
From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

author:The golden armor is in Yanbian

For Beijing, I have a little bit of a complex. When I was in school, reading Mr. Lao She's "Zhenghong Flag" aroused my yearning for Beijing...

I, a northeasterner, came to Beijing alone after graduating from college and became commonly known as "North Drifter".

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Beijing Station, the starting point of the North Drift...

The moment I stepped into Beijing from Beijing Station, I knew in my heart that for Beijing, I was just a passer-by in a hurry.

But what I didn't know was,

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Beijing hutongs in autumn, really beautiful!

As a passer-by, I did not have the anxiety of drifting, but was full of curiosity about the city of Beijing.

Beijing is big, the area is large, and the momentum is also big!

At that time, I made a long-term plan: to use my leisure time every weekend to travel around the capital.

I remember once walking to the Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market, I saw an uncle holding a wooden stick, standing on top of a small bird, the bird flew around the uncle in a circle, and fell back on the wooden stick, the cultural heritage of Beijing can be seen...

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Birds selling on the side of Shilihe Street

There is no better way to know a city than one word: eat!

Before coming to Beijing, I had a very shallow understanding of Beijing cuisine, but I had only read Mr. Liang Shiqiu's essays, and from the words between the lines, I seemed to see a back of Beijing, and my heart longed for it...

Among the cuisines of Beijing, the most famous is Peking Duck!

At that time, I ran to Quanjude in the Shichahai Lotus Market alone and ate a duck...

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Quanjude roast duck

For eating, I am a foodie who does not blow or black, and to this day, I still think that Quanjude roast duck is decent, there is nothing wrong with it!

And I love crispy duck skin dipped in sugar...

Of course, I have also eaten the Four Seasons Minfu, Da Dong, Li Qun, Cheap Fang, and even what big duck pear, golden million, the taste is different. Perhaps people often blame the gap between price and expectations, after all, people's tastes are now tricky!

If you say, The Peking duck is in the hall, but what lands on the ground is a bowl of brine and fire.

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Brine and cook over high heat

Boiled and burned, it should be regarded as the "poor people's food" of that year, pig lungs, fat intestines are sewn into the water, fried tofu, dead noodles are also home-cooked food, which has become the argument of "no food in Beijing".

A bowl of brine boiled fire, not to talk about what the value, rough and heavy is its true color, eat a bowl, this will find that this bowl of high-calorie, high-carbon "junk food" to solve the hunger, unique flavor ...

Beijing cuisine is not all as rough as brine and fire, and the most exquisite is shabu lamb!

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Copper pot shabu lamb

Shabu lamb is a Beijing hot pot, there is no hot pot anywhere, just so bluntly tell you, the protagonist is lamb, the rest are floating clouds...

Eat shabu lamb, eat lamb, side dishes are just cabbage, tofu, vermicelli can be,

What balls, fish cakes, fat cows, mess is all a noisy act...

My personal hobby, shabu lamb has eaten a few plates, and then a plate of mustard mounds, the most degreasing and appetizing!

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Mustard mounds

Beijingers love to eat lamb, and they also eat mutton, of which hot roast meat is the most charming!

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Grilled meat

Different from the Korean-style grate for grilled meat, the hotter of Beijing hot roast meat is thicker, the temperature is stable and uniform, and the understanding of mutton by Beijingers is transparent.

When I was in Beijing, I liked to go to Tongzhou South Street when eating hot roast meat, the small shop was shabby, but the barbecue was extremely authentic, and now that I think about it, it is also a flood of saliva...

Another way to eat lamb, sheep scorpion hot pot is also a delicious dish!

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Sheep scorpion hot pot

I remember when I was in Beijing, I once entertained a friend in Guangzhou and ran to Niujie to eat a lamb scorpion hot pot. The friend ate very well, and put on two pounds of sheep's tail,

I didn't expect to return to the hotel at night, but I vomited a mess, not only sighing that the heart is a foodie, but the body is not...

Of course, Beijing cuisine, as a foreigner, can not do everything according to the order.

It must be mentioned here:

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Beijing bean juice

After a long time in Beijing, I also got to know some local buddies, one of whom is known as a native of Beijing, who lives near and Around the Gate, nicknamed "Xiaopeng". Xiao Peng said unless he took me to drink bean juice, what scorched circle, hemp seed gold wire, said the head is the Tao, and then smiled and squinted at me with a vicious face after drinking a bowl, he told me: "In fact, I can't drink bean juice!" ”

But he packed a bag of raw bean juice for his father, saying that the old man likes to drink raw bean juice, and he can't help but convince me...

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Beijing NiuJie

When it comes to Beijing cuisine, halal food must account for half of the country, and Niujie has to go.

When I was in college, I made a good Hui brother, and the two of us were inseparable, and I basically didn't eat big meat in four years...

Eating halal food in Cow Street is even more like a fish!

This reminds me of a good relationship in Cow Street. On the way to find food in NiuJie, I met a Beijing aunt who talked to me, and my aunt looked at me like an ethnic minority, thinking that I was Hui and lived in the neighborhood of Niujie, and had to introduce me to my girlfriend.

Big Mama speaks Really beautiful Beijing dialect, and the Beijing dialect is crisp, and it is rare to hear such a beautiful Beijing accent.

After my aunt learned that I was Korean, she looked sorry and gave me a piece of rice cake before leaving... hey! What a fragrance!

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Osmanthus sesame rice cake

According to the instructions of my mother, I found the Baiji rice cake in NiuJie and bought a piece of osmanthus sesame rice cake, the price is not cheap, but it is really delicious!

When you get to Niu Street, Jubaoyuan is a must to taste.

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Jubaoyuan is always in line...

Jubaoyuan's shabu lamb is very authentic, especially after eating the staple food link of the hot pot, sesame cake makes me addicted (the heart of the carb control is broken)!

And always in line is the takeaway window of Jubaoyuan, sauce beef, roast lamb to buy home burritos to eat, his sauce brine beef heart is my wife's big love.

Go to NiuJie, I will definitely go to the "Cheese Wei" near the north entrance of Niujie Street, and his home almond tofu still makes me miss it...

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Cheese on the left, almond tofu on the right

Almond tofu, with a strong almond aroma. Especially in the summer, drink a bowl, cool and slippery, and specialize in the "sauna day" of Beijing's sweltering heat.

Among the halal cuisine in Beijing, the popcorn must be the most exquisite.

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Burst your belly

I remember that Mr. Liang Shiqiu's "Yashe Talks about Eating" specifically talked about a Beijing pop belly, paying attention to the three techniques of popping belly Ren'er: coriander explosion, oil explosion, and soup explosion. Mr. Liang also recalled the experience of eating three plates of explosive stomach in one go to Zhi Mei Zhai on Coal Market Street.

In my opinion, the belly explosion is the most exquisite skill in Beijing cuisine, and every second of the fire is a race.

But unfortunately, in the experience of exploding belly I have eaten, 90% of them are failures, either pimpy old, or not cleaned up, full of dirty smell... I am sorry to know it so far.

Perhaps at this point, many outsiders mistakenly think that this is the "original taste" of the belly explosion, but in fact, it is a thousand miles away.

Beijingers are very particular about eating, and fried sauce noodles are one of the representatives, which has a sense of turning decay into magic.

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

Beijing fried sauce noodles

In the north, many places eat fried sauce noodles, but Beijing's fried sauce noodles are absolutely first-class! (No rebuttal accepted)

Speaking of which, Beijing's early breakfast is really a pity.

Doing breakfast is a chore, and most of the people who do breakfast in Beijing are foreigners, and they have long lost the characteristics of Beijing.

Mr. Liang Shiqiu's "Old Tofu" boiled into a honeycomb shape mentioned in "Talking about Eating" was not found in Beijing after running all over, and I deeply regretted it.

Now the feature of Beijing's early breakfast should be the bun with fried liver, here my favorite is the Xisi bun shop, the only one is not the only two.

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

West four bun shop

Of course, when it comes to Xisi, there is also a delicious flower, Xisi's "Yanji cold noodles".

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

West Four Yanji Cold Noodles

For a Yanji person, I would rather kill ten bowls of bean juice than this bowl of "Yanji cold noodles"...

Here, I am not in any pejorative sense, but full of respect!

The farther away from any food, the farther away it is, the greater its taste changes, which is the principle of food.

Yanji cold noodles can go out of their hometown and come to Beijing, even if the taste changes, but it can take root and sprout, still carry forward our Yanji food charm, which is worthy of respect!

It has been three years since I left Beijing and returned to my hometown...

Hearts and minds in Beijing buddies, Beijing food.

Because in the post-epidemic period, there has been no chance.

Today I happened to eat a meal of fried chicken, and suddenly remembered the "Yongshun fried chicken" in Tongzhou, Beijing, and thought of Beijing cuisine...

From the perspective of me, a northeasterner, talk about Beijing cuisine! Relax your horizons, you really have a blessing...

The best fried chicken I've ever eaten

This fried chicken, my wife often forced me to queue up in the cold wind... Oops, how many chicken legs can my old cold legs eat to make up for it!

Today, I shared my memories of eating in Beijing with you.

I wonder if you have any unforgettable memories of Beijing cuisine?

Talk about it in the comments section!

#Beijing Cuisine ##Roast Duck##Shabu Lamb ##North Drift ##北京 #

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