carry out various innovations, or adapt to the tastes of young people and create a trendy cuisine.

The embarrassment of Yantai snacks: can't go out

Yantai's mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are no fewer things to eat than other places, but there is no well-known and promotional food in the country, do you think it is a pity?

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