
For the famous player Tomba, Okamura Ninji commented on it like this, shocking!

Tang Enbo, as the backbone of huangpu and a general of the Central Army, participated in many battles during the War of Resistance. However, as the commander of the group army and the commander of the front army, he opened the history of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and could not find several famous victories he fought. On the contrary, a "water drought locust soup" made him "famous in history". In addition, he lost thousands of miles of the Central Plains overnight, which is also notorious.

For the famous player Tomba, Okamura Ninji commented on it like this, shocking!

However, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he personally inscribed the title of the book "The History of The Chinese War of Resistance".

What was Tombaugh's impression of such a man among the enemy generals? Ninji Okamura has several accounts about him in his memoirs, which is surprising!


"Tombaugh graduated from the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School and is extremely pro-Japanese. After the end of the war, Tang was responsible for the reception of the Shanghai area, and did his best for the Japanese, and 100,000 overseas Chinese were deeply considerate and grateful. ”

Okamura's words "extreme pro-Japanese" and "dedicated efforts" are shocking and frightening.

Part 2:

Regarding The personal friendship between Tombaugh and Okamura Ninji, Okamura Ninji said this:

"Tang and I, as military commanders, had the opportunity to fight four times, and after the war, we met like old friends, and we were very close."

For the famous player Tomba, Okamura Ninji commented on it like this, shocking!

The personal relationship between Tang Enbo and Okamura Ningji is so good, and some Wuhan people can't help but scold the mentality of some Wuhan people who mention Okamura Ningji, which is simply a world away!


Ninji Okamura said:

After the peace was achieved (in 1945), Yusa came to Japan three times and immediately went to Meiji Jingu Shrine to worship after arriving at the hotel from Haneda Airport. He was such a pro-Japanese faction, and he was once greatly welcomed by most Japanese officials and people in Japan. ”

- Another "pro-Japanese faction".

There was also a "grand welcome" from "Japanese officials and people" to him.

For the famous player Tomba, Okamura Ninji commented on it like this, shocking!

However, the reason why the Japanese treated Tang Enbo so "kindly" to Tang Enbo is unknown.


Tang Enbo, the "pro-Japanese faction", eventually died in Japan. Ninji Okamura said:

"In June 1954, Yu came to Japan to treat stomach ulcers and was admitted to Keio Hospital, where the results of the operation were good, but during the recovery period, he died suddenly, for unknown reasons, which is very regrettable. A grand funeral was held for him in Tokyo. ”

Another "grand"!

Is Ninji Okamura's account shocking?

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