
The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

famous Chinese

alcoholic drinks

The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

"Wuliangye" as a century-old brand, its name is also a long history, it was named by the late Qing Dynasty people Yang Huiquan, and before that, it was called "mixed grain wine" by the common people, and "Yao Zi Xuequ" among the literati and scholars.

The origin of the name "Wuliangye"
The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

Wuliangye is produced in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, and there are historical wines such as sake brewed by the officials in the pre-Qin period, konjac sauce wine brewed by the servants in the Qin and Han dynasties, and fruit wine made by the bearded miao people in the Three Kingdoms period with wild small red fruits, all of which are masterpieces of the ethnic minorities in Yibin at that time, all of which flash the unique insights and ingenuity of ancient Chinese on winemaking technology.

The origin of the name "Wuliangye"
The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

In the brewing process of Wuliangye, the most important and influential is "Yao Zi Xuequ". It was brewed in the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) by the Yao family of yibin gentlemen, using five kinds of grains: soybeans, rice, sorghum, glutinous rice and buckwheat. "Yao Zi Xue qu" is the most mature prototype of Wuliangye.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 AD, the Yibin Chen clan inherited the Yao industry and summed up the Chen secret recipe, and Wuliangye used the "Chen secret recipe". The literati and scholars called it "Yao Zi Xuequ", and the lower classes of the people called it "mixed grain wine", which is the direct predecessor of today's Wuliangye. The old cellar of the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 600 years, is still in use.

The origin of the name "Wuliangye"

In 1909, Deng Zijun, a descendant of chen's secret recipe, brought wine to a family banquet. After tasting it, Yang Huiquan, a person in the late Qing Dynasty, said: "Such a fine wine, called mixed grain wine, seems to be vulgar, and although Yao Zi Xuequ is elegant, it cannot reflect the charm of this wine." This wine is a jade liquid made of the essence of Wuliang, renamed 'Wuliangye' is an elegant and popular name, and as the name can be imagined. "Since then, Wuliangye's beautiful name has come out, and it will be famous for a century.

Wuliangye liquor was awarded the title of National Famous Liquor for four consecutive years after the second national appraisal in 1963.

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