
The most special location in the South China Sea has been exposed, and Zheng He's inevitable road to the West has become a place of contention for many countries

As we all know, in recent years, the issue of the South China Sea has been causing huge controversies in the international community, not only because there are extremely rich oil and other resources in the local area. The extremely special geographical location of the local area has become the focus of competition among countries. However, my country has made it clear that our territorial sovereignty is sacred and inviolable, and that any enemy who covets our territorial state will not hesitate to crack down it. Today Hyosung would like to tell you about the special location near the South China Sea - Malacca.

The most special location in the South China Sea has been exposed, and Zheng He's inevitable road to the West has become a place of contention for many countries

Originally an unknown fishing village, Malacca was in a precarious local area with a harbour for small boats to dock. From the Tang Dynasty onwards, it gradually became a traffic channel in the South China Sea. During the Ming Dynasty, local politics, trade, and relations with ancient China developed greatly. In the "History of Ming", it is recorded that in 1403, the Ming Dynasty Yin Qing toured the south, and Baili Misula sent envoys to pay tribute. In 1405, Ming Chengzu crowned Baili Misula as the king of Manchuria, and at his request carved the national stone stele of the town. When Zheng He went to the West seven times, he stopped in Malacca five times. Because Zheng He was stationed in the Chinese area many times, this area is also known as The Three Treasure Mountain.

The most special location in the South China Sea has been exposed, and Zheng He's inevitable road to the West has become a place of contention for many countries

There is a Sambojing at the foot of Sampo Mountain in Malacca, Malaysia, which is also known as Libaojing. The well does not dry up, so there are rumors that whoever drank the water from the well will return to Malacca again. Zheng He also returned to Malacca several times because he drank the water from this well. In later development, this well was more and more deified, and Song Yunpu once said that "the water is extremely clear and sweet, and the people of the city are happy to drink it." The Malays flock to the well and draw water to cool it down, which is said to be able to get rid of the disease and prolong it. Therefore, those who draw water from the well are endless all day long, and it is also a spectacle. "There are Sambok wells in Srimaho Temples in Malacca, Semarang, Indonesia, and Thailand, and its well water was once regarded as holy water.

The most special location in the South China Sea has been exposed, and Zheng He's inevitable road to the West has become a place of contention for many countries

Due to the prosperity and rapid development of Malacca, it has attracted many invasions from other countries. The magical Three Treasure Well, which is rumored in the local area, has also attracted the covetousness of many countries, and it is even more important to send troops to fight for this purpose, launching a war to seize Malacca and Three Treasure Well. The legendary deeds about the Three Treasure Wells became more and more mysterious, and gradually passed on to future generations.

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