
According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

The strong must rule over the weak, and only the naturally weak will think it is cruel. - Hitler

World War II, also known as the World Anti-Fascist War, took place from September 1939 to September 1945. This war is a great disaster for all of humanity, because it has swept through almost all countries around the world, and the number of deaths is also countless.

And the man who started it all was a man with the ambition to dominate the world, and he was Hitler. This is unacceptable to those who yearn for peace.

As we all know, the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 was a turning point in the history of World War II, a decisive battle against the German army in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, breaking the myth of the invincibility of the German army, and its victory had great strategic significance, effectively preventing Hitler's wolf ambitions.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

So, in Hitler's plan, if he can defeat the Soviet Union, who will be his target next? This has to start with the causes of World War II.

Hitler's ambitions

In 1933, Hitler became the leader of Germany, and after a series of rectifications, Germany began the road to foreign expansion. Hitler had a dream of taking the whole world for himself, but he was "self-aware", and with germany's conditions at the time not enough to support his ambitions, he needed allies. Therefore, Hitler adopted the method used by the Qin State to destroy the Six Kingdoms: long-distance and close-range attack.

The first was to find suitable allies, Italy and Japan were selected by Hitler, because they had similar ambitions and conditions at the bottom, so through his unremitting efforts, the two countries were drawn into his own camp and divided their respective spheres of influence.

In short, Germany and Italy were responsible for attacking Europe, and Japan was responsible for the Asian region, and so on. Then join forces and attack the remaining powerful countries, such as the United States, which was making war money at the time.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

Of course, Hitler also had his own small calculations, when he won the final victory with his allies, the allies would become enemies, and he would be able to conquer the world and realize his dreams after destroying Italy and Japan.

Hitler first tore up the Versailles Contract and then annexed Czechoslovakia and Poland, and his declaration of war on Poland was tantamount to simultaneous war with Britain and France. As a result, World War II broke out in full swing.

After Germany defeated France in 1940, almost all of Europe was occupied by it. So Hitler turned his gun on the Soviet Union, because he thought that as long as the Soviet Union was taken quickly, Britain would not be afraid.

The attack on the Soviet Union was blocked

Hitler was very sure before he fought the Soviet Union, because the German army was very strong and invincible. So he drew up a plan for a three-month quick takeover of the Soviet Union, and then he was able to join Japan in the Middle East. I just didn't expect that the German army would stop at the Soviet Union, making their spring and autumn dreams a mirror flower and water moon.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

In the early days of the Soviet-German war, the German soldiers attacked in three ways, and achieved great advantages in the early stage, the Soviet Union was gradually defeated and retreated, and the loss of troops would suffer huge losses.

However, the size of the Soviet Union at that time was too large, the German army itself was good at blitzkrieg, not good at protracted warfare, and the front line was lengthened, and Germany did not even prepare winter clothes and equipment, and was dragged down by the Soviet Union.

The war was supposed to pay attention to the time, location, and people, and the German army was fighting in the Soviet Union, which was naturally hindered everywhere, especially the climate of the Soviet Union was particularly cold, which made Germany very uncomfortable.

The Soviet Union was rich in materials, energy and oil were very important in the war, Hitler targeted the Soviet Union, mainly for the supply of his tank troops, and the German army was not a just division, but for the purpose of aggression. The superposition of various factors made Hitler's ambition to dominate the world fold on the land of the Soviet Union.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

Who's next?

Many people wondered, if the German army could successfully take the Soviet Union, who would be the next target? To answer this question, we should understand why Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.

As we all know, fighting a war is also fighting resources, and whoever has more resources will get the greater the benefits from fighting. The Soviet Union is vast, the most important thing is energy and oil, if it is defeated, Hitler's tank troops will have a steady supply of oil, and he can also use the Soviet Union as the rear to attack everywhere.

Therefore, if the Germans take the Soviet Union, the next move will probably be the following possibilities:

One is to take out the country that threatens the most, Britain. Because there were not many countries that could be considered a threat by Hitler at that time, only the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States, so after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, there was a high probability that he would turn around and attack Britain, because only by taking Britain, the whole of Europe became the rear of the German army, which could be attacked and retreated.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?

The second was to cross Afghanistan and attack India, which had long been in Hitler's plan. Historical records show that in February 1941, Hitler ordered the implementation of this plan and prepared to throw 17 German divisions into the battle. Because Hitler believed that only by solving the periphery of the European theater could Britain be easily taken and thus prepared for an attack on the American continent.

The third is the Middle East. This possibility is also recorded, when Hitler was preparing to defeat the Soviet Union, he launched an attack on Iran to enter the Persian Gulf, and went south to the Indian Ocean to meet the Japanese division. To this end, Hitler had proposed this plan to Halder several times before 1942.

However, the above speculation is ultimately only a deduction, and no one knows what the follow-up plan in the mind of the war man Hitler is. In any case, Hitler did not win the Soviet Union, did not win the war, and went to the road of destruction.

According to Hitler's plan, if he could defeat the Soviet Union, who would his next target be?


Although the Second World War ended, it profoundly changed human history, affecting the world's military, economic, cultural, scientific and technological, and diplomatic levels, and also heralded that human war activities have moved from impetuousness to rationality and entered a new historical stage.

In this great war, mankind used the development of military science and technology as the intermediary to unite human wisdom and natural energy, so that the destructive power of war was greater, the means were more, and the way of fighting was more abundant.

The famous American historian John Tolan once commented that Hitler was one of the traditional adventurers and conquerors such as Alexander and Napoleon, who led the bloodiest and most terrifying nightmare in human history - The Second World War.

If it is said that the qin state's attack on the six kingdoms was a campaign in which the new system replaced the old system and could promote social progress, then the Second World War launched by Hitler was a naked war of aggression and an enemy of peace-loving people all over the world. Therefore, from the moment he began to wage war, he was doomed to failure.

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