
Why the grace of daji is not fading, it is inseparable from the "bad habit" before going to bed, which modern women can't do

Mentioning the brutal people in history, the first thing that comes to mind must be Daji, although she is from everyone's boudoir, but after entering the harem, her heart is unusually vicious, the people who died in her hands are uncountable, and even for the sake of the Manchus' own curiosity, you can bet people's lives, at her instigation, the Shang King began to tyranny, at that time, no one in the Shang Dynasty did not hate Dai Ji, only the Shang King regarded her as a treasure, in addition to her beauty, but also because of a small habit before Dai Ji went to bed, so that she stood out among the harem concubines, But no one has dared to try this habit so far.

Why the grace of daji is not fading, it is inseparable from the "bad habit" before going to bed, which modern women can't do

As a monarch of a country, the king of Dai was three thousand beauties in the harem when she had not yet entered the palace, and the fact that she could be favored for a long time after entering the palace was not because of her absolute beauty, among the harem concubines at that time, she was not the most beautiful person, but because she was cruel to herself and dared to use her own body to play tricks, such as this habit before she went to bed, which was one of the reasons for the success of keeping the king.

Why the grace of daji is not fading, it is inseparable from the "bad habit" before going to bed, which modern women can't do

This habit of Daji seems too terrible to women now, that is, eat sweets before going to bed, and the sugar content of these sweets that Daji eats is very high, so in the long run, Daji actually emits a unique aroma, the focus is that the King of Shang is very obsessed with this taste, so he often patronizes The palace. Many people see this and wonder if they will worry about gaining weight? In fact, it is not that she is not worried, but in order to have both the fragrance and the figure, she basically does not eat during the day, so her stomach is not good.

Why the grace of daji is not fading, it is inseparable from the "bad habit" before going to bed, which modern women can't do

Using body fragrance to win the favor of the King of Qiu is only one of the means, in fact, it can be favored for a long time, but also stems from the fact that Dai Ji understands the heart of the King of Qiu, the King of Qiu is short-tempered, and for what he wants, he must get it immediately, often because he cannot meet such a request, he faces the situation of being killed, but He has never faced such a situation, and she always has a way to solve the various unreasonable demands of the King of Lu. Once, the king of Lu was in a hurry to eat because he was hungry, but the food he had just made was too hot, so the king of Lu was very angry, and Dai Ji immediately thought of a way to make the king smile and smile.

Why the grace of daji is not fading, it is inseparable from the "bad habit" before going to bed, which modern women can't do

The solution that Dai Ji thought of was to order someone to find two long sticks, which are now chopsticks, and the king of Gong ate hot food that was not hot and praised Daji, and Daji took advantage of the king's love for her, often killing ministers who opposed her, and invented many famous tortures. It can be seen that Daji is not only beautiful but also very cruel.

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