
The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely
The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

Author: Fang Xiangling

Recently, the short video blogger Penny's mother has become popular, with more than one million fans, and her and her lover "Mr. Hui"'s parenting has received attention from her parents and mothers, and her son Has also become a group favorite. After looking at the birth, Penny became a full-time mother; from the age of one and a half years old, she has successively obtained the qualifications of psychological counselor, hypnotist and game therapist, and she did not expect to realize the three mistakes of taking a baby, earning money and living.

In fact, such a Penny mother did not practice in a day. Of course, Mr. Hui also contributed a lot.

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

Guide your child to fall in love with learning

Before resigning to take the baby, Penny was an executive of a Fortune 500 company, and Mr. Hui was a college entrance examination winner and Tsinghua talent in Hebei Province. Because they know the importance of learning, the couple attaches great importance to the cultivation of learning ability.

In order to cultivate the habit of reading, the couple removed the TV set and put a suitable height of bookshelves in each room, so that the small look could get the book at hand. They also hold reading contests at home, and even when they go out to take the subway or wait for the train, the family of three each carries a book and reads at any time. "My son started 'reading' books at 9 months, and now we have read more than 2,000 books."

In fact, at the beginning, Penny did not know how to choose picture books, and after thousands of choices, she bought a set of Chinese picture books "Du Lu Tu Du" and a set of English picture books "brown bear". Unexpectedly, the first time I saw the book, the small eyes I saw were full of excitement, grabbed the book and pulled it, and three times five divided by two tore the new book to pieces. Oh, the way the little guy "loves" books is too simple and rude, right?

The question arises: How do you guide your son to study? To this end, Penny nibbled on several large books of child developmental psychology, and finally Mao Sai opened up. It turns out that children absorb knowledge and understand the world not only through words, but through the five senses. They look at colors, they look at pictures, they listen to sounds, they listen to rhythms, they feel movements and rhythms, they smell smells and tastes.

After learning this, Penny began to try to sing the content of the book, buy small puppets to interpret, and also draw, dance, and do crafts with the children, interpreting the story content in various forms. In the midst of edutainment, seeing that she fell in love with reading, Penny was also very happy.

Who knows, when I was almost two years old, I suddenly lost interest in books, and I was keen to go out and run and ride every day, and I didn't even sleep for a nap. At that time, Mr. Hui was working in Jiangsu and often could not go home for a month or two, and Penny was tired and busy. "At that time, the test of my physical strength was very big, and I broke a pair of sneakers in a quarter."

Is it timely to stop it or to go with the flow? Mr. Hui and Penny discussed for a long time, and finally, Penny found a scientific basis: "During this time, my son mainly developed a big movement, and he needed to change different kinds of books to attract children's interest. "If you like cars, then borrow some books about cars."

As the weather turned colder and she spent more time at home, Penny took the opportunity to buy a "pop-up book" and successfully brought the little look back to the world of books. On the road to educating children, parents pay more attention to it, and children can make progress by ten points.

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely
The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

Learn and grow with your child

Looking at the young age, it is not easy for him to maintain the motivation to learn, penny simply accompanies her son to learn together.

Look at when she started learning English, she memorized 50 English nursery rhymes, 8,000 sentences of American family daily language, and 100 episodes of English Peppa Pig's lines. In order to see what she learns while playing, Penny reviews new words with him when she buys vegetables, and recognizes price tags when she goes to the supermarket. Every now and then, the scene of their happy learning envies others, and the relationship between mother and son is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, Penny also squeezed out time to read more than 200 parenting psychology books, obtained the qualification certificates of psychological counselor, game therapist and hypnotist, and later became a lecturer to train parents.

In the fourth year of full-time with the baby, he successfully earned 150,000 yuan, and even earned 30,000 yuan per month at the highest time. In order to share her educational philosophy and parenting experience, she opened an account on Douyin last year and now has more than 1 million fans.

The wife took the baby to study and catch together, and Mr. Hui, the "scholar bully", was certainly not far behind, he was busy sneaking around and studying with Xiao Guan. Seeing that the little guy was slow to do the problem, Mr. Hui spent the whole afternoon practicing oral arithmetic with him. When he practiced to see if he could blurt out the answer, he touched his son's head and told his son: "These things are spelled with memory and proficiency, and if you don't do it 1,000 times, it will naturally be." ”

Mr. Hui also taught himself drum kits. Before the age of 3, I took a look at the drum kit and insisted on taking an interest class. As a result, because of the young age, the older children will practice the rhythm for 10 minutes, and it is particularly hard to see if they have to practice for two hours. More than once he wanted to give up, and even threw drum sticks in a huff.

Mr. Hui did not get angry, nor did he accuse, but calmly asked him: "Do we still practice this drum?" If you don't want to learn, we respect your decision. Xiao Guan is not a child who easily loses, after calming down, the little one picked up the drum stick and continued to practice.

At a young age, mr. Hui knows how to persevere, and Mr. Hui is very proud of his son. In order to motivate him to see, he challenged his son: "Dad taught himself to play drums, and after a month we both PK." After that, Mr. Hui bought a drum stick and practiced it on his thigh, and his legs were knocked blue. Looking down at it in the eyes, I also riveted enough to practice.

In order to practice the performance of the song "No More Hesitation", he braved the heavy snow to go to school; with two months of practice, from slow speed 60 to original speed 134, the teacher greatly appreciated... In the end, Xiao Guan confidently performed on the big stage, and did not have to look at the score the whole time, the applause from the audience was thunderous, and Penny and Mr. Hui were even more tearful.

Learn drum kits for 3 years and see if you've passed level 5. Also because of this love and persistence, look at the painting has also won the national special prize, English and foreign teachers have no barriers, and the academic performance is also quite excellent.

Fans praised Penny for being too good and envious of her for teaching a good son, but Petunia said: "It is the son who has made me." He taught me that with hard work, anything is possible! ”

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely
The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

Dad's role is very important

The growth of children is inseparable from the participation of their fathers. In the first two years of kindergarten, look at the inability to adapt due to separation anxiety and timidity. To this end, Mr. Hui personally practiced and led his son to successfully "cross the robbery".

Every time they went out to dinner, Mr. Hui and Penny encouraged him to look at the little man, let him order his own food, and ask the waiter to mention it when he asked.

Once, seeing that he wanted to eat ice cream, they encouraged him to go to McDonald's to buy it himself. Looking a little shy, Mr. Hui "appeared in time to say": "Son, when my father first met his mother, he saw that his mother was talented and beautiful, afraid that she would not look up to me, and his heart was 'pounding' and jumping, and finally he also married?" Come on, son, you can! "Daddy is up in the face of difficulties, see if he is willing to back down?" He plucked up the courage to buy back the ice cream, and his little face was full of pride.

Usually at home, Mr. Hui would give his son a goodnight kiss every night, and he was also very gentle and considerate to Penny. In the middle of hearing and seeing, he also became a small warm man.

What makes Penny most memorable is that one day when her son was 3 years old, she couldn't get out of bed because of the pain of menstruation, and Mr. Hui couldn't come back from the field to see like a big child, obediently staying by the bed and watching cartoons, not crying all day.

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

Before the Spring Festival last year, Penny was unwell, because she had been cooking with her mother in the kitchen since she was a child, and the 6-year-old watched cook porridge, collect couriers, wash dishes, fill warm water bags, and take care of her mother for two or three days in a row, until Mr. Hui rushed home from other places.

For several years, despite gathering less and leaving more, Mr. Hui and Penny have kept pace, communicating with her every night through their mobile phones and chatting about their study and life. Once, looking at the high fever in the middle of the night, Mr. Hui rushed back overnight to accompany his son. When I was held in my father's arms, I saw that I had gained full of fatherly love and full security, and even if my body was very uncomfortable, I still gave my father a big smile.

"Many fathers always say that they don't have time to take their children, but Mr. Hui said that because he is too busy, I should cherish every minute with my children." Penny said.

The pet powder benefit is coming!!!

In order to thank the fans for their interaction, Xiao e Mei made a batch of "Hubei e family limited notebooks" and gave them away as prizes. How to get: Fans who have selected messages of not less than 30 messages in each natural month will get a limited number of notebooks; each person is limited to one book, the number is limited, hurry up and participate in Oh~

The world's top 500 executive mom vs Tsinghua talent father: they raise a baby, absolutely

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