
China's battery research and development and then spread good news, 13 minutes of endurance of 600 kilometers, Japan is afraid to be red-eyed

Excessive carbon emissions have caused the earth's surface to continue to heat up, and the ecological environment under the greenhouse effect has undergone tremendous changes, and energy-saving vehicles such as electric vehicles have emerged. But not everyone can accept the use of electric vehicles, one of the main reasons is the endurance of electric vehicles, in the winter, the endurance of electric vehicles will be greatly shortened. Japan has always been known as the leader in automobile manufacturing, but after the further development of China's battery technology, Japan may not be able to reach it.

China's battery research and development and then spread good news, 13 minutes of endurance of 600 kilometers, Japan is afraid to be red-eyed

It turns out that China has successfully developed a fast charging technology for electric vehicle solid-state batteries, and the original mileage that needs to be charged for at least an hour can now be achieved in just 13 minutes. In the face of China's vigorous development in battery technology, Western countries have sighed: This time, Japanese auto giants want to catch up with it and fear that it will take a lot of effort. Experts said that fast charging technology with the new solid-state battery developed in China, China will create more amazing breakthroughs in the field of electric vehicles in the future.

China's battery research and development and then spread good news, 13 minutes of endurance of 600 kilometers, Japan is afraid to be red-eyed

It should be known that the current electric vehicles on the market are basically liquid lithium-ion batteries, and the energy density is limited. According to reports, China's current new solid-state battery has reached a maximum range of 1000 kilometers. Over the years, in order to achieve the predetermined target of carbon emission control, China has made a lot of efforts, of which energy vehicles have always been an important area of China's new energy development. With the continuous updating of domestic technology, China's automobile manufacturers have also begun to gradually compete with some auto giants to seize market share. For the majority of energy car owners, electric vehicles equipped with new fast charging technology can also meet the needs of high speed with peace of mind.

China's battery research and development and then spread good news, 13 minutes of endurance of 600 kilometers, Japan is afraid to be red-eyed

According to China News Network, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment introduced the cumulative transaction of China's carbon market emission quotas of 140 million tons. Experts said that now that climate issues have become a key issue of common concern to all countries around the world, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, more and more countries have begun to assume the responsibility and obligation of climate governance. As a country with a strong development momentum at present, China has undoubtedly borne great pressure, but China has always firmly followed the path of high-quality development of ecological priority and green and low carbon. It is believed that China's firm determination and pragmatic actions to deal with climate change will enable China to make greater progress in the construction of ecological civilization.

China's battery research and development and then spread good news, 13 minutes of endurance of 600 kilometers, Japan is afraid to be red-eyed

At the same time, experts also reminded that the United States, as the only superpower and the world's largest cumulative emitter of greenhouse gases, should pay more attention to this issue. The earth is the common home of all mankind, and the frequent extreme weather around the world in 2021 is issuing a disaster warning to mankind. If human beings do not pay attention to these challenges from nature, in the future, human beings will eventually have to pay for their own actions, and the protection of the earth's ecology requires the joint efforts of all countries in the world.

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