
Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

author:Cover News
Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

Li Xia, deputy secretary of the Zhongjiang County PARTY Committee and county magistrate

Cover news reporters Ding Wei, Wang Xianglong, and Wang Pan

In one county, nearly 500,000 migrant workers go to the north and south of the river every year. The Spring Festival is approaching, nearly 500,000 concerns, the heart to the hometown.

On January 19, the morning fog had not yet cleared. Li Xia, deputy secretary of the Zhongjiang County Party Committee and county magistrate of Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Province, specially recorded a "New Year's Greeting" video for migrant workers, and informed the hometown of the hometown of the achievements of the year and sent New Year blessings to the compatriots in their hometowns.

The rural sounds that Li Xia brought to her fellow villagers are more and more densely woven road networks, more and more favorable business environments, and more and more employment opportunities at the doorstep; there are also Opportunities in Zhongjiang under the multiple superposition of national, provincial, and municipal strategies, and Zhongjiang as a way to build 3 50 billion yuan industrial clusters; and the post-75s female county magistrate's thinking on "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who return to their hometowns live and work in peace?

Pendulum phenomenon/

The momentum of development is good, and the workers are returning year by year

Cover news: Zhongjiang is a major labor export county. Up to now, how many people are still working outside the county in Zhongjiang County?

Li Xia: As a county with a population of one million, there are nearly 500,000 people working outside Zhongjiang. However, this number is decreasing year by year. Especially in recent years, with the high-quality development of the economy of Zhongjiang County, thousands of people will return to Zhongjiang every year. Although this speed is not too fast relative to the huge total, the trend is obvious.

Cover News: What does this trend illustrate?

Li Xia: It shows that we have ushered in good development opportunities and have a good momentum of development.

Cover News: What are the people who are back doing?

Li Xia: Among the groups returning to their hometowns, there are both employed people and entrepreneurs.

Cover News: Where to Start a Business? Where to find employment?

Li Xia: Entrepreneurs are mainly concentrated in rural revitalization. This is a national strategy, but it attracts villagers, especially to participate in the construction and development of agricultural industrial parks. Employment is concentrated in industry. In recent years, Zhongjiang industry has developed rapidly, providing many high-quality jobs, and everyone can earn money at the doorstep of their homes. Entrepreneurship and employment, the two promote each other, entrepreneurs provide jobs for the employed, and the employed provide human resources for the entrepreneurs. We have some entrepreneurs who used to develop in other places and now also return to their hometowns to set up parks.

Talk about opportunities/

The location advantages of the national and provincial strategic "corridors" have become more and more prominent

Cover News: You just said that Zhongjiang is ushering in a good development opportunity. Where do the opportunities come from? What are the opportunities?

Li Xia: Without strategic guidance, it is difficult for the county economy to break through. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, with the in-depth implementation of national and provincial strategies such as the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region and the development of the same city in Chengdemei, Zhongjiang, located in the east of Longquan Mountain and northeast of Chengdu, is exactly on the "corridor" of the national and provincial strategies. We are "moving east" with Chengdu and are still speeding up the construction of the deyang sub-center, so Zhongjiang has ushered in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Another opportunity is that after years of continuous development, the advantages of the Zhongjiang transportation area are becoming more and more obvious. At present, we are ushering in the "6 high, 8 fast and 3 track" traffic development pattern, the county has built 3 high-speed, respectively, Chengnan, Chengba, Chengdu three around the Dejian section. At the same time, the high-speed expansion and transformation of Chengmian has begun. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the planned Suide and Deyang Ring Expressways will also pass through Zhongjiang County. At that time, it will take only 30 minutes from Zhongjiang to Deyang City and 40 minutes to Mianyang City. It only takes 1 hour to chengdu downtown and Tianfu International Airport, and Zhongjiang truly enters Chengdu's "one-hour life circle".

Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

Zhong(Jiang) Jin (Tang) Fast Track

Talk about development/

3 50 billion clusters zhongjiang noodles to learn udon noodles

Cover News: When the opportunity comes, how to seize it?

Li Xia: Implement the linkage development of the first, second and third industries, with food and medicine, equipment manufacturing, and electronic information as the three pillar industries, and form three industrial clusters of 50 billion yuan.

Cover News: Food and medicine is the first pillar industry, what is it?

Li Xia: Zhongjiang's food industry cannot avoid Zhongjiang noodles, which is our business card. Zhongjiang noodles have been passed down for thousands of years, inherited from the Song Dynasty to the present. To make noodles, we must start from 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the first day, basically one or two hours a process, almost can't sleep at night, can only take a nap. It is not until about 11:00 a.m. the next day that the noodles can be made, and then there are noodles and so on. There are 18 large processes and 72 small processes in the whole production process. The season when we can make noodles is only 8 months, and our noodle inheritors once said that they did not make a pound of noodles for 21 days when the weather was bad. At present, the annual output of Handmade Noodles in Zhongjiang is only 4 million kilograms.

Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

Zhongjiang handmade hollow noodles

Therefore, handmade noodles should have its value, but it has not been fully reflected before. We are now going to carry forward the craft, which is the inheritance. In the future, Zhongjiang Noodles will move towards the development direction of Japanese udon noodles, creating "a bowl of noodles, a city", and small cities will become large industries. Through the hand hanging noodles to do the brand, the mechanism to do the output, so that the brand value, quality, output have been improved to a certain extent.

As a large agricultural county and a large animal husbandry county, our pigs have ranked second in the province in 2019, and grain production has ranked first in the province for several consecutive years. However, the added value of agriculture is not high, so it is necessary to enhance the added value of agriculture by doing deep processing.

In terms of medicine, Zhongjiang salvia and Zhongjiang white peony, two national geographical indication products, Zhongjiang will achieve 500,000 mu of Chinese herbal medicine base, to create a hometown of Chinese herbal medicines.

Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

Zhongjiang Peony Base

Cover News: How do the other two pillar industries develop?

Li Xia: Equipment manufacturing and electronic information are both industrial economies. In this regard, zhongjiang currently has two parks, one is Kaizhou New City and the other is a high-tech zone. The high-tech zone takes the development of the electronic information industry as the main body, and after more than 10 years of development, it has begun to take shape. In the future, there will still be development in this direction.

Kaizhou New Town is mainly engaged in food, medicine and equipment manufacturing. Kaizhou New City, as the bearer of "rebuilding an industrial new Deyang", is a cooperation area of Chengdu East New Area. At present, it is 32 square kilometers, the future plan is 50 square kilometers, and the long-term plan is 200 square kilometers, and the goal is to build a 100 billion park. The park has a clear positioning and the leading industry is basically formed.

Therefore, these 3 50 billion industrial clusters are highly compatible with the development of Zhongjiang, and they are not "brain-tapping" to come up with.

Speaking of people's livelihood/

Education and medical double guarantee To build a livable and livable park city

Cover News: The industry has developed, people have returned, how to build the city?

Li Xia: We often talk about living and working in peace and contentment, and only when we live in peace can we be happy, so we must let everyone have a good home. In terms of urban construction, we are improving the spatial layout of urban areas, with the goal of gathering 500,000 people in 50 square kilometers to build a "satellite city" in Germany. At the same time, we will continue to promote the improvement of urban functions, quality improvement, image improvement, service quality, vigorously develop urban commerce, and explore the development of headquarters economy. In short, it is to build Zhongjiang into a livable and workable park city.

Cover News: Not only livable but also livable, such a city needs to have a complete urban function. In particular, the function of people's livelihood services can be described as the key of the key. How does Zhongjiang grasp this key?

Li Xia: Yes, when it comes to urban functional facilities, everyone is most concerned about education and medical care. In the past two years, we have attached great importance to education and medical care.

In terms of education, in 2017, Zhongjiang passed the national compulsory education balance county standard acceptance. We have several hundred million hard investments, including land, equipment, and information construction, and now Zhongjiang is doing education system construction.

Medically, after 4 years, Zhongjiang County People's Hospital has been built from a tertiary first-class hospital to a tertiary first-class hospital, which is the second tertiary hospital in addition to the Deyang People's Hospital in the city. In addition, the construction of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, maternal and child health hospitals, children's hospitals, and private hospitals has made the construction of the medical system increasingly complete.

Li Xia, governor of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, thought about "face and city": How to let the "migrant workers" who returned to their hometowns live and work in peace and contentment

Zhongjiang built the second third-class hospital in Deyang

In general, the first is to increase capital investment year by year, the second is to support the expansion and efficiency of existing schools and hospitals, and the third is to improve the quality and treatment of teachers and medical care. There is only one purpose, to provide better education and medical care for the masses.

Cover news: There are people, there are cities, and there are noodles, and Zhongjiang is very exciting. So, in your mind, what does the future Zhongjiang look like?

Li Xia: Speaking of the future appearance of Zhongjiang, I think it has been specifically described in the "Decision of the CPC Zhongjiang County Committee on Implementing the Strategy of Building the Twin Cities Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region and Deeply Promoting the Development of chengde and Germany". To sum up, it is five sentences: Zhongjiang is the new fulcrum of Chengde Tongcheng City, the industrial synergy and integration area, the livable and livable park city, the green ecological agricultural belt, and the vitality of investment and industry. (Some of the pictures are provided by the Propaganda Department of the Zhongjiang County CPC Committee)

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