
He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

He Tingying, born in May 1905 in Zheng, southwest Shaanxi, He Jiawan Village is a small mountain village surrounded by green bamboo, he was admitted to Hanzhong Lianli Middle School in 15 years, during which he organized progressive reading clubs and took the lead in writing vernacular compositions. He Tingying participated in the establishment of the student union, contacted the students of Nanzheng, and set off an anti-imperialist and patriotic student movement. He wrote a poem in the face of some pessimistic arguments about the loss of national integrity in the local area: "There are 40,000 more scattered sands, and the heat is only five minutes!" Is it not natural that China will not die? Midnight lingers like a burning heart. ”

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

After graduating from middle school, He Tingying was admitted to the Department of Mathematics of Shanghai Datong University, and at the same time began to accept the influence of revolutionary ideas, participated in the May Thirtieth Movement, and after joining the Communist Youth League, he resolutely transferred to the Department of Sociology of Shanghai University to study revolutionary theory. In a letter to zuo Ming, a classmate who dissuaded him from transferring schools, he wrote: "There is no cure for saving the country in the logarithmic table, and the slide rule cannot expel the jackals that run rampant." And attached poem: "The holy blood on Nanjing Road is Yin, and the hatred of a hundred years of invasion of China is deep." Go to hugh the dream of a scholar doctor, willing to be a new soldier of the revolution. In the winter of the same year, He Tingying joined the party.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

Later, He Tingying was sent by the organization to the Northern Expeditionary Army as a regimental instructor, participated in the Northern Expedition War, and later served as a party representative for cadres of the Wuhan Government Guard Regiment, under the leadership of regiment leader Lu Deming, He Tingying participated in the autumn harvest uprising on the border of Xianggan and Gansu, serving as a party representative of the first regiment and a company of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. He was appointed as a representative of the First Regiment Party. Since then, he has participated in the struggle to open up the Revolutionary Base Area of Jinggangshan.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

At the beginning of Shangjinggangshan, the troops consisted of ten different armed forces, some of which were old warlords who were not determined, and with the defeat of successive battles, the morale of the troops was low, and there were many deserters, but the first regiment of the first division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, of which He Tingying served as the party representative, did not even have a single deserter.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

To this end, He Tingying summed up: "We have many party members in the company and pay attention to the positive role of party members, so there are no deserters." Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the party organizations in the troops, give play to the role of the organizations, and truly make the party the core leader of the troops; at present, there are too few party branches in the troops to sink to the grass-roots level. ”

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

He Tingying's opinion attracted the attention of senior leaders and praised him for "you talked too well!" We should expand the party's grass-roots organizations, build branches at the company level, and major matters in the military should be decided by party branches. In my opinion, instructors at all levels should also change their names, directly call them party representatives, establish a party representative system, and the branch secretaries should be party representatives..."

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

At the end of September 1927, with the assistance and support of He Tingying, the famous "Three Bays Reorganization" was carried out, and since then, in the years of war-torn revolutionary war, the design and production marked the beginning of the party's independent leadership of the armed struggle and the guidance of the workers' and peasants' armed forces, which was of landmark significance.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

In April 1928, two red armed forces met at Jinggangshan to form the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, with four regiments under its jurisdiction, and He Tingying served as the party representative of the 31st Regiment, leading the troops to participate in the attack on Longyuankou and the siege of Yongxincheng. He was politically firm, brave in battle, and decisive in command, and became a famous military commander of our army and an outstanding cadre of the party during the Jinggangshan period.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

In the famous Battle for the Defense of the Huangyang Boundary, He Tingying and regimental commander Zhu Yunqing commanded less than one battalion of troops; with the cooperation of the masses of the people, they resisted by taking risks to crush the repeated attacks of the four regiments of the Xianggan Kuomintang Army, won the victory in the Battle for the Defense of the Huangyang Boundary, and preserved the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

On January 14, 1929, He Tingying left Jinggangshan with the main force of the Red Fourth Army, turned to gannan and western Fujian, opened up a new base area, and in the battle to attack dayu county town, the Gansu enemy Li Wenbin's brigade approached Dayu County, the Red Army blocked the enemy in the area of Jinlian Mountain and Dongshanling, and party representative He Tingying personally came to the front line to command, because the enemy preemptively occupied favorable terrain, the fierce battle failed to retreat for a day, and He Tingying was seriously wounded.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

At night, the Red Army withdrew from dayu County to the south via Nanxiong, and when the troops arrived at the camp in Nanxiong Wuxuan Town, the Nanxiong guerrillas reported that the enemy army was approaching, and the wounded He Tingying immediately moved with the stretcher team and the cooking class, and because it was dark and the road conditions were unfamiliar, they took the wrong mountain road, and unfortunately died in the enemy attack, at the age of 24.

He was one of the founders and important leaders of the Jinggangshan base area, but unfortunately died in the battlefield at the age of 24

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a monument was built at the sacrifice of He Tingying in Wuyi Town, Nanxiong, to commemorate this jinggang hero who died young and the hero of the People's Republic.

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