
Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year

author:Shamo MO
Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year


01, on the road of life, home, the warmest

Time is rushing, and it has been another year since I left my hometown.

At the end of each year, homesickness is even stronger. The displaced workers work hard to return home for the New Year reunion.

On the road of life, home, the warmest, Robert said: "No matter when and where, home is always a place to open the door to the wanderer." ”

On the way of life, no matter where we go, home is always a warm harbor.

The footsteps of the New Year are getting closer and closer, and the mood of returning home is becoming more and more urgent, and someone on the platform has begun to walk home with a suitcase in tow.

Although the city is prosperous, it can't keep every heart that wants to go home.

In this life, I have seen the most beautiful scenery, but it is not as beautiful as the scenery on the way home. Because there is no emotion in the world, it is more precious than family affection.

When I was young, I used to long for a distant place, but after many years of being out, I just wanted to go home.

Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year

02, life, there are too many hardships

A year passed in a hurry. In a year, there is too much heartache, there is too much not easy.

When people reach middle age, life is not "easy", and everyone carries too much hardship behind their backs, carrying responsibilities that cannot be unloaded and put down.

When I first carried my bags to pursue my ideals, I continued to grow in setbacks, constantly experienced disappointment and despair, and constantly looked for hope and continued to move forward.

On the road of life, when struggling, I deeply felt that in ordinary life, suffering is the norm.

A year passed quietly. In the past year, I have experienced too much heartache. Those bitter and tired, can only be swallowed into the stomach.

Life is always exhausting, and the reason to keep yourself going is to go home.

Because, there are parents who love you the most, wives who care most about you, and the cutest children. No matter how hard life is, as long as you go home once, you feel that everything is worth it.

Going home can heal all the wounds in the heart; going home can make people forget all the pain.

Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year

03, go home, heal your heart

Life is outside, experiencing misery, experiencing setbacks, can only grit their teeth alone. Hit workers are the loneliest people in the world. Because, to grow alone, to carry the pain and tiredness alone.

There are some workers who do not want to go home because they have not made money.

On the one hand, I did not dare to go home and felt that I could not explain to my parents; on the other hand, I felt that I had not made achievements and was embarrassed to go home.

In fact, people who love you never care whether you make money, only care about whether you are living outside or not, and whether you go home for the New Year this year.

Whether you have money or not, go home for the New Year, accompany your children, and accompany your parents.

Even if it's cold in winter and it's hard to buy a ticket home, you have to go back to the warmest place. After wandering outside for a long time, your body and mind have long been exhausted, and going home can heal your heart.

Family affection is always the most precious, and money can be earned slowly, but the lack of companionship for the family is irreparable.

Go home, whether you're making money this year or not, go home and see your parents and spend time with your kids. Companionship is the warmest love in the world.

Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year

04, have a good New Year, and work hard in the coming year

The past year has passed. No matter how many regrets have been left in the past year, and it doesn't matter how many things you have not completed. Pack your bags and get ready to go home for the Chinese New Year.

Romain Rolland said: "Fate does not exist in the decision of the hour, but is built on the basis of a long period of hard work and obscure work. ”

Regardless of whether you have gotten ahead in your career in the past year, go home for the New Year. Family members are waiting for you to come home, waiting for you to come home.

Don't hesitate, don't dwell, live on the day when you should be reunited and happy.

No matter how many regrets there are, go home for the New Year. No matter how hard you work in the coming year, people can't always run and work, but also need to give themselves a time to recover.

Have a good New Year, go home and adjust your mentality, and work hard after the New Year.

The warmth of home can make you find the motivation to hurry; the love and care of your loved ones can make you have the courage to continue to move forward. Coming home can heal your heart that has gone through vicissitudes.

Written to workers: rich and no money, lively home for the New Year

05. Summary

No matter, you have money or not, go home for the New Year.

Life is a journey, and wherever we go, we will eventually return to the place where life began.

Home is always a strong backing inside, even if you suffer a lot outside, you can forget it when you return home. Home is magical and heals the human heart.

No matter when and where, relatives are always placed in the softest place of the heart; no matter whether there is money or not, the lively homecoming for the New Year, parents will not complain about you, and children are always looking forward to your return home.

When you go home, you can eat hot meals, talk to your family, have fun, and briefly forget the burden on the road.

In the most familiar and warmest environment, have a happy year.

Migrant workers shoulder heavy responsibilities, but also have to endure loneliness, the Spring Festival is coming, no matter where you are, go home for the New Year.

If you have money or no money, you have to go home, don't stand alone anymore, your family will always worry about you.


Author: Xia Mo MO, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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